Monday, September 28, 2009

A New Adventure

For all those who don't know, our family is embarking on a new adventure. Taylor is sporting the new adventure.

Yes we are moving to New York. Dave accepted a job in Tarrytown, New York beginning October 26. He will be working for Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. We are so sad to leave Utah because we are comfortable here and my family is here and some of Dave's family are here and our friends are here and we love the mountains and this is where are children were born, etc, etc, etc. But as we prayed and thought about the decision to move we both felt that nothing was holding us back and that it was the right move for us, especially for Dave's career. So, PEACE OUT to Utah and everyone here. We will do our best to keep in touch. We hope you will all do the same. The good thing is that my family is here and we will be back, hopefully at least once a year.

P.S. By the way we are selling a beautiful home in an incredible neighborhood, which has a pool included in the HOA. If you know anyone looking let us know :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Family!

Here are just a few pictures of our family over the past week. Taylor has really been into taking pictures with the camera so we have had it out. Don't you love the picture of me that Taylor took :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

St. George

We were lucky enough to be invited by the Broadbents to St. George for the weekend and we had so much fun. We got a little lost trying to find the Villa but eventually located it with the help of Dave (not my husband, Dave Broadbent). The place we stayed was amazing. It had a fun kids room with bunkbeds, a TV, game table, bean bags and more. We got to stay in the incredibly decorated master bedroom. Lets just say I wish I had that place!

The first night the kids were so excited we had a hard time getting them to all fall asleep but I can't blame them. The Williams were there with their 4 children and their kids just did not want to lay down. Once they were all asleep the adults just stayed up talking and catching up on each others lives.

Saturday we got up and had breakfast and then the men took off to go golfing. While the men were gone we packed all the kids in strollers and walked to a huge park. It was a little hot but Taylor loved it. Before the men left to go golfing us women gave them a really hard time about it so when they got back they let us leave the children and go out to lunch. That was a very relaxing and an enjoyable time. We went to 25 Main and the cupcakes were amazing! When we got back we watched the Cougars while some children took naps. My awesome brother-in-law recovered a fumble. Great job Shane! When everyone was awake we went to the pool across the street. Taylor loves the water and had so much fun jumping off the deck and swimming all by himself (of course he had floaties on). Then that night we had Cafe Rio for dinner and but the little kids down to sleep. For a little snack the older girls were going to make Cinnamon Rolls, let just say it didn't turn out. There was a little too much water and a whole lot of mess. It was a lot of laughs and some every interesting Breakfast Cinnamon Puffs :)
Sunday we took a trip to the St. George temple and the kids loved it. Then we enjoyed the St. George beauty by doing a little hiking. This was Taylors favorite part of the whole trip. He loves to hike even when it is 180 degrees! After that we headed home. Our trip home became and adventure of its own with the minivan breaking down at Holden. We were lucky enough to have the Broadbents behind us so they took me and the children home while Dave stayed to have the van towed to Sandy. Good Times!
Thanks to the Broadbents for the awesome trip. I really needed it after Dave had been gone for a week. Broadbents and Williams - it is always a good time with you guys!

BC for Dave!

As most of you know I was nice enough to let my husband take off and go Mt. Biking in British Columbia for 5 days. He had so much fun and I am happy to say that we survived at home without him. We really missed him though. I am posting his pictures but I don't know much about his trip so you will have to ask him. Ok, I know a little bit - he said the riding was amazing and he say 4 bears and a wolf, SCARY! Thanks to Fro and Kade for taking care of him.