Sunday, February 7, 2010

Choose the Right!

A couple Sunday's ago Tanner recieved his very 1st CTR ring in Primary. He was so excited and didn't want to take it off. He claims it gives him special powers! Besides the super powers he knows what the ring signifies and says it, "Helps to remind me to be good." I remember when I got my first one so I thought I'd document his!

The zoo in January

We hadn't been to the zoo in a couple months and the weather wasn't AS BAD so us and the Ever's spent a couple hours at a few of the indoor displays. The kids loved it. I need to start heading there again more often!

Who had the camera?

I found these pictures along with at least 35 other RANDOM pictures on my camera that I didn't take.... I wonder who could have taken them??? Hummmm? What do you think?

Fun in January

Andrew had Oreo's the night before and had left the package out on the table. Benson had gone downstairs and was being very quiet. When I went down to see what he was doing, this is how I found him... one HAPPY boy!
You know you live in a place that getting WAY to much snow when it is deeper than your child.

Having fun inside on one of the millionth snow days.
This was actually Benson's first time finger painting (although he is not doing it in the picture.)
Tanner and his underwear!
He was so excited the other day after I had washed them all he lined them all up and just sat and stared at them forever. EVERY single night (yes I mean every) night Tanner asks me if he can change his underwear in the morning and which one's do I think he should wear. Even though he usually makes the final decision.
Tanner loves picking up Benson and Benson doesn't mind it either. It's fun to watch them.

Benson wanted to go outside while dad was grilling. The closest coat around was Tanner's, I thought he looked so funny in it. I got a good video of him running in it but my computer never seems to let me upload them on here.

Andrew and I have wanted some steak on the grill for months but it has been so snowy. Andrew didn't care anymore though and tried getting the grill out. But it was frozen in the ground. Nothing a little HOT water wouldn't fix. He got the grill out and we had a DELICIOUS steak dinner.

Driving home!

Benson is not one for watching TV or movies... but if you put in AristoCats he is in heaven. He loves that movie and could watch it over and over.

Hard times with having to share our ONE Tag pen.

Papa's house

This is the only picture I have of the boys at my parents. But they spent ALL of their time outside. They couldn't get enough of the tropical weather. Tanner went and got play knifes out of the playhouse and they were cutting the snow. The fun you can have as a kid!

Time spent with family

We were able to stay in Panaca for almost a week and spent most of the time bouncing back and forth between the grandparents houses. But we headed down to Caliente one day to see my sister's new house and all their wide open space... and animals.
Benson wasn't so sure about the animals though. Tanner liked the dog as long as it kept it's distance. I think it's kind of sad my kids are so nervous about "loose" animals. Out here in Omaha the dogs have to be kept on a leash or the animals are behind glass at the zoo.
They are hard to see but Tanner, Andrew, and cousin Colby are way up on the side of the mountain. Tanner thought climbing up a MOUNTAIN was pretty cool. Especially since we never see any in Omaha. That was actually one of the first things Tanner said when we were driving out here. "Look Mom and Dad.... MOUNTAINS!!!"

Benson stayed down with me and Bryson and had fun jumping on the tramp.

The funeral

Andrew's brothers and cousins

I don't know why this picture turned out so bright. But this is Andrew putting his boutonniere on the casket.

Aaron, Jeffery, Andrew, Nathan, and Jared

"Bye Grandma... We love you!!"

Grandma Martha was buried out in Eagle Valley next to her husband Nelson in the Hollinger cemetery.

Grandma and pa Bleak's house

Tanner and Benson had a lot of fun with cousins they don't get to see very often.

Benson was made to be a country boy... he always wanted to be outside.

New Year's Day

After deciding what we should do and who we should send out for grandma's funeral- flying the family out was out of the question. The cheapest one-way flight was $360. So we thought we could just fly Andrew out and me and the boys stay home. Andrew didn't want to go out alone and talked me into driving out (something I said I would NEVER do again). So we hurry and packed our bags and left at about 2 pm. We drove until midnight and stayed at a hotel in Colorado about an hour past Denver. The next day we got up to start our trek again. We hit a little snow storm that didn't even last an hour out of our days drive. So we were very lucky! The trip wasn't AS BAD as last time. The kids did much better but it still is just a WAY TO LONG drive. We will probably do it a couple more times while we are out here since Benson is going to be turning two and then we'd have to pay for 4 plane tickets. But flying is so much better.
It was good to see family and have a HOMEMADE (not fast food) meal after two days on the road.

Martha Hollinger Bleak

December 23, 1911- December 31, 2009
We all loved Grandma Martha so much.
Some of my favorite memories of her are passing out Christmas cards to all the grand kids saying, "Ho Ho Ho". Eating her delicious lemon meringue pie. Listening to all of the wonderful stories she had to share. The story of the orange she got to see and eat just once a year at Christmas that her dad bought her and all the other kids in the small town of Eagle Valley. Almost like the children's book sold at Deseret Book (BUT BETTER). One of her and all her friends breaking down between Eagle Valley and Pioche and her trying to walk to town in pantie hoes and heels and thinking she was going to get in so much trouble. Having her visit our little family in the hospital after Tanner was born and holding him- Four generation difference.
I have many more stories and Andrew would have even MORE stories to share about our lovely Grandma Martha. But those of you that know her will already know a lot of them and know what a wonderful women she was. We miss you grandma!!

New Year's Eve

Aaron and Kjersta

At about nine o'clock on New Year's Eve we decided to not be such party poopers and hung out with three other couples to bring in the "new year". We ate (or I made Aaron eat) a ton of little smokies and other appetizers. Then spent the rest of the three hours Wii-ing it up. At about 11:30 two of the couples headed home so it was just as and the Smith's. At around 11:45 Andrew's dad called and said that Grandma Martha had passed away. Making the night not quite so fun but we knew it was a good thing for Grandma. She turned 98 on the 23rd of December. So it was time for her to go, although I would have loved to see her stick around forever. But now she is reunited with her husband and our loving Heavenly Father. We will still miss you Grandma Martha.