Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Washington Pictures

Thanks to Jennie I got some more pictures from our trip! She got a nice new camera and edited these, I thought that turned out really good, thanks sista! Me and my Daddy-o, I love him it was so much fun to be around family for a while:)
Loggie loved this tractor, but everytime Uncle Anthon would offer to take him on a ride he wouldn't have it! Finally Tone just started the thing up and put loggie on his lap and took him for a ride. He really enjoyed it!
My mom got some hats from the Elma fair, this cowboy one and a pirate one, the kids had fun with them
My sweet mother and Kam-a-lam!! My mom made Kam and Bay this shirt, it was really cute!
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Loggie in the garden

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Anthon and Jen came up too, they got ther late thursday night. It was so good seeing them too, I can't believe how big Boston is getting! We had lots of fun, and the kids loved being together again!
Dad and Tone took a nice long ride on saturday, it was cool, tone let dad borrow some of his gear so they got all suited up and took off.
Grandpa Arlo on the bike, looking good!!
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crystal came

I hadn't seen my cousin Crystal for 7 years!! She came up on thursday, with her cute little baby Noah. It was so nice being with her again!! We laughed pretty much the whole time, it was great. Noah is so cute.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pool time

After my run, which was so hot, I thought it would be a good idea if I got in the pool to cool me down. It worked and I got some people to join me.
Kamdin loved swimming, once she got her life jacket on she was good to go, and she'd just swim around all by herself.
Loggie thought it was pretty cold!!
The kiddies loved spending time with uncle Jess!
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hard workers

One day at my parents my dad was siding the "sleeping shed" and the kids helped him! They did so good, carrying the wood and Loggie was a pro with the hammer. The last two pictures were when we first got to my parents house and Loggie went off for just a few minutes and was really quite. My dad went to find him and he had got out every single game of grammie's! He just looked up and said "I'm playing games".
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Canoe trip

On Monday we went out to Lost Lake and Grandpa Arlo brought his canoe and took the kids for a ride, I thought they would kind of freak, but they didn't, they really liked it!!
Loggie was a natural sailor, he even had a turn with a paddle

Jesse and Kati were in another canoe, it was a really fun day! Brought back alot of memories of growing up and always going out to the lake. Whitney and Tyler came with, and Tyler was not liking the water at all!! But Whit and I even went down the slide on the dock, just like old times! Then we roasted hot dogs, we had a great time
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Friday, August 8, 2008

We also took a little hike

On friday we took a little hike down to the rock quarry by Brydon's house. The kids did really good, it was such a beautiful day! The older kids really wanted to take their backpacks on the trail, Jaren had some snacks to share with everyone, and Kamdin brought some water, they didn't complain once that their packs were too heavy! It was really fun.
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This was when we were up at Grandma Skeem's, and the kids had so much fun playing on the swing out front! It was so fun being together for a while, and being with Laurie and her kids we miss them so much!! Look at that boy, he is getting so big!
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The boys take a hike

We made the long trek up to Washington, got there tuesday afternoon and then wenesday morning the boys left for their hike. I think they had a really good time, they were very exhausted when they returned but it was worth it!! It was beautiful where they went.Posted by Picasa