Monday, February 21, 2011

We love #4!

For those who do not know, I am pregnant. Here is a picture of #4. I am 23 weeks and due June 19th. We do not know the sex of the baby because they could not tell at my ultrasound. I believe it is a girl because she was being modest by keeping her legs crossed :) We will have another ultrasound at 32 weeks and will hopefully be able to find out at that point.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All of Christmas

I am obviously behind but I would like to post about Christmas. It is going to be a lot of pictures and a quick blog.

We somewhat decorated our house and somewhat decorated a tree because we were leaving for Utah on December 16th for the holiday season. I wanted it to feel like Christmas in our home but did not want much to clean up. So here is our tree.

We also had Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Bramhall before we left so we would not have to have so many gifts with us to bring back. Taylor was really excited he got a shark remote control truck and legos. Drew and Lana got a his and her tricycles. They love them but are a little too small to ride them at the moment, soon enough.

Then we took off. We left really early on the 16th and it was a decent flight with 3 young kids, 2 that are still sitting on our laps:) We were looking forward to 3 1/2 weeks in Utah. Dave was ready to ski and I was ready to see family.

Dave did a lot of skiing. The snow was really good and he had a lot of family and friends to ski with. Thanks to all those that so kindly gave out passes. As much as I complained to my husband that he got to have fun while I stayed and took care a kids, I am soooo happy he got to ski that much. He deserves it. He is a wonderful husband and father.

The kids loved being around cousins and Grandma and Grandpa (It was the first time the twins really got to know Grandma and Grandpa Draper). We got to see so many friends and family that I really enjoyed that long of a vacation. Thanks to all those that took time to see us and have parties at their homes and fly to Utah to spend a night with us. We love you all.

Christmas was great. We did small gifts for the kids, due to high costs with return luggage. My favorite memory about Taylor-he opened a gift from Santa, a Leapster, and he said it didn't like it and didn't want to play with it. Then he opened a gift from G&G Draper, a Leapster Lightning McQueen game, he turned to me and said now I want to play that thing. Drew-loved all the cars he got and would not leave them alone. Lana-loved her Etch-a-sketch and purse full of girly things. I loved my new boots from Dave and Dave got ski passes and money for new ski pants.

We had lots of snow to enjoy. We did some sledding, Taylor got to ski (he is getting good, he can ski by himself now), I got to ski, we all got to go bowling, enjoy lots of family parties, and so much more. It was a great vacation.