Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Cousins Meet

As some of you may know, my sister-in-law and I were pregnant at the same time, both with our first child. It was fun to be able to compare, rejoice, and complain with each other throughout pregnancy. : ) Well, it turns out we both had boys, and they were born exactly 2 weeks apart (her first). So, two weeks ago, the cousins (Simon and Will) met for the first time.

As a side note---we were without computer for a couple weeks, and are now back in business, so I will continue to update the blog. Will is doing well, chunking up and being such a sweet, good, loving, cuddly baby (of course!). : ) We are enjoying every second of parenthood, cherishing every moment with our baby boy.

This one almost looks choreographed, as they look like they are moving in unison. Simon had been asleep for a while, so wasn't bothered by all the hubbub.

I love this one--it looks like they are holding hands. Sweet. My theory is that Will was trying to wake Simon so that they could find out how to get out of that crib, as he was not too happy about this photo shoot. It will be fun to watch these two cuties grow up together. What memories will be made! : )

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quick Update

Our internet has been sketchy lately, and I've been a bit busy. : ) But, Will had his 2-week appointment last week and he is doing great! He is showing all the normal signs for a newborn his age, and gained a whole pound OVER his birth weight! So, I guess he's a good eater. : ) He weighed 8lbs 3oz, and his birth weight was 7lbs 3oz. Also, he is starting to have multiple wake times during the day, which makes him sleep more at night! YIPPEE! We are going home for a family visit this next week, so will post more pictures soon. For now, here is a peaceful sleeping baby.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Our First Million Dollars

My good friend Jenny told me once that she and her husband adopted a philosophy they heard of treating each of their children as if they were a million dollars (though of course they and we know children are priceless). The philosophy is that if you had a million dollars in a suitcase, NEVER would you let anyone else take it or let it out of your site for a minute, but you would be in constant watch over it and protect it. Children are a priceless blessing from the Lord, so how much more should we cherish and love and protect them than we would a million dollars in a suitcase. So, I have carried this philosophy with me, and am happy to share a few pictures of our first "million dollars".
Baby William Carl (Will) arrived at 7:49 PM Sunday, August 23rd, and has been a constant joy and blessing ever since. He was 7lbs 3 oz and was 21in long. We are loving and enjoying him every second, constantly in awe of God's biggest miracle in such a little package. What inexplicable joy a child brings. We praise and thank the Lord!
P.S. Sorry the pictures took so long--we were without computer and internet for a bit. Please forgive me for the delay.

Brand new baby boy.

New Grandma comforting her grandson.

1 Week old!

Father-son time. : )

Full-body shot. :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carl's Latest Race

Well, as some of you may recall, last year Carl and I ran a half-marathon, then Carl ran a full marathon, and since then has been running races with the Memphis Runners Club (around 2 a month). He has been doing great, and did fantastic in his latest race, which was a 5-mile race this last Sunday morning (they are always plenty early, so don't interfere with church). He received 14th place out of 69 and ran the race in 36 minutes and 51 seconds, that's around 7 min 22 s a mile!!! GREAT job Carl!

Below are a few uncensored pics of the race.

Quite a few runners showed.

A little past the 4 mile point.

Coming in at the finish (squinting because of sun, not immense pain : ) ).

Saturday, August 1, 2009


According to my OB, all signs point to our little boy being born prior to his estimated due date (August 24). I have been having contractions, but they are pre-labor (aka: Braxton-Hicks), though some do cause a little bit of pain, but not the final labor yet, my body is doing work in preparation. I have made progress toward labor (without getting into the details), and our baby is measuring big enough and far enough along to be born safely, so we shall see! Who knows when the Lord has his birthday planned? We are anxiously waiting, without trying to concentrate on it too much, in order to keep our sanity. :) Will keep you posted!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My First Solo Cut

Carl was proud of this achievement, as was I, so he suggested I post a blog about it. So, here it is. : ) Carl has not regularly paid for a haircut in years, and recently, I have been learning to take over this job. Little by little with each haircut, I help a little more. Well, this time I did it all on my own! So, here is a picture of my first solo cut, a "high and tight" we like to call it in the military (or as close as I can get to one). : ) Before this, his hair was buzzed all around, the same length as the hair on top of his head, so I had to clip and fade the sides and back up. Now hopefully I will retain these skills and confidence for future cuts! : )

Friday, July 24, 2009

Me Currently

I was asked recently when I was going to post another photo of myself, so here is a recent picture of the current shape that I am--round! : ) I weigh more than I ever have, as is to be expected, and the baby is growing well. I am doing well, though feeling a bit cramped, and he is as active as ever, though I expect that to slow down anytime soon as he runs out of room.

Something we thought was funny---my tummy provides a great holder for our Frisbee. : )