Thursday, August 28, 2008


Seriously who is looking from Texas? If you are a friend let me know, if you're a curious person let me know, either way please let me know!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just curious!?!

So I was wondering who is looking from Bedford Texas? And Andrew, because that was part or near his mission! If you could leave me a comment or e-mail me at I would be happy to solve the mystery! THANKS!

Tanner + Guns, Benson + Full Belly= Happy Boys!

I tried to avoid Tanner having anything to do with guns, buuuuut it didn't work. I gave in and this is the child I get when it's time to go to bed... and a lot of other times too!

Benson happy as can be with a full belly and momma making crazy sounds and faces at him!

Zoo and the museum all in a days work!

We were finally able to go and see the new Butterfly exhibit at the zoo. The butterflies were truly amazing. I have never seen any so big and bright, of course I couldn't get a picture of any of them. The green one I got flying, but it would not land for me.
After the zoo we didn't feel like going home yet so we went over the the Children's Museum so Tanner could show Daddy the dinosaurs.
This display was Tanner's favorite. He kept on saying, "Look at the blood mom! Aargh!" And start chopping like the dino's eating the other one were. (Makes me wonder if I should be worried?) Here are some of the other displays.

This guy put on a bubble show for the kids and Tanner thought it was the coolest thing. I tried to get Tanner making one of his "so excited faces" but I don't think this one does him justice! It looks more like, "Is he sure about doing that?"

In the art section of the museum Tanner found what he calls "Batman glasses". He thought they were fine the way they were and didn't need to decorate them up. Mom and Dad didn't realize that a 2 cent piece of paper could bring so much excitement and hours of play. Luckily I grabbed another one just in case he ripped it. He did that night so I laminated the second one with tape!

1st day of school

Andrew's school started last week and I don't have any kids in school yet to take their 1st day of school pictures. So I take Andrew's! 1st day of his second year! I'm so proud....he's my special boy! ;)

Air Force Weekend

On Saturday August 16th our family went to the Air Force base to watch the airshow. It was pretty fun, I went to one at Nellis in Vegas when I was younger and Andrew hadn't been at all so it was cool for us all to check out all the planes and watch some of the shows. (Having kids makes it a little hard to stay to all 8 hours so we stayed for only about 2). It would have been fun to stay and watch more but wouldn't have been with 2 crying kids.

This Monster Truck was probably one of Tanner's favorite things there. He wanted to ride in it and did not get the fact that he couldn't.
This plane was HUGE inside. Very cool! If you look close you can see Andrew and Tanner on the lift going into the plane.
Planes would angle down to the ground while they were flying and "pretend shoot" making big explosions. You could feel the vibrations and heat from the BOOMS even as far away as we were. Andrew thought they were awesome!

Getting out of the heat to enjoy a cool snack!

Future pilot

Tanner was able to go on a plane and mess around with everything. He absolutely LOVED it, the only problem was he didn't want to get off the plane.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy boy!

Benson and Daddy
Check out my HUGE muscles!

So Benson for sure screams and cries so much more than Tanner ever did, trying mine and Andrew's patience sometimes. But he also gives us these faces a LOT that makes up for the screaming before. In the morning he is always happy and in such a good mood and will smile for an hour straight.
Kids are such a blessing and I am so grateful for my two boys!

A day at the park

Tanner caught 3 fish, none were bigger than 3 in. But he had fun doing it! There was a few other people fishing too and I think it must be over fished giving the location.

Benson staying out of the wind.
Tanner and Hunter

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All caught up!

I am finally caught up on my blogging and there is a LOT of posts. So if your reading, they are all new until you get to Camera Cord... which lead me to this huge back up of pictures in the first place. My family has had some good times and can't wait to have more!

Bike Parade

Yesterday Village Green had a bike parade. All the kids decorated their bikes then rode them around in a big circle going through a couple of tunnels and just having fun showing off their bikes. Afterwards everyone ate treats and chatted it up with all the old and new neighbors.

My little golfer

Tanner loves going golfing with his Daddy and is pretty good for a two year old. He can hit the ball more than I can, not that that's saying much because I'm not good at all. He has a lot of fun though!

Eventful day

Jana, Jackson, Tanner, Hunter, Benson, and me at the opening night of Air Force week

Jessica Andrews was there singing. (I didn't know who she was?!)
Benson's first zoo trip.
Check out the lion growling in the back
This past Saturday we got up and went to the Omaha zoo for an hour or so. Andrew wanted to go golfing so we went to the driving range for the boys to hit some balls. We then did all our grocery shopping. Later on that night we went to the opening night of Air Force week with our friends the Bigelow's at the Rosenblatt stadium to watch a few planes fly over and listen to Jessica Andrew's sing. It was too loud for Benson so we didn't stay very long and we didn't know who she was anyways. Then when it got dark they set off fireworks that we all watched from a field by our house. It was a long but fun day for us and the kids!