Good grief! It's been two weeks since I posted. Not because I had nothing to talk about--that would be cause for calling Ripley's! Mainly just because I'm a slacker. But being lazy doesn't mean I can't learn, so here are some things I've figured out. These are in no particular order.
I'm old. Having three grandchildren visit for ten days--even though their mom was here, too--wore me out. Lauren, I bow to you. Don't know how you do it. Every day they were here, I understood better and better why we have kids while we're young.
I can be nice--and actually enjoy it. Who woulda thunk? Truthfully, I was able to help someone out and it was as much a blessing in my life as she said it was in hers.
Friends are a wonderful thing. Especially when you open yourself up and let them in. If they can't take the real you, find others who can. You just might be surprised by who sticks around.
Smiles and light hearted attitudes often hide hurts and worries. Those folks who always seem to be upbeat and Pollyanna-ish? They may be the ones hurting the most. They may have learned to refocus those feelings, but it doesn't mean they wouldn't appreciate a hug or a shoulder to lean on once in a while.
Valium can be a bit of heaven on earth. Colonoscopies aren't that bad. Maybe it was because of the Valium....