Friday, June 22, 2012

Stella's first beach trip

Kamdin has been taking piano since April.  She had her recital this last Tuesday night!  She did SO well, we are so proud of her!  She played 2 songs, and did so good!

Beach day

 Yesterday we went to the beach.  It was so a great day.  It was sunny, not too cloudy and not too windy.  And about 65 degrees.  For the Northwest, that is a great beach day!
 Presley loved playing in the water, even though it was really cold!
 Kam was diving in the water, jumping the waves.  She really had a blast, it was fun to see. 

 Grammie had a great time too.  She is a huge LOVER of the beach.  We had to drag her away.

 This was Stelly's first time at the beach.  I think she enjoyed it!

So I went blonde! Something new and different.  I needed a change!

Our little garden:)  I am getting so excited seeing little plants start to come up.  We've got radishes, carrotts, cilantro, and some other things. 

These are the tomatoes, the deer ate one plant.  But I think it is starting to come back to life! Hoping for lots of tomatoes so we can make lots of fresh salsa!  We sprouted some tomato seeds and just planted those in my parents garden!'s been a long time

 Little Miss Stella, who is growing SO fast. I can't even believe it!
 The kids were helping my grandma ( who is also our neighbor ) paint a birdhouse!

Goofy Presley!  She sure makes our lives exciting. Keeps me on my toes, thats for sure.  She can also melt my heart with one this little girl.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Stella's blessing

 Little Missy, in all her glory.  She looks so pretty in her beautiful white dress.  Thanks very much to Grammie Burbidge for making this amazing dress for her.

 Stel and Auntie Laurie.  We were so glad she got to come.

 Grandma Skeem and Stelly

 Had to do a little cheer action, before posing for our picture.
Grammie Cindy and Stella.  She did such a wonderful job on the dress, I only wish I inherited those skills.

Kamdin's Baptism

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Laurie and her boys come to visit.

 One of the days, it was really sunny and beautiful.  So we went on a walk down the road and the kids rode bikes.
 Jaren, going down the steep hill
 Loggie going down

Stella slept.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Presley is 3