Saturday, April 17, 2010

oh brother...

I took the kids to the library yesterday. I didn't realize that on Fridays they close at 5pm. We got there at 4:55. So I told the kids that if they wanted a book they'd have to hurry and pick one quickly. Eli came back with a book that I thought was about astronauts. I just briefly looked at the cover. I didn't even read the title. Here's what he grabbed.

Great mom I am, huh?

Friday, April 9, 2010

chicken isaac and rice

Isaac loves to get the mini dry erase board that we write our dinners on down from the fridge and "write" dinners on them for us.
This is the conversation that he and Danny had:

Isaac: Dad, what do you want for dinner?

Danny: Hmmm...Isaac-flavored pizza.

Isaac: Sorry dad, we don't have that.

Danny: Okay, chicken Isaac and rice!

Isaac: Yuck!

Danny: Well, I know what I want for dessert--Isaac cream!

Isaac: Actually dad, it's ice cream.

Danny: Ewww, I don't want ice cream, I want Isaac cream.

Isaac: (A bit frustrated by this point) Well dad, you have to make a decision with none people in it!!

i ♥ static electricity!

lego creations!

Eli spends most of his day (when he's not at school) building what he calls "lego creations". Everything he builds is given a name -- like Republic Attack Space Cruiser, Droid Battle Speeder, etc. He can be pretty creative considering he doesn't look at anything for reference. He just builds, and builds, and builds....

This is the Statue of Liberty. :o)

Now if we could just keep Isaac away from them. Isaac doesn't like to build so much...he loves to destroy!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

first cereal

We gave Olivia baby cereal for the first time. It's no surprise that she loved it! This little girl loves to eat! And she almost always falls asleep after eating it. Of course, even the cereal doesn't keep her asleep for too long. Livvy doesn't want to miss a thing!

(I had to hold the camera with my right hand to take pictures while I fed her with my left. Feeding a baby left-handed and taking pictures at the same time is no easy task!)

chubby baby olivia

I know she'll probably hate me for it later, but I had to document this cute chubbiness. :o)

Are you seeing these dimples??