Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We went in today for Presley's two month check up and here is her stats;

weighing in at 11 lbs 12 oz
height 23 1/2 inches long

She is getting so big, I can't believe it. She also had to get the dreaded shots, I hate them. Especially when babies don't have a clue what is coming, so they are so cute and peaceful then wham all the sudden the nurse jams the needle in her leg, poor baby. She did do pretty good though!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Without the Bow Daddy:)

Daddy strongly dislikes the bows and flowers to put it mildly! So here a couple pictures of the babe with out her pretty bows or flowers:)Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Loge's missing tooth

Logan and Daddy went fishing today, Loge even got his own little fishing pole! Well they got a couple casts and then Loggie fell on a rock and knocked out his tooth and bruised his mouth pretty good!
So at least it's not his front tooth. He is excited to have the tooth fairy come and leave him some money. He is saving up for a real motorcyle, I am not sure if that is the best idea, seeing how he is only 3 and he has already broke his leg and knocked out a tooth.

But he is a boy and these things just happen right? He is so brave. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More pictures

Presley was 7 weeks old yesterday! She is getting so big. She is so precious we just love her so much.

And here is our other kiddies, I've only been posting pictures of Presley lately, so here is one of them showing that we still have them!! It's just easier to take pictures of a baby, when I try to take a pic of these two they run away or make silly faces. I told them this morning that I needed a picture of them to show their Grandma's, and they cooperated.Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 16, 2009

Brydon's Motocross Debut

This weekend Brydon, his boss Troy and Glenn Brown, entered into a motocross race in Heber. The kids and I were able to go with Troy's wife and kids. It was really fun to watch them ride! Brydon did good, and he had tons of fun. He did three races, I only saw two of them, the last one was at like 8:30 and we didn't want to load the kids up again ( we went back to Troy and Julie's house with the kids to wait for the next race ). I hope he is able to do more, it was really fun to watch. Besides the sore muscles, there was no broken bones:) I was so mad at myself, I forgot my camera, Julie was able to get some pictures!
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Friday, March 13, 2009

On the road again:)

Last night was my first time back running since I was pregnant. ( so like 4 1/2 months) I was able to run 3.14 miles, and I felt like I could just keep going! Except my knee started to hurt a little so I thought I should head back for home! It was so refreshing to get out and breathe the fresh air and move my legs. I have been missing running so bad, and so excited to get back into it! I am rather slow right now, but hope to get faster:)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kam's flowers

Kamdin has been such a huge helper with her new baby sister!! Brydon wanted to get her flowers so she would know how much he appreciates her! When he walked in with them she was so excited it was pretty sweet:) We love her so much and are so greatful for the all the things she has been helping out with!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Presley's blessing

We had Presley's blessing this last weekend, it was so nice. We were able to have family here it was so great! She looked so beautiful, her Grammie made her dress it turned out so good. Thanks to all the family that was able to come and share in her special day:) Brydon gave her a wonderful blessing, we are so greatful for her and love her more and more each day.
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