Friday, May 30, 2008

Possum Kingdom we come!!!

We are leaving on a much needed vacation!!! Thank goodness!!!!! Austin is doing just what we thought he would. He was hardly walking earlier this week, and now he is walking almost all the time. He sure did pick it up fast!!! Well, I will have tons of pictures from our vacation when we get back. Vacation is such a fabulous thing!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A glimpse into our lives

Took this video today, just to show what a normal day is like.

Play Time

Oma and Opa came down to visit this past weekend. They bought a wagon for the boys, and they loved it. So, we decided to go to the zoo on Saturday to test it out. Will had to work and get ready for a dinner that his work was hosting that night. That night we went to Will's dinner and had a great time. Now we are getting ready to go to the lake in a week with Will's family and my parents. It is going to be a fabulous time- we always have such a blast together. I'll be adding tons of pictures when we get back. Well, here's some pictures of this past weekend.

Oma and Tyler

Mommy and Austin

Tyler kept looking at me in the front seat and making the cheesiest grins. It was hysterical.

Austin chillin in Opa's hat and eating his watch

This is almost all of the Bramblett clan from Easter. Will's other brother, Matt and his family, couldn't make it.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Another video

I hope no one is offended by this video. But it's so funny coming from a little boy!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Video clip

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lots of pictures

Here are the pictures that I promised. Enjoy!!


Opa helping Tyler sweep

The boys in the bluebonnets. It was hard to get a good picture because it was so bright.

Love this picture of Tyler!! Austin didn't like sitting in the grass, but Tyler didn't seem to mind.

Mommy and her boys
Oma and Opa with the boys.

Austin with his push toy


Here are some pictures from Easter that I've been meaning to add.

Will's brother, Boggy, with our niece, Emily, and nephew, Jake

With their cousin, Emily

Tyler and Uncle Eddie

Easter egg hunt
I'm awaiting the picture of all of us, so I'll add that one later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

What a blessing to be the mother of these two amazing boys. It is an honor. I started the day by sleeping in and then all three of my boys brought me breakfast in bed. We went out to eat and ran errands and then Will cooked up a fabulous dinner. And then I got a massage before the day was done!! Will is the best husband and father and he made it a day I will never forget. I am so blessed to have this wonderful family. Will, thank you for such a wonderful day. You are such an amazing man and I am proud to have you as a husband and father to our amazing boys. Thank you!! I LOVE YOU MORE!!!

Tyler is walking everywhere now and is my little monkey. I have gates at the tops of my stairs and the other day he was climbing up one of them. They can crawl up the stairs and crawl down them but they haven't learned to turn around and go down them. They still try to go them head first! So we have to turn them around before they go down- thus the gates. We'll have to keep working with them to get them to turn around and then I can take down the gates!! Austin has monkey arms!! He can reach anything- things that you would think would be out of reach!!! He is standing on his own now and he took a step the other day, so he'll be walking before we know it too!! Well, take care everyone. To all the mothers out there- I hope you had a fabulous day. I'll post new pictures this week.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back home

Well, we are back at home. We had a wonderful time. Will ended up having to stay here and work, but we still had fun. We got pictures of the boys in the bluebonnets- what few there were and lots of other pictures of them playing. Opa had gone toy shopping and had lots of fun toys for the boys to play with. We have little walk behind toys from Granddady and Minghy that the boys love. My dad had bought one too and the boys had a blast with those. Austin had yet to walk behind it and push, but he finally did this weekend. Tyler walkes more and more and he is close to doing it all the time. He is also my little monkey- this child is fearless. He climbed up on Will's recliner by himself today. It's official- nothing is safe!!!

While in Abilene we played a lot outside- the boys favorite thing to do!! The weather was nice and warm and I even got to see a thunderstorm. For those of you who don't know, we live in the desert, so rain is very scarce and I LOVE it when it rains and storms. I even got to play golf with my dad while my mom watched the boys. I haven't played since September and didn't do too bad. My dad bought me a new driver so I was trying it out!

The boys are 13 months old now. Time is slipping through my fingers. Everyday I look at them and realize how much they are growing up and you can tell that they are becoming more independent and such big boys. They drink from a regular cup now- even at night. They were still waking up during the night for a bottle. I'm hoping that now they will sleep better now that they aren't getting it. Mommy is ready for some sleep!!! Well, here are a few pictures. I haven't downloaded all of them so I'll add more later. Love to all!!!

In my parents backyard. The boys loved being pulled in this wagon, so I think we will be buying a wagon for the boys.

The boys love to play in the back of our suburban and watch Will and me. On this day we were cleaning out the garage.