Monday, February 25, 2008

My crazy child!

For FHE we were singing some songs and told Tanner to dance, but he didn't want to bust out his dance moves. So I started making sounds and he busted out with these. Not really his usual dancing style. I did watch Harry Potter last night though... so maybe those are his pointing the wand moves!

Andrew really got into "Do as I'm Doing". I was laughing so hard. I got the camera out to get him and he wasn't to thrilled. He finally agreed to do it again, but was nothing like the first. He says "No" to posting it, so unless I can't get him to agree be waiting for some awesome snapping.

Fun at the mall!

Tanner and his friends Hunter and Jackson (brothers) had a lot of fun playing together at the mall in Council Bluffs. Tanner likes them a lot and will talk about them and Jana (their mom) a lot. Often when we go out driving in the car he will ask if we are going to see them!

Some things that went on in February

Tanner would not take a nap the other day. Finally at about 6:30 pm he got up on our bed and spread out. We tried waking him up so he wouldn't wake up in a few hours and want to be up, but there was no moving... he was out!
Andrew snuggled up with Batman!
Me at 21 weeks... yea... only half way! YIKES!!
The monster I chase around the house. Lately his favorite hiding place has been in the dirty clothes hamper. The first time he hid there it took me a good 5 minutes to find him... for real!
Tanner was invited to a girl named Ava's birthday party. He had a lot of fun playing with kids and all the games. When it was time to blow out the candles on her cake, Tanner thought she needed help and ended up blowing them out himself I think! Sorry about that Lisa!
Love bug at the party!
Andrew was helping me make dinner and Tanner went and brought his chair into the kictchen to watch us work. He just sat there quietly and would occasionally ask us what we were doing. It was pretty funny to us!
Tanner actually happy to go to church because I am in the nursery now. Before he would start getting sad with us just talking about going to church, start crying when we would pull up to the church, then start balling when we would walk down the hall to the classroom. Now there is no problem... except for the fact that I have a huge momma's boy on my hands!
At the end of music time on the 13th, the kids brought treats to share and give as Valentine's. Tanner never trading Valentine's before thought it was the coolest thing. He wanted to carry his bag around all day, but I would make him put it away so he wouldn't eat all the candy. So ever so often Tanner would ask, "Mom where's Valentine party!" (aka his candy bag.) That went on for a week before the candy was gone and I could throw away the "Valentine Party".

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!...Girl or Boy???

BOO! I see you!
This is the arm and then the leg lined up!
Foot and part of the other one!
Well it's not what we thought it was..... IT'S A BOY! We are excited that Tanner will have a brother. And I am happy to be having another boy! Sorry but I didn't want to put up "the boy picture"! We took Tanner with us to see the ultrasound of the baby and he was sooo excited! When the doc would point something out he would repeat it back and jump up and down. His favorite things he saw were the lips, nose, feet, and fingers! There was the best picture of the tips of 5 little fingers but she didn't put it on the cd so "oh well I guess". We all had a wonderful Valentine's Day finding out what the little baby is and seeing his little face!
I'm still surrounded by BOYS!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hard at work!

My boys working hard on homework... or just Andrew!

Friday, February 1, 2008

President Gordon B. Hinckley

In memory of Gordon B. Hinckley I would like to say a few thoughts about him. I heard Sunday night he had passed away and my first reaction was that it was a joke. It almost seemed like he would be with us forever despite his up and down health. We were blessed to have him for as long as we did. I know he is rejoicing to be with his lovely wife Marjorie again. I had the oppotunity to meet him twice and have never felt the spirit so strong in my entire life! What an amazing man who did so much in the time he had to give. It makes me cry to think he is really gone.... tears of happiness... and tears of I will miss him and his witty personality. I know the new President will be wonderful and can't wait to hear of who it will be. But I will look forward to meet Pres. Hinckley again someday! Thank you for making me want to be a better person!