That said, we had a wonderful first fall together without coaching. Mykah played tons of soccer and scored her first goals, one was a penalty kick and one was just plain awesomeness! She struggled playing offense because our little princess HATES to run. However, the penalty kick that she made gave her the "I wanna do that against competitors" bug and she started playing offense more. Here's an illustration of how God was helping us through our football-less fall~ On the day of Tiffin University's first home game, Mykah was supposed to be playing across town. Instead, the soccer game got moved to a field one block away from TU's game and we could hear the entire game. (Insert a very quiet Joe and a tearful me here) As in all of God's perfect timing, however, this was the game that Mykah scored her first "real" goal. Had it not been this particular fall, Joe would likely have missed Mykah's first goal, and all of her other soccer games this year. How beautiful is that?! We were there, together as a complete family, celebrating a soccer goal. It didn't erase the pain we were feeling, but it sure helped it feel less significant.
Another blessing because Joe is home in the evenings is that I have been able to be a small group leader for the youth group at our church. My small group is high school girls and they have no idea how much they are teaching me and helping me grow. The other leaders and the youth minister are simply amazing and I am so happy to be a small part of this important ministry. Mykah goes to youth group, as well, so it's fun to be there together, but from a distance, so I can both share in her memories that are being created, and give her the space she needs to develop her own relationships, with other followers of Christ and with God. It has been so difficult to give up Wednesday nights because of family time and homework, but so easy because it feels like I belong with these amazing kids. There is nothing like watching a group of middle- and high-school students sing in worship to God. I love what's happening to me when I'm with those girls in our small group. If I teach them one ounce of what they've already taught me, I will have done well.
Joe is crazy busy with both jobs! In case you don't know, he works full-time in the Registration office at TU and he is a fitness instructor at the YMCA, where he teaches a kids' fitness class and a beginning cycling class (spinning). He works at the Y in the evenings after TU, Monday through Thursday, and is simultaneously kicking ass in grad school at TU. He will finish in August 2012, so he is beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We often wonder what we'll do with our nights when we both don't have homework! We can't even imagine next fall when we don't have football OR school- Whatever will we do?!
Speaking of school, Mykah is on the Tiffin Middle School honor roll, and presented me with my first window cling announcing this! I have truly accomplished soccer mom status with an honor roll window cling on the minivan! All I need are those little stick people on my back window ;) I am also blessed in the school department. I have just completed 60 credits in 17 months, and am on track to finish 3 months ahead of schedule due to an amazing opportunity that both Joe & I get to be part of in downtown Tiffin. With some creativity on the part of some wonderful TU faculty, I have a very busy January - April, but then I am DONE with my undergrad and I graduate with a Bachelor's in Business Administration in May!! WOOT-WOOT!!!!!!!
Our most incredible blessing this fall has actually been this winter and our Christmas-time. Our last two Christmases have been awful. We found out, each time just days before Christmas, that Joe was out of a job. Nothing quite like unemployment and uncertain futures to put a kink in holiday cheer. As a result, we did the best we could to make sure our kids had a great Christmas morning, but there was a gray cloud over our holiday season in general. So this year, we chose to celebrate the holiday season every way we could think of. Joe & I went Black Friday shopping, put Christmas lights on our house, and decorated inside and out like we haven't in a while. Max calls our house the Christmas house and the candy cane-lined sidewalk out front has been dubbed the candy cane forest. We have the lights on a remote control that Max practically hides from everyone so he can turn everything on, and an advent calendar to help him figure out why he can't dive in and start opening presents just yet. It's not much, but our kids love it and that's what matters most! We have gone to holiday parties for the first time since Joe isn't recruiting, or somber and wondering how he's going to provide for us. Last weekend, we made several new Tiffin memories. We went to see Santa and two live reindeer here in Tiffin and the boys sat on Santa's lap after an hour and a half in line with NO TEARS! (Of course, Max had to ask for something that Santa hadn't gotten him, so that had to be remedied) Then we drove to the Toledo Zoo to see the animals that have good winter coats or winterized accommodations and the Lights Before Christmas. This was a magical night-I don't know what it is about thousands of Christmas lights that fills me with awe, but it does! It was freezing outside, but well worth the trip.
Then Sunday was the kids' Christmas program at church...You know how there's always that one kid that refuses to participate? I was fully expecting it to be Max since Josh is such a social butterfly (like his sister). However, Joshie Bear's latest obsession is stuffed animals. On this particular day, he was toting around a stuffed baby chick. When that was taken from him, he was done. He had already refused to wear the shepherd's costume that I so cleverly fashioned out of a pack & play sheet and some rope (I couldn't find a small enough robe anywhere since he is still a little peanut), and would not go up on stage. That is until the program was almost done, when he ran up the aisle of the church calling for Max. Max was adorable, of course, and even though he fell off the platform right before his line (He's holding the star, is in all black, and gets his coordination from Joe) he recovered nicely and delivered it flawlessly! Since he and Josh had practiced their lines together for weeks, I almost expected Josh to yell his line, "hope," right after Max said his line, which was "S is for the star that shone so very bright" but he was too busy trying to figure out how to get up to Max! My apologies to the Cole family, who I barreled over a couple of times in my pursuit of Josh!
So this year, we have cherished our Christmas season, and it's not over yet! It was good for our hearts and our sanity to know (or at least be fairly certain) that no one would come to Joe 3 days before Christmas and tell him he was out of a job. That said, I have particularly enjoyed watching my beautiful husband blossom in his identity outside of coaching. Whether it's at TU, the Y, or at church, Joe is finally being seen for the wonderful and inspiring man of God that he is. There is no stigma attached to him and he is thriving with the realization that he is more than just football, and that he has so much to offer Tiffin, Tiffin University, or any other place we land for a time. Finally, the outside world is seeing in Joe what I see and thank God for every day of our incredibly blessed lives. During this, the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as the miraculous beginning of His earthly life. At our home, however, we remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is the miraculous beginning of our lives and our salvation. So while our Christmas wreaths and nativity scenes have replaced our normal decorations, our crosses remain... reminding us of the true meaning of our lives while we celebrate the birth of Jesus. If you are reading this, we are praying for you. Since my blog is aimed at our family and friends, you are ALL in our prayers and our hearts always, even across the miles that may separate us. God bless you, for He has certainly blessed us, and continues to do so every moment of our lives.