Friday, December 17, 2010

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

That's what Ethan's singing right about now. Not literally. He's actually watching Ben 10 right now. But as you can see, he's got a couple gaps in his grill. He's our 'Toothless Wonder.' At least that's what we like to call him. This is a picture of Ethan at his Christmas program today at school. Wanna know a perk of being a Playground Lady at your kid's school? Front row seats at the program. Not bad huh? Beats getting there an hour or two early just to get good seats. All I do is write "Reserved for B...." on a couple of pieces of paper, tape 'em to a couple of chairs of my liking the day before the program, sweep in right before the program...botta boom, botta bang. Perfect seats. Its also a good way to annoy people.

I've decided that I really love December. For many reasons. Thoughts of Christ's birth. Christmas songs. Smells of cinnamon. Decor. Treats. And even though Christmas has become completely commercialized, which bugs, there is something to be said about all the giving that goes around in December. It seems like the one month a year that everyone seems to be thinking of others. Too bad we all can't carry that sense of giving all year round.

One of my favorite parts of December is receiving Christmas cards via 'snail mail.' Its the one month a year I actually get something else in the mail besides bills and junkmail. It was off to a slow start this December so I was getting a little concerned it wouldn't be a good card year. But, it appears I was wrong. No problems in that arena. On that note, don't expect a card from us this year. We plan on saving our stamps for the baby announcements in March. Plus, I'm a little too lazy to mass mail within a couple months of each other. But , if you're on my Christmas Card list you'll get an announcement instead.

Side note: Ethan is still on the fence with Santa. A few weeks ago he actually came out and said, "I don't believe in Santa." When I asked him why he didn't believe, He said, "Well, you told me there was no magic in the world and then you said Santa was magic (That's something I use to skirt around his Santa questions). I didn't realize he'd put those two bits of info together. Even though he said he doesn't believe, I still think he's not quite sure since I didn't confirm nor usual.