Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Leia's and Eli's first day of school.

We were slow to post this. Leia is in Kindergarten and Eli is in Second Grade.

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Cornbellies Farm

On Monday we went to Cornbellie's. We love fall and the cool nights. Leia and Eli were wizzes at the corn-maze. We enjoy their company so much. I am always amazed at how they grow up so fast.

Hay Ride

Duck Racing

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tyler's Big Thrill

Tyler and some guy friends took a trip to Zion National Park two weeks ago. This included a lot of repelling, swimming, hiking and fun times with friends. Unfortunately the camera meet its demise on the first swim so there are no pictures to share. A big shout out to brother-in-law Evan for organizing the trip. The next big thrill came today when Tyler went paragliding. This was made possible by long-time friend and instructor Jonny. Leia was the only family member who witnessed the monumental event but apparently she wasn't too impressed. She said "It was a big waste of my time!" (She was mad she wasn't able to fly)
Instructor JonnyTyler View of the Salt Lake Valley

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mommy tag

This is Leia answering questions about Mom.
1.What is something Mommy always says? "Besides I love you?" Put your shoes away!
2. What makes Mommy happy? When I pick up Liza's poop (the dog).
3. What makes Mommy sad? When I take off the buckets of her statue (I have a metal statue from Cambodia that she is always rearranging).
4. How does your Mom make you laugh? By saying the baby swims in its pee. (We're not even going to explain that one)
5. What was your Mom like as a child? Poor
6. How old is your Mom? 20 something
7. How tall is your Mom? 6 feet 5
8. What is your Mom's favorite thing to do? Sleep!
9. What does Mom do when your not around? Sleep! (Ok so I'm pregnant, give me a break)
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Singing. (Too bad I can't sing worth anything)
11. What is your Mom really good at? You're good at too much stuff that I can't decide.
12. What is your Mom not good at? Nothing.
13. What does Mom do for her job? A nurse
14. What is Mom's favorite food? Her healthy yogurt! (I've recently discovered Greek yogurt and I don't share very well.)
15. What makes you proud of your Mom? When she makes my bed for me.
16. If your Mom were a carton character who would she be? Sonic (who?)
17. What do you and your Mom do together? We sleep.
18. How are you and your Mom the same? We both have a lot of freckles. (Do you mean beauty marks?)
19. How are you and your Mom different? I have sandy blond hair and my mom has brown hair.
20. How do you know your Mom loves you? She says "I love you."

Tag Anya, Sadie, Ella, Erik S.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh Baby!

As many of you already know and most of you probably suspected by the looks of me, I'm pregnant (12 weeks)! After 4 consecutive, unexplained miscarriages we were prepared for bad news at my doctors appointment yesterday but thankfully we got just the opposite. We saw the cutest, alien appearing baby there ever was and he/she was healthy as can be! We're on the 2 week checkup schedule and we'll be crossing our fingers. Remember to send good vibes our way!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pioneer Day

We had a fun twenty-fourth of July. We went to the parade and we went to a rodeo. The kids loved the rodeo they have talked about it ever since. In the evening we went to a neighborhood party the Christensen's threw. It was a lot of fun. There was live music and entertainment and games. All and all it was a good day but everyone was very worn out by nightfall.
All the kids Leia, Ella, Eli and Sadie.I often wonder what the little man is thinking about!
Leia and Ella chatting
Leia and her aunt Haley. Strong resemblance!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bastian Week Wrap Up 7-20-08

Eli and Leia Give the week review. Really I am just looking for ways to keep them occupied:)