Wednesday, June 25, 2008

daddy-daughter night out!

I've been meaning to post these pictures for awhile now I just kept forgetting. Shailey and Danny were invited to a daddy-daughter night out to see a Dodgers game with McKay, Anna and Carly. It was so cool of them to invite Shailey and Danny and it was a great opportunity for Danny to spend time with Shailey. They had tons of fun! :o)

girls only

Shailey had Anna and Carly over for a playdate yesterday. Rachel, I hope you don't mind me posting this picture of the three of them in their dress-up clothes but they are just too cute!
Now I need to have a playdate for Eli and his buddies. He wasn't too keen on dressing up in the princess clothes and going to the ball (thank goodness!) but I think he felt a little left out. It's your turn next time, Eli! I promise! :o)

the fruits (or vegetables) of our labor

We were finally able to enjoy the first batch of green beans from our garden. Having never planted ANYTHING before we weren't really sure when we were supposed to pick them. We may have waited a bit too long. Oh, well. They were still good sautéed in garlic and butter. Yummy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

i hope they call me on a mission!

My little sister, Kara, received her mission call! She'll be serving in the Texas Houston East mission-Spanish speaking! :o) We're so excited for her! You can see the video my mom made of her opening her mission call here. She reports to the MTC on August 27th so she'll get the chance to come and visit us before she leaves! We're so excited for you Kara! :o) We love you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

haircut and birthday party

Isaac had his birthday party the other day. He loved all the attention. :o) Here are just a few pictures of him.

Here's a video of everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to Isaac. I love how he tries to blow out the candles.

To finish off the post here's a picture of my latest haircut. I love it! It's not the best picture but you can only do so well when you're taking a picture of yourself. And it's not styled as nicely as it was when it was first cut a couple of days ago. Oh, well. You get the idea.

Monday, June 16, 2008

the mom song

Okay, I don't know if any of you have seen this but Danny and I thought it was pretty funny. :o)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy father's day!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there, especially my own fathers and my husband. Hope your day was great and know that you are loved! :o)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

isaac's birthday

Well, little Isaac is now 2! His birthday was on Monday and I can't believe how much he's grown in the last two years. I still remember how small he used to be...

And I remember his 1st birthday like it happened yesterday...

And now he's 2! Time sure does fly. :o)

We took Isaac to Disneyland for his birthday. We tried to do things he wanted to do. Most of the time he was just happy to do whatever, which is good since you can only do "rocket" and "train" rides so many times. :o)

Probably the highlight of the day for Isaac (and Shailey and Eli!) was getting to see the "Playhouse Disney Live on Stage" show. It was the first time we had taken them to see it. Let me just say that if your kids are in love with Playhouse Disney, they will love this show. The kids got to see the characters from The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Little Einsteins and My Friends Tigger and Pooh. It was very cute and very interactive. Here's a little clip with the kids dancing during the show. (And yes, Isaac totally fell into that lady in front of him. What are ya gonna do? The kid loves to dance!)

We're going to have a little family party for him this weekend with cake and presents. But I think his birthday turned out to be a fun one. :o) Happy Birthday Isaac!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

make-up bags and two-year olds

I regularly leave my make-up bag out on the counter in the bathroom. It's not that I'm too lazy to put it away...well, maybe I am...but I use it so often that I don't see why I should put it away everyday. Anyway, Isaac has recently found it fun to go exploring in my make-up bag while I'm not around. I had been suspecting someone for awhile because make-up was put back into different pockets and pouches. I naturally assumed it was Shailey. Well last night I caught him in the act. He looked like this.
We thinks he's trying to fit into Panic at the Disco. What do you think?

I personlly think he's just too cute for the band. And I know he doesn't understand yet that make-up is for girls (we'll just ignore the fact that those guys up there are wearing make-up). I personally think it's cute that he wants to do what mommy does. I know it's because he loves me. :o) And don't worry. He's definitely all boy. He spent most of the day jumping off the couch with his cars while screaming "Wheeeeeeee!".