Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where do I start?.....

I am so far behind now it is ridiculous! After moving and trying to get settled in Arizona my computer has decided to go turtle speed. I need to transfer the pictures off of it so I can get going again.

  • Our family is doing good. Andrew is a licensed Pharmacist. Benson turned 3 in June. Kensley turned 1 in August. And Tanner started kindergarten. I am keeping busy with all of them. I will try my best to get my blog up to date if not for your sake, mine. I know my kids will love looking back on all the good... and bad times we have had!

So until I post again! I hope all are doing well!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good-bye Omaha!!! -5/14

Tanner rode in the Penske the whole time. My dad and Andrew took turns driving. This is it just before pulling out of Omaha for good. Loaded up tight!
Me, Tiffeny Wait, Benson, and Olivia.

Me, Katie Taylor, and Will.

Me and Kjersta (KJ)
3 GREAT friends I had to leave behind. Well only two I guess. Kj moved on out of VG like us. But I miss them all like crazy. Some of the best of friends anyone could ask for. Kjersta was our next door neighbor and I don't know what I would have done without her. I can't count the times she watched my kids (sometimes in the middle of the night) or we ate at there house or them at ours. I hope you girls know how much you mean to me. Thanks for everything!!!

I couldn't get my camera off the black and white settings for these pictures. But here we are... one last time in front of our home we became a family in! I miss Village Green, I don't know how I would have gone the four years of Andrew being gone all the time with out it. The friends who became family, the atmosphere, everything. It was great!! I also miss Omaha. It really was a great place to live. So much to do and so much fun. The storms were amazing. I didn't like the outragously cold winters or super humid summers. But I don't think I can complain about much else. We will have to go back sometime... at least for a visit, (and stop at Wheatfield's for their creme brule waffle. :) )

Trying to get family pictures- 5/14

So of course hours before we plan on pulling out of Omaha I finally get someone to take a few pictures of our family. I had wanted to do it a few days earlier with BEAUTIFUL weather but Andrew was to busy. So right before graduation we snapped a few. The weather was FREEZING and all their warmer clothes were packed. So in between pictures we would throw a blanket over the kids to keep them warm. The wind wouldn't stop blowing either and my hair was in my face in almost every picture. A few came out ok. I wish we would have had more time to take some good ones, but it was just so blasted cold none of us cared at the time.

9 Months old- 5/14

Kensley at 9 months old:

Height: 26.5 in. (19%)

Weight: 14 lb. 4 0z. (0.89 %)

HC: 43 cm. (24%)

At 9 months Kensley's first 2 bottom teeth came in. She army crawls EVERYWHERE. And she says "Dada" and "Mama". Dada was her first word. She is still a Momma's girl, and if I am anywhere where she can see or here me she wants nothing but MOM! :) She loves sitting in the grass and playing with it. She loves eating broccoli! Kensley also loves her big brothers and laughs at their silly faces they make.

Andrew's Pharmacy Graduation- May 14, 2011

"Where's Andrew?"

All the Graduate school grads. Med, nursing, dentists, physical therapists, and pharmacists. We had a lot of friends through out the whole crowd. It was fun to see them all walk.

I had Nathan try and get a picture of us. Andrew kept trying to get me out of the building to take the picture somewhere else where there wasn't crazy people behind us in the picture. Little did I know that there really was.

Here we go! No other people in the shot!

Nathan and Andrew

The kids feel asleep right before Graduation, so my dad said he would stay with them and come when everyone woke up. (I didn't think my kids would do so well to be awoken just to go sit through a 2 hour long program they had to be quiet for.) My dad decided to join them in there nap and they ALL slept through the whole thing.

The Hooding- 5/13

I am so grateful for Andrew and all his hard work.

The actual "Hooding" part of the ceremony.

The Dean and Andrew

The program was good... but a little long as you can see how into it my mom and Nathan are. HAHAHA

Dirk Bigelow and Andrew. We tried to find Scott for the picture to but he was no where to be seen.

My parents and Andrew's brother Nathan were able to come and attend all the celebrations for Andrew finishing Pharmacy school. (Don't mind the random guy standing in the background). We were so grateful to have family there to share this happy and exciting time with us!

Loading up to move! -5/13

The truck has arrived! Time to get packing!!!

The LAST good home cooked meal before the BIG move...picnic style.
Andrew climbed into the back of the moving truck to fit things in a little better but kept telling us to bring more out. I told him HE better get out before he got packed in too. The last 4 pictures are of him trying to get out. We were all laughing as he tried three different ways before finding a way out of all our junk!!! But everything we had fit! Everything we own in a 26 ft. truck, floor to ceiling... ready to make its way out west!

A few random from Omaha

My boys!


What our house looked like for about a month. We had stacks of boxes in almost every room.

Buildings in Omaha. I wanted to take a lot more pictures of different buildings or places in Omaha and the time was gone before I knew it.

What I drove by EVERY day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last ZOO trip! -5/11

Benson just loves, "Live-ah" -as he says her name. He says it right if I correct him but then runs around saying "Live-ah" again. Oh well... it's cute!

Benson LOVES going to the Zoo and also adored Olivia! So he was one happy kid to get to go to the zoo with Olivia one last time before leaving Omaha. I just love their two cute little heads looking at the animals. We actually got stuck in the gorilla complex for about a half an hour while a storm blew over. They had to bring all the animals in from outside it was so bad! It was fun though. Thanks Tiffeny!!

Tanner wanted to go the the Children's Museum one last time. So Andrew took him there and it was Benson, Kensley, and me that went to the zoo with Tiffeny and her kids.

McDonald's- 5/11

Tanner's friends came and picked him up for a lunch play date at McDonald's. He didn't get to stay that long before I had to pick him up and take him to a quick doctors appointment. But he had a fun last HORRAH with friends.

Game in the new Stadium! -5/10

Andrew and I wanted to go to at least one game in the new stadium in Omaha before leaving. Andrew could get in but the rest of us would have to pay. Thanks to Mike we were able to all get in for free with tickets he had.

The game was Creighton vs. Nebraska. (GO CREIGHTON) Mike is a Nebraska fan, so one was always cheering and the other booing. Thank goodness Creighton pulled through and WON!!!! We have been to lots of games here between Creighton, the Omaha Royals, and the Collage World Series, but the games we went to with the kids we never stayed for the whole thing. This time we did. The kids did great actually...were tired... but did really good and enjoyed the game (and playing on the stairs). I'm not one for baseball usually but I love the atmosphere of these baseball games. The first game Andrew and I went to I had to get the big fat HOTDOG to complete the baseball experience! Good times! :)Mike (who worked at Ed's Rexall with Andrew) and Tanner

Ginny and Mark Stewart (Mark was in Andrew's pharmacy class).