Thursday, December 6, 2007

Getting warm with Hot Chocolate!

After coming in from the snow we enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate.

A good day after hearing the terrible events from yesterdays Westroad's Mall shootings. We had not gone out at all and didn't know it had happened until later because I had been cleaning and getting things ready to feed the missionaries. So when I watched the news yesterday, Tanner asked why people were crying. I told him people had been hurt and some died so they were sad and crying. He then got a sad face and kept walking around the house repeatedly telling Andrew and I, "People died, they're crying, sad, they died, they're sad, sad mom!" I instantly wondered if I should have told him. But he slowly forgot I guess and didn't say anything again!
What a crazy world we live in! Our prayers go out to those who lost loved one's!

Fun in the SNOW!

It started snowing this morning and didn't stop until this afternoon. Tanner being to little to remember snow last year thought it was wonderful. When it was still snowing pretty good and we were watching from the window, he would say, "Mom poke it, mom touch it!" So you can imagine his reaction when he got to go and play in it. I showed him how to make a snow angel, but with the wind slightly blowing little snowflakes would hit his face, and he didn't like that to much! In one picture you can see mine and Tanner's angels together!
It was a fun day for us!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back home!

So for Tanner's 2 year check up, they had him strip down and put on a little hospital gown. I thought it was to cute so I had to snap a few shots. At the other THREE places we've lived and taken him to the doctor they didn't do this, they just strip him down and let him freeze until they're done, so it wasn't just cute, but smart!
Tanner and his friend Hunter playing in Tanner's "grandma made" play house.
Having just a bad day! He kept screaming and crying until I took his picture. He finally stopped and wanted to see it. Then gave in and fell asleep!

Touring Duke's campus!

This campus is by far the prettiest and coolest campus I have ever seen. The buildings were amazing, the dorms even looked amazing with wooden doors rounded at the top. We had a lot of fun checking out the sites; and for Andrew, standing in the basketball stadium that looked like a high schools it was so small. Nathan and the other's back east went to a game a little while ago and said it was crazy because the fans are so close on the sides they can touch the players, so of course for the opposing team they get a lot of distractions.
All the leaves on the trees were still changing with green, yellow, bright red and oranges. It was really beautiful. Sylvia and Jared want to convince us to move back there when we are done with school. We'll see about that.
For the North Carolina fans, we came back sporting Duke shirts and loving the campus. Sorry... but GO DUKE!!

Thanksgiving football and races!

Everybody went to get a work out before getting their bellies full of turkey and gravy. And surprisingly NOBODY was hurt. The kids had fun and I think the men did too! I don't know who they said won the races, but I think they all have their story of who won. :)

Fun at the Greene's!

Sylvia gave Tanner a little Birthday party at their house and this time he didn't hide under the table! Tanner really liked getting to play with MaryBeth and James. And they did really well with him.

Nathan, Jenny, Andrew, Sylvia, Will, Jared, and Julie. (Sorry about the hair Julie, I only had one other to choose from and both you and Jared were looking down).
Getting ready to head to Apex after a YUMMY Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks guys! We had a lot of fun!

Going and coming from NC for Thanksgiving

Tanner has flown once before, but was to young to remember it. So as you can imagine it was a real treat for him. He loved watching the "Big jets and planes" take off and land. When it was our turn to take off Tanner said, "Ready... Set... Go GO GO GO GO" (I am sure the other people on the plane enjoyed him screaming.) But once the plane left the ground he grabbed the arm rests, put his head back, and made a sick unsure face. He seemed to be cool with it, just a "I've never felt this way" look. Once the plane evened out he looked at us with a big smile and said, "Whooo... big jet".

Tanner had a lot of fun with his cousins in NC and was glad they all came to see us off. Leaving the warm weather and headed back to the frozen tundra!

Happy Birthday! I'm 2!!

On November 18th Tanner turned 2~ HOORAY!!! Well this is the only picture I took on his birthday. I video taped the opening presents and blowing out the candles. Which.... by the way.... as soon as we started singing "Happy Birthday" he jumped down off the bench and hide under the table. We had some friends over, so I think he just had a little to much attention and got embarrassed. I felt kind of bad for him! Thanks aunt Camille for the awesome shirt he's wearing!