Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Many Faces Of Our 6 Year Old

Today is Ethan's birthday! It seems that every year he gets just a little bit sillier (and tired of me always taking pictures of him).

This year we opted for a no friend party. Yay! I don't know why, but those parties always stress me out. Instead, Chad took him out for donuts (one of his favorite treats), then I took him out to MickyDs, we then went to see Bedtimes Stories at the theater, he got his choice of dinner - meatballs, and his choice of dessert - Reeses peanut butter dessert, and of course presents. It doesn't get much better than that when you're six. The rest of the night was spent putting together legos and Chad and Ethan wrestling - currently his two favorite activities.

Happy Birthday Ethan! You are our joy!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas and New Year Recap

We had such an enjoyable Christmas! It was the first time we've had Christmas at our own house and it was really fun. We got together with most of my family on Christmas Eve where we had an awesome turkey/ham dinner. We then had the kids dress up and do the nativity from Luke 2. Ethan was a shepard this year, and he even had a pool cue as his staff. We then had a little talent show where the kids performed piano and dance solos, and Ethan did some magic tricks. Courtney uploaded a funny video clip of the talent show on youtube if you want to go check it out here.When we got home on Christmas Eve, Ethan got to open one gift and he was super excited. When he opened the present and saw that it was just pajamas he went from super excited to super disappointed and was sure he could talk us into letting him open another gift, which of course didn't happen.

On Christmas morning Ethan slept until 7:20 - not so bad! We opened presents and ate Rhodes Orange Rolls (so good!). One of my favorite parts of the day was just hanging out and playing
with Ethan and all his new toys.

This is a video clip of Ethan showing his excitement on Christmas morning. WARNING: My voice and laugh are sooooo annoying and for that reason I hesitate to post it (if only I could edit myself out), but if you can get passed it, I think you'll enjoy it. This "performance" was totally spontaneous. He's really into opera singing these days.

In the afternoon we went sledding with the rest of the family. Soooo fun! And Ethan was a champ - he went down any run.

After sledding, we met up with the rest of the family who didn't sled and ate leftovers, talked to Elder Chase on the phone, and played games til midnight. As I said, it was just an ENJOYABLE Christmas!
For New Years Eve we went to a ward party where there was dinner, face painting, movies, and dancing. It was really fun. At around 10pm we headed to Spence and Mel's and played Pictionary - a new family favorite. At midnight, we stopped for a second to exchange 'Happy New Years!' and kisses and then quickly resumed our game.
I love December and I'll miss it, not only because I love Christmas and what it represents, but also because I became addicted to goodie plates and to all the Christmas cards that come in the mail. Thanks everyone!
Happy 2009 everybody!!