Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Honey!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband. He is such a fun, loving father and an amazing husband. I love watching him with our children and spending time with him. Thanks for all you do for us. We love you!!!

I tried to download a video of my crazy husband entertaining the guests from Utah but it didn't work. Here is a photo instead. He is riding on a toddler car down our very, very steep driveway. It was not the smartest thing to do but at least he had a helmet on, right! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Go Dave Go!

Dave did a triathlon on the 24th of July with his brother Mike. We were so excited to go watch and so excited to have Alison and the kids along.

This triathlon was in Trenton, NJ and it was HOT that day. We had to leave at 5:30am and when I went out to load the kids into the car I about died from breathing in the heat and humidity. It had to already be 85 degrees. The heat just continued to rise and it was so hot that the participants were not aloud to wear their wet suits because the water temperature was 86 degrees. Dave said it was not refreshing.

Besides the heat we had a really good time. We walked from place to place hoping to see Dave and Mike as many times as possible. After Dave finished we got some shaved iced to cool off.

Dave did really well as usual and placed 65th. This race had 1800 participants, it was HUGE! Mike did awesome for his first tri. He even finished under his goal time. Congrats boys. We can't wait to cheer you on at the next one.

Here is one more picture of my big eater. At 7:30am she was hoarding all the cheese puffs.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's growing!

Our sweet Lana gets called a boy anytime we go out into public. I try to put bows on and she is almost always in pink but people only notice that she has no hair and call her a boy. We have been waiting for her hair to show signs of any growth. It has finally happened. We are thinking that it might actually grown in. We can't wait to see what color it is going to be. Her hair from birth has been strawberry blonde but I think the new hair is just blonde. Here is the proof of a little length. I know it is not much but it more than she had.