Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Father and Son's Outing

Andrew took Tanner on their 1st Father and Son's outing and was pretty excited. They didn't spend the night but had a fun day of fishing, playing football, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows over a fire, and playing with friends.

FISHING with Dad!

Tanner's first fish. He reeled it in and everything!

Tanner, Andrew, Dirk, and his son Hunter.
Everyone had a fun day of fishing and every boy caught a fish. We had just bought Tanner his pole that day. Andrew thought Tanner would never use it and that it wouldn't work. But Tanner caught two on it and Andrew caught three. Who says a little pole can't catch fish! It caught more than on Andrew's pole!

Fun life of Tanner

"Go Duke" Thanks uncle Jared for the awesome shirt when we went to visit!
Having fun at the zoo
Busting out yummmy watermelon for the (cold) summer
Ridin' a train at the Children's Museum

Happy Mother's Day!

Andrew took some pictures of Tanner and me with my big belly for Mother's Day. It was really a great day. Not only did Andrew go above and beyond with making me feel special, he has been doing it for months now. Giving me countless massages for my aching back, helping Tanner out and letting me just relax, and pretty much doing everything I ask of him without complaining. I think he will be happy when this baby is finally out and won't feel guilty for saying "No" to me. Or maybe he'll keep being the Prince Charming he has been! "I love you Andrew, thanks for all you do for me!"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Something must be in the water?!

Here are SOME of the women pregnant at Village Green. We planned to get as many women as we could in the picture. 17 showed up and there where many we could count who weren't there... or who couldn't keep their babies in long enough before the picture was taken. Going from left to right we are in order of soonest due date from June to September (I believe... but am not sure).

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ending April!

He sooo loves me! "Don't mess with her"
My bump!
30 weeks this week. Only 7 1/2-8 more to go... I can hope can I? I don't think I should get much bigger or I'll POP!

Tanner's bump!

Running around with friends when he face planted it! I swear I heard his head crack!

Visiting the trains again. We were up there almost an hour. Looking around and watching the trains below "pull big freight cars". Tanner could have stayed up there another hour!

Tanner and Alex. One of the few boys his age that live within the closest 8 houses. If Alex is outside playing Tanner thinks he needs to be. Here they were jumping off the steps over and over again!