Thursday, January 7, 2016

Faith is my safety net

I've started a new blog…with all good stuff. here's a link…and one post.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

what lice did for my 4 year old

We had the joy of experiencing lice this month. I guess it was time. 8 years of kids in school settings and no lice? yep, time for us.

what a pain in the butt!!! holy crap that was a lot of work. my 4 year old brought the lovely bug home. She then shared her brush with her sisters…yep, the bugs climbed on her brush and loved her sister's hair. She also snuggled with me the night before…and yep, the lice, searching for cleaner hair…latched on to me.

the joy. the tears. the LAUNDRY. the vacuuming. the cleaning. the stripping of beds…daily. the packing of toys/bedding/pillows into plastic bags. the scrubbing of hair. the combing of hair.

so. much. fun.

but. we did have a huge positive.

Brooklyn wears clothes! Different clothes! Including underwear!  Maybe it was because I MADE her change so often, packed up everything, told her that her favorite clothes had bugs on them…? I don't know what it was exactly…BUT now she is wearing normal clothes. And…drum roll please….. SHOES!!!! She has tried different shoes and not freaked out when they didn't fit just right.  WHAT a HUGE blessing lice has been for our family.

I never want it again. This time it helped. Next time, it probably won't. So…stay away lice. We don't like you, we don't need you in our life! Ever. ever. ever. again!

Friday, September 25, 2015

lessons I've learned from my 4 year old

My 4 year old is crazy. There is really no other word to describe her. Okay, maybe a few more ;)
She has something with the clothes on her body. Don't know if it's sensory, OCD, behavior, or just her.  It drives us, mostly me, crazy.  It is hard. It is annoying and frustrating. I give up a LOT and she wins…a lot.  But I also pick my battles and the clothing one is almost out the door. Thru this trial of wills, I've learned a few things.

1. Never say Never.  I remember sitting in Relief society with my 4th as a baby. We were talking about modesty and how we teach it in our children. I commented that my girls didn't wear sleeveless…because if we start them young, it is a whole lot easier when they are older.  Here is my 4 year old's current "uniform." She's been wearing this for 2 weeks (with cleanings).

2. slow down. I go fast. I have a thought in my mind and I go with it.  I say "okay kids! pack up! we are headed to the …"  and we go. Well, we used to. Suddenly she has a clothing meltdown and can't find the perfect thing to wear. It doesn't matter if we've been prepping for school all morning and now it's time to head out the door. We don't need to rush. Move along? yes. Rush, no.

3. With Slow down, I've learned to prepare.  Every night now I ask "what are you wearing tomorrow?" I know what the answer will be…but I can still hope. This has made our mornings so much smoother. When we are rummaging through her clothing bucket (number 4) she tries on everything she can and cries and cries.  If we go it over the night before, she will sometimes surprise all of us and wear a shirt over her "blackish purple" tank top.

4. Normal for someone doesn't have to be normal for you.  She uses a clothing bucket. After picking up her dumped out drawers for the millionth time, I got a blue bucket and filled it with her clothes. Now it's easy to dump out and pick up…and it can easily be moved to my bedroom if she needs to change in my room.

5. Own your choices.  One day she was wearing the most horrendous outfit. Or so I thought. We were at the gym. This super trendy looking lady walks by and makes it a point to tell her how cute her clothes were. I smiled like "you're funny…" and then she said "that is such  fun outfit!"  Brooklyn BEAMED and I was grateful.  She owns her choices and that makes me a bit jealous.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

blessings from tithing

about a year ago I had a chat with a dear friend who always pays tithing. Her husband is an active member of our church and she could see that money going elsewhere. She wondered what was the point..although, she is super amazing and supports her husband and also agrees that the church goes great things with the funds, she was still wondering why.

we are in the hole. Once again. What else is new? I paid our tithing this month knowing full well we would be already using money from our next paycheck to pay for bills and food. Life. I wondered...where are the blessings of tithing? I will tell you.

I got a part time job. I drive 30 min and work as a swim coach for 30min 4 days per week and will now make $$$ extra per month for our family... Blessing.
but what about small every day blessings we don't see?
I went to time out for women last week. It was a struggle paying for the random meals and needed hotel... Dinner came and they messed up my order. They ended up comp'ing it. Blessing of tithing.
today I made my grocery list. After I finished, my mom called. She was going thru my grandma's fridge and freezer. It was most of my list! Blessing from tithing!

there are blessings all around us. We just have to look...

last...someone posted on fb that they wanted to make a temple dress for someone who couldn't afford one... She is making me one! Right now I ha e my moms old mumu. Haha.


Monday, September 14, 2015

the problem with BFF

we have a problem. And I wonder if we as moms have helped it along. Actually, I know I have. Our children think they must have a BFF in order to be liked. With out the BFF, they are nothing. It plagues us like body shamming. We start that when our kids are newborns. How? With phrases like "what a chunk" or "look how skinny. She will be a heart breaker." We all do it. It's not a huge deal until we start the comparing maybe. Phrases like "they are the same age?! She's so much chubbier" or "wow, she so tall and slender". We also cause more problems when we body shame front of our kids. Comments sink in. Not when they are 2 or 3... But by the time they are 10, the damage is done... But can we change it? Positive comments can help. Comparisons need to stop from.our mouths. They get it from their peers, tv, etc. Our mouths need to uplift.

back to the BFF plague. Do we ad moms have a BFF? Are we okay being best friends with Sally who is best friends with Rachel? Or are we exclusive? It's hard, I know. As moms we sometimes lose our identity...we need a best friend to help us, but isn't it healthier to have lots of best friends? And shouldn't we be secure if our friends are hangin gout with other friends? Shouldn't we be the example? Obviously if you are in a group and they exclude you, this is hurtful. This is not the situation I am talking about.

