Tuesday, April 29, 2008


On Saturday, Andrew went out golfing (at the driving range) for the first time since I brought his clubs back to NE. So we made it a family day out. Tanner had his club and Daddy showed him how to golf. Unfortunately Andrew is still learning too and a guy next to them (Father Fred... no joke!) stopped Andrew to give him some tips.... for an HOUR! It was good though, Andrew appreciated the help and Tanner just enjoyed "Smacking the ball so hard!" We would have loved to stay out longer, but the weather became cold and rainy. So Tanner and I went to the car and Andrew got a few more tips from Father Fred and we were out of there!
Good times out on the green!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Diggin' the the dirt!


He went almost 5 days without one accident, including nights! Since then there has been a couple, but we think that he is doing great! Much better than we ever expected. He likes underwear much better than diapers. I think it's been over 2 weeks since he wore one!

Tanner's "cool motorcycle bike" he got as a reward for becoming a BIG boy! As you can see.... he loves it!


Creighton vs. Iowa

Andrew, Tanner, and I thought we'd go give the Creighton Blue Jays our support! Tanner of course loved it and talks about it every time we drive past the stadium. He wanted to get a ball, but none came our way!

Peterson Family Photos

The whole family (minus the son-in-laws)
Going youngest to oldest: Doug, Jenny, Cliff, Camille, and Amber
Sitting: Dad and Mom

The grand kids

Carlaya, Bailey, Tanner, Colby, and Noah

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Family and Tanner

Doug (my lil' bro), my Dad, and Cliff (older bro)
Noah and Camille (nephew and sister)
Savannah and Ashley (neice and sis in law)
Tanner diggin' away!
"Please tell me we are going to get out of this car soon?!"
This is Tanner after driving from Vegas, to stopping in Mesquite, then St. George, and finally driving to Panaca. He was a little tired!

Good times

Noah, Carlaya, Bailey, Colby, and Tanner..... all being QUIET!
Yummy cobbler grandpa... thanks!
Jeffrey, Savannah, and Tanner checking out the chickens
My little brother Doug and his friend each bought a duck. Tanner thought it was pretty cool getting to feed them out of his hand!
Good ol' Lincoln Logs! Tanner loves playing with the little guy and horse. As soon as we got to my parents he asked where they were and where a gun was. It amazes me how he still remembers them from Christmas break!

Lovin' Grandpa and Grandma Peterson

All 5 grandkids were all on my dad at one point! I am sure he loved it!
"He's getting me!"
This was probably one of Tanner's favorite things about going to Panaca.... the 4-wheeler. My dad even let him drive and use the accelerator, until they about ran me over, then he grabbed the handle bars! Tanner loves to speed!
"Love you Grandma!"
My parents were really the only people that Tanner wasn't shy with in the beginning. Everyone else he had to give a few minutes before warming up! But he had fun with everyone and talks about flying in a big jet to see them all almost daily!

Visiting Great Grandparents!

We got to have dinner and yummy lemon meringue pie with Grandma Martha up in Pioche one night. It is always a treat to visit her!
My Grandpa Roe has had some medical issues and has been staying in St. George to take care of them. It was so fun to get to see both of them and listen to their great sense of humor!
Tanner was a little nervous laying in the bed next to him!
We were able to see my Grandma and Papa Peterson a couple times. First in Mesquite going home and then in Little Field heading back to Vegas. It's always fun to see family!

Fun in Las Vegas!

At the Dino park!
"Look at me mom!"
Play tower with death slides. There was signs that said "6 years and up" so I thought I would hold Tanner and go down the tallest slide. Note for all: Slides are not made for a prego woman holding a 2 year old. We both slammed our heads twice really hard, I got a huge bruise on my knee, and I felt like I pulled something I shouldn't have pulled! Worst experience ever! By the time we reached the bottom, Tanner was screaming and I thought I might go into labor! The slides twist so weird!
Noah, Carlaya (up top middle), and Tanner
These slides on the other hand were great for the kids.... and me!
Checking out the ducks in the dark water! Tanner and Noah would run right up to the water without a fear in the world. Camille and I thought we were going to have to jump in and get them because it would look like the two boys would fall right in!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Warm weather....ummmmm!

So on Andrew's Birthday March 30th, Tanner and I said "Good Bye" and flew to Nevada. I know... not much of a birthday present. We stayed until April 10th. When we got back to Nebraska rain and SNOW welcomed us. And I began to think we should have stayed in the warm weather a little longer. We were glad to be back with Dad though and he was glad to have us back! I will add more of our Nevada/Utah/Arizona pictures later!

Leid Children's Museum in Las Vegas

This thing was cool. You acted like you were drumming and sounds would come out each time you hit your arms in it!
My Princess!
(Andrew wasn't to thrilled about this picture)
Three princesses, you can see here Tanner and Noah are not happy with us!
They can survive a tornado. Camille and I did try it before we put the kids in and it does get blowing pretty hard. Noah just wanted out!
Trying to play soccer.
No getting past me and Tanner!

Huge bubbles!

Tanner's frog puppet he made!
Big Giant! They didn't know whether this was cool or scary!
Batman! This is better the a princess!
Tanner, me, and my sister Camille and her two kids Carlaya and Noah went to the Children's Museum for a day while we were in Vegas. I had been once before when I was like 5 and thought it was awesome. But nothing had really changed except for a few cool things I took pictures of. Luckily we didn't have to pay because I have a pass already!

Omaha Children's Discovery Museum

I'm a fireman!
Driving the fire truck
Ball room, he loves this because the balls will float in the air
Play house... Tanner's size
The farm
The grocery store. Tanner is checking out his food!
The ball room