Thursday, October 23, 2008

Getting behind in posting

So I have many new pictures to post, but have had a hard time finding TIME to do it. So check back in the next couple of days... and HOPEFULLY I will be all caught up!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Having fun at home!

Benson is still a little too small for this, but now he enjoys it and will be content long enough for me to get some stuff done around the house.
Tanner has found a little hiding place fort on the side of our house and loves going back there to play, look for bugs (Yuck), and just hide. I remember loving places like this when I was little. You will not find me back there with him now... anywhere a spider might live, I will not go!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

4 months old and putting on the weight!

Benson is 4 months old!
On the 6th I took him in for his check up and he is 13 lbs. putting him in the 29%, and his height is in the 7%. But for preemie he is about 50% so we think he is doing good.
Except the morning of the doctor visit and seconds after taking this picture of Tanner brushing Benson's hair, Benson threw up all over the chair, himself, and Tanner making Tanner scream. I set Benson down to get a towel to clean up and he did it again all over the changing table. And then while I was trying to get Tanner dressed Benson threw up again. I was so glad to be going to the doctor in an hour. But all they told me was to keep nursing. Luckily everything has been staying down since.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Who knew overalls were so cool?!

I put Benson in some overalls and Tanner instantly said, "I want some of those." I've had a pair that he has never wanted to wear, but I got them out and put them on him. Buttons up the crotch, way to short, and everything. But he wore them all day and never complained. We even went out on the playground to play popping open every button but the bottom two. It looked so funny.
I tried to get a picture with them together but Benson started crying. So then Tanner didn't want to hold me... he is trying very hard to smile!
Here's a better smile from Tanner, but still very frustrated!
Tanner at age 1. The only overalls I could ever get him in!

Boys will be boys

Tanner has chosen to be a cowboy for Halloween and therefor acts like one every day. I leaned over the bed to get on the computer and Tanner found it as the perfect opportunity to make me into a horse.
Tanner threw a towel over his head and thought it was so funny and told me he was a witch!
"Don't mess with me."
Enjoying tummy time
"That face was so funny mom!"
"Are you serious about that one?"
Benson being content without being in mom's arms and Tanner showing off some HUGE muscles.

Benson's first BIG bath!

On September 20th I put Benson in the big tub with Tanner. Benson was very relaxed and Tanner loved it. He was so excited to have Benson with him. The only problem was he wanted to dump water over Benson's head like he does to himself.

Another day fishing

Andrew takes Tanner fishing a lot. This trip they decided to go to a new place and didn't even get a bite. But Tanner didn't care. I think he just enjoys his daddy's company!

A day in the Gardens for the boys and me!

We walked to the gardens a couple weeks ago because I have never been. What I had planned on being a quick walk and back turned into a 2 1/2 hour adventure. Tanner just wanted to play and look around. I didn't get any pictures of Benson because he was strapped to me.

Tanner loves these trains and did not want to leave. I think they have 7 going.

Tanner saying he's driving a HUGE boat!
Tanner is peeking through on the top!