can we get rid of the BFF surge? I have many great friends. Do I wish I could have them all to myself? Sometimes 😉 but they each offer so much. Several are long distance. I love our weekly or monthly phone conversations or texts. Some are local. Some only have time for exercise...and we talk alot during our runs. Some have kids my kids ages, so we get to let our kiddos play while we talk. Some are my sister in laws. Some are my cousins. All of them have qualities I crave, which is why it is healthy to hang around all of them at different times. Shouldn't we teach this to our kids? One friend in particular always greets me with a giant "hey girl! And hug". It totally makes me uncomfortable but I love her BC she is so genuine and that's still how she greets all her friends. I want to be more like that. I have lots of wise friends at different stages in their lives who help me when I am struggling with various stages in my life! I have friends who aren't afraid to critique and friends who always uplift.

I just feel like our kids, especially our girls are missing out on so much by only wanting one true friend. I am not sure how to change this. I know I can comfort and love my daughter...but mostly I can be an example to her. What do you think we can do?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The adversary would have you believe you are wasting your time here...


I've been job hunting. just looking around. something to make us a little more comfortable while we wait on Svend's job to pick up (in a year or two).

This quote has been on my mind a lot over the past few days. I found it, hand written, in my handwriting, on my floor the other day.  I sent it to Svend and related it to being in Texas…in his job…etc.

today I relate it to being a stay at home mom and woman trying to "get my body back."

First the body thing. Bergen asked me innocently the other day "mom, do you every try to exercise to get skinny?"  Of course, this was toward the end of my workout and sweat was falling by the buckets off my face… nope. I just work out to stay fat. it's fun, isn't it? I'm wasting my time here. in this moment. exercising for nothing. no results. nothing. but am I?

I told him you don't work out to get skinny. You are naturally skinny or fat (believe what you want, but I am riding that train!).  You workout to be healthy and get muscles. I work out so I won't be too tired to play with everyone (andI'm training for a tri). the Stay at home mom gig…
It's hard. It's hard not to contribute financially. there are working moms ALL around me. Nearly everyone that Svend works with is a mom. My brain on the other hand has turned to mush. It's hard to see the same "results" or "accomplishments" that my friends see in their jobs. But in reality, none of my friends are working moms (maybe a few…).  So why this drive? I don't know. It hits me every few months. Ideas that I should be working.I need a skill. Something that could help our family. Swimming doesn't help. Health ed doesn't help. But would the pay be enough to compensate losing my kids to day care? No. I would want something I could do part time…when Svend has a  day off. In 3 years, Anders will be in Kindergarten.  By that point, we won't "need" the money (hopefully). It just feels so wasted sometimes. This is my constant struggle. Svend. is. awesome. He want's me to stay home. As much as it hurts financially, it really is the best and only option.

I just need to get back in the groove of being a stay at home mom to 5 kids now that summer is here. Be happy now. Not let the adversary tell me I am wasting my time here…in my home…not making money…but can I make memories?!?!?

FHE monday, we went to the fountains in Allen. they were closed. I suggested we run through some sprinklers. Svend actually agreed and searched for some. Found them at whole-foods. BEST FHE in a long time. Kids will remember forever (or at least a while).  That was a blast. Svend even led everyone through a line of hitting all the high power sprinklers. we had several onlookers---making it even more awesome  :)

Today it rained aLL day. the kids watched a lot of tv. I took a 2 hour nap :).  I took the girls and anders outside to play in the street (the lightening and thunder had stopped) and we had so much fun. We finally dragged the boys out. So fun watching them run down the street back and forth in the water, racing leaves, splashing, etc. we made a lot of people smile as they drove past  :)

memories. not money. I need to remember that. tomorrow is new day.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

12 years :)

Today is our 12 year anniversary. maybe we'll take a picture?

anyway, thought I'd put in a few things (maybe 12 but I don't know…) that many may not know about us as a married couple ;)

1. we met in October…saw each other randomly around campus (I even walked him home once…) but he never actually sought me out until December 13th to ask me on our first date.
2. we decided to get married over Christmas break, we officially engaged in January and married in April. I loved it but hope our kids don't do that to us! but when it's right, it's right!
3. we both had "friends" who warned us that we were players and should not be dating each other… which is so funny…because we weren't!
4. every anniversary UNTIL NOW I have either been pregnant or had a baby under 1.
5. our first job was as custodians together at the livestock center.
6. we met playing intramural soccer--he played and I was there to….meet boys  (but seriously loved it)
7. he had to show me his driver's license to prove his name was really Svend….
8. we lived in an assisted living center for the first 2 years and I learned to knit with Betty, my 80+ year old friend…Kyle and his wife were supposed to be our kids "grandparents" while in Idaho but they passed away in a car accident together before our Tally was born.  I used to go to their home for coke to settle my stomach on Sundays…because they always had it ;)

This is our original list of names… We did do "Talia Ruth" and Bergen Nils" but that was all.
9. we have lived through health scares with our children, car accidents, and job losses with faith and hope…and tears ;)
10. when we went to our first dance, it was as a married couple. I had nothing to wear b/c I'd always borrowed from my roommates… he called my old roomie for me to borrow a dress :)
11. When Tally was born, she was re-admitted for jaundice. I had to have our manager call him at his construction job… svend came to the hospital and I remember the wild but unwavering look on his face as he calmly and loudly asked "where's my baby?!"  Through the kid's health scares, he has always been the calm one as I sob ;)
12. I "purchased" the van while he was away on an externship. I have hated knowing that was purely my choice (all be it…and good one!) so when we moved to Texas, I put it on him.  It was HIS choice!