Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Working hard!

Grandpa put Tanner straight to work when he got there. He ran the wood cutter machine while Andrew and grandpa went back and forth for more wood. Tanner even helped carry the smaller pieces over to the wood pile. He would have loved to do that all day if he could.

Taking a ride with grandpa. He couldn't wait to go 4-wheeling. But after coming back about 15 minutes later I knew something must be wrong. Tanner walked in with a frown and said, "It's too cold!"
While Tanner played outside, Benson enjoyed the warmth of the indoors.

Back to Vegas

Benson and Kenny
The Mommy's
My cousin Capri and me
Cousin Nicole, me, and sisters Camille and Amber acting out the old times.
In the early nineties there was a concert with tons of celebrities to raise money to find a cure for aids called "For Our Children" which they then made into a VHS that my aunt bought. We watched that movie at LEAST 5 times a day everyday memorizing the songs we liked and fast forwarding the ones we didn't. But the Mickey Mouse club was our favorite and we all had a part. Over ten years later we still know all the songs and actions by heart!
The day after Christmas my family went to Vegas to have a little dinner party with my dad's side of the family. It was fun to see cousins I haven't been able to see and missed the one's that couldn't make it. We also got to spend some more time with my grandparents and enjoyed chatting it up!


All Tanner wanted for Christmas was a Hulk! When he walked out Christmas morning and saw one he picked it up and said, "Look Santa gave me a Hulk! De de de de deeee" then he found a Santa Pez in his stocking and said again, "A Santa Pez! De de de de deeee" as he would shake his hips and do a little dance! Andrew and I couldn't have asked for a better reaction!
Cousins Colby and Bailey in the back with their Christmas presents!

Grandpa entertaining the grand kids!

Andrew with Benson in his "SPOT". He sat here at least 2 hours total everyday. He is addicted to the HEAT!
Cousin and friend Bert with Andrew! It's always great to see Bert and catch up since we never get to see him very much. Thanks for coming to visit us!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve day Tanner's cousins came and picked us up to go on a "sleigh ride". Everyone had a blast. Benson even came and we all tried to stay warm while singing carols around the town. Andrew was with my dad, and brother-in-law playing racquetball and missed the ride. But I think he had fun with them.

Every year our home town has a Christmas Eve program which I LOVED as a kid. You have to sing as loud as you can so Santa will find the way to the church where we all are, then you here the thunder of hoof prints on the roof then Santa comes to visit. Great fun!!! Tanner is looking a little tired, it most have been a slow part in the program.
Andrew anticipating Santa's arrival.
Busting out the Macarana dance! (or however you spell it)
My parents exchange student Ase, me, niece Chelsey, and sister-in-laws Kodi and Judy.

Getting crazy!
Colby, grandpa, Tanner, and Jonathan

Is it bed time yet?

Singing loud for all to hear!
Bunch of the cousins in the crowd!

Tanner going through the bag of candy Santa gave him and wondering, "Why did Santa give me squirrel food?" (There was peanuts in the shells in the bag and he watches the Chip and Dayle Donald Duck cartoons). Andrew and I thought it was too funny!
Benson and aunt Amber
Last year we had the kids act out the nativity scene, but this year the night flew by and soon it was time for bed. My parents took the kids for a quick pop-up story of "The Night Before Christmas". Tanner loved it, Benson fell asleep, and Andrew and I relaxed with our arms free!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grandma Martha's 97th Birthday bash!

Blowing out the candles... no there was not 97!
Grandma giving Tanner an orange after she told her wonderful orange story.
I can't compare to how she tells it, but for a short version so you know what I am talking about...
Her dad would buy a box of oranges every year at Christmas and give one to each of his children and also the the children around the small town. It was the only time the entire year they got to see an orange let alone get to enjoy the wonderful taste.
I love listening to her tell the story and every time I see an orange it makes me think of her.
And so now each year at Christmas she gives one to all her many grand and great grandchildren.
Grandma and Benson

First night in Vegas

People go to Vegas to party.... or pray!
Tanner, and cousins Noah and Carlaya lined up to say their bedtime prayers. It was to cute not to hurry and go get the camera.
Tanner grabbed the camera and snapped a shot of my sister Camille and me.

For the Christmas vacation we were able to go to Nevada for a couple weeks to be with family. Tanner loved getting to spend time with all his cousins. This was the first night we were there!

Early December

Benson had his first play date with someone HIS AGE. They pretty much did there own thing but did make some cute faces back and forth and tried grabbing each other.
Benson and Amelia G.

You have to love these boys!

It's getting chilly out here!

Tanner's fort has slowly dwindled down to twigs. So until the leaves come back, I think he's done playing in it.

Tanner- "Love you Benson"

Tanner and his friend Jackson made this "Tower". I said it was a cool dragon and they corrected me that is was indeed a TOWER!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So behind!

It's been a month now since I posted! So be looking out in the next few days for a ton of posts as a try to catch up with all my new pictures!
I've had a great holiday break and I hope you all have as well!!!