Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hi. I'm back from my blogging hiatus. Sometimes its nice to just lay off the blogosphere for a while. And sometimes it's nice to get back into it. You know what I'm sayin?

Memorial Day weekend was fun. We barked a lot - you know, laid bark. Weedwacked. Sprinklered. Barbequed with the fam. Played kickball. And heard the phrase "baby bouncies" for the first time in decades. Remember, "baby bouncies" and "big bouncies" in kickball? My least shining moment in the kickball game, besides the fact that I couldn't catch the ball worth beans, was when I was trying to tag my 11 year old nephew and I threw the ball right at his head, knocking him to the ground. I think I let my competitive side get the best of me cause I was really determined to get him out. How dare he try and steal a base. Fortunately he wasn't hurt, but still, I'm a little old to be tagging an 11 year in the head.
Nothing is more infuriating to me than this:
Urrggghhh. Cats. Right in my freshly laid bark.

Mother's Day was loverly. Chad took me out to eat that Saturday and he and Ethan made me breakfast on Mother's Day. I love this card and ceramic plate that Ethan made for me at school. Apparently Ethan thinks I'm 10 feet tall and 48 pounds. I love a kid's perspective.

And the plate is a perfect blend of color and simplicity. I love it.

The other day we sent Tido outside to scare this cat away. Tido did not want to go, but I think he felt a little more empowered since we were out there to save him if he needed it. At about the 25 second mark in the 2nd video he looks back to make sure we were still there before proceeding. Come on Tido, it's a cat, all you gotta do is growl and bare your teeth. This is possibly one of Tido's wimpiest moments:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Upon Request

Following the my post, a few people have been curious about my menu, so here it is:I don't think I make anything that everyone else doesn't make, but maybe posting it will get those dinner ideas flowing. I know I always need a lot of help with meal ideas. I do have to add that things like pizza, lasagne, chicken noodle soup, etc are homemade - I try and avoid premade stuff.

p.s. If its too small to read let me know and I'll do something to make it more readable. I can read it but that's because I know my own handwriting.

p.s.s. Just to let you know, so far its been working out great. Half the battle for me with dinners is just deciding what to make and seeing if I have the ingredients to make it. It can be quite stressful. I feel like we're saving money by not wasting, eating healthier, and there's no more stress about 'what am I going to have for dinner tonight??' Its all decided for me.