The morning sickness is going away, I am feeling so much better lately, well, other than the weariness. But I expect that to stick around for awhile. So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, which I was a little bit scared would never happen. I've heard of women being sick until the very bitter end, and that worried me of course. But it looks like this is going to be a pretty typical pregnancy. I'm even getting my second cold sore, I've read that if you are prone to getting them, you may get them often. And this is often. I haven't had one in a few years. So, sixteen weeks tomorrow, and I will find out what I'm having in four weeks exactly from tomorrow. Yeah!!! And my baby will be the size of a pickle, according to a chart that I looked at the other day. I'll try and post pictures of my baby bump. It's not very big yet, but it is poking out a little.