Brydon and I have been married for 8 years! Wow how the time has flown. Love this man and am so blessed to have him in my life! So greatful for our little family, Kamdin is 7, Logan 5 and a half, and Presley who is 2! So glad we are a forever family:)
Kamdin is such a sweet girl! She is 6 almost 7 and in 1st grade! I can't believe how fast she has grown. She is such a great big sister and is so thoughtful and caring! We love this girl and are so blessed to have her in our family
Loggie boy
Logan is 5 and a half! He is enjoying Kindergarten and learning a lot. He is so active and very determined to be the best at whatever he tries to do. He loves to play with his sisters, he is such a great helper! We love our Loggie boy and are so glad he is in our family!
Baby Presley
Oh lil Miss Presley! She is so fun! Very independent ! She loves her Brother and Sister, and wants to do whatever they are doing! She is so loving. Pres is getting so smart, talking alot and telling us what's up! We are loving having her in our family, she keeps life exciting!