- She says buckle "kuckle", butter (for butter and peanut butter) "baaaaall," hat, hot (always whispered and the "t" doesn't always come out), momma, dadda "yah-ya" (she will always stand at the top of the stairs and yell to Jordan because she knows he works down there,) grandpa (ampa) and grandma (ama,) hooray "ooyay," where are you?, "oof-oof" (Doggy), "ah-ee" (donkey - ee-ah, horse, and anything that looks similar - sometimes it is froggy too), "heyo" (hello), diaper, yeah, ski, bye, no, uh huh, juice, ah oh (this one she says alot) and banana (she usually adds a few extra "ana" in there and she sticks her tongue out while saying it.
- Jaylee babbles ALL the time! She is totally having a conversation. I can't wait until she can tell us everything that she is trying to tell us. I'm sure it will be profound!
- I am pretty positive that she sees angels and that they are watching over her. The other day I was watching a movie and she was playing with her toys. She looked the complete opposite way of me and said "bye" a whole bunch of times and waved her cute little wave. I decided that angels came to play with her and then they had to leave. It was really cute.
- She loves to put on clothes. We will have her all dressed and ready to go and she will pick out a completely different outfit that she will want to put on over what she already has on; or she will pick out which coat she wants to wear; or she has a polka dot vest that she loves and she can put it on by herself. She loves it. The difference in Mom and Dad though: Mom - lets her put on whatever then before we leave the house make sure that she only has on one outfit and that her hair is done; Dad - lets her wear whatever she decided to put on that morning over what he puts on her (even if she put on her dress that she wore to church the day before over her outfit or her ski bibs) and doesn't look at the pony-tail line from the day before in her hair. I love that he has fun with her though! :) He is a great Daddy!
- She loves her shoes.
- She loves dad's shoes.
- She loves mom's shoes.
- ... and she wears them all ... and she puts all of them (and socks) on our feet and hers!
- She has a pink and green stuffed doggy that she loves.
- She LOVES to help. When we are cleaning up she will move stuff around like we do. She moves all of the silverware around in the dishwasher when we are doing dishes, and she puts the soap packet in the dishwasher, closes the soap cover and the door and pushes the buttons to turn it on.
- She knows the oven is hot and when I open it she will back up a few feet. She likes to wear the oven mit on her hand.
- She LOVES to play in the fridge. She rearranges the food in it and puts her toys in the veggie bins in the bottom. I will often open the fridge to find her princess wand, top, or play keys in random spots in the fridge.
- She will get the juice out of the fridge so that she can have some.
- Jaylee likes to play the piano. But only her! If I start to play a song when she is playing she will push my hands away.
- Since diapers are so expensive I'm trying the potty thing (not very diligently, but getting her used to it.) The other day after her bath I had to go into my room to get her jammas. She followed me in (bare bum and all) and peed on the floor. We had a talk about where we go potty and where we don't go potty (not sure if she understood, but she answered all my questions that I asked her.) I got a rag and some cleaner and cleaned up her pee. So a couple nights later we were getting ready to take a bath and just before she got in the tub she peed on the bathroom floor. We hurried and got on her little potty and had the same talk that we had before. After the talk she got up off the potty, found a rag that was on the floor in the bathroom, walked over to her pee and started cleaning it up! Smart girl! She is such a cutie!
- She loves to talk on the phone.
- She can turn Jordan's i-phone on.
- She likes eating with a fork and spoon (she will put stuff on the fork with her fingers and eat it.)
- She loves reading books.
- She finally got her 2 top front teeth! She has had only her 2 bottom front teeth for 6 or 7 months. She now has 4 and it feels like 2 molars on top are coming in! Explains the cranky-ness.
- Jaylee gives the BEST loves in the world!
- She also has a great blank stare that says exactly what she is thinking: "are you talking to me? why you talking to me? no I won't say what you want me to say...
- Jaylee has two kinds of kisses, depending on her mood. Silly, crazy mood: open mouth, big"O" kiss, and usually its right on your mouth. Any other mood: fish lips, and she starts the fishy face long before she kisses you.
- Jaylee loves to dance. She will dance in circles until she falls down because she is so dizzy!
- She is good at sharing other kids toys and stuff; she is learning to share her things with other people now.
- She likes to brush her teeth.
- She likes to wash her hands.
- She loves bath time. She likes to help wash herself and put lotion on herself.
- Nap time isn't her favorite ... but she sleeps really good once she is sleeping. Most of the time she is good at going to bed. She will sometimes try to find excuses not to go to bed. She'll point out of her room, so I'll go where she wants to go. I know she really wants something if she takes me right where we want to go. She just doesn't want to go to bed if she points out of her room, then in the bathroom, then in the living room, then at the thing on the floor in the hall then ...
- The other night I was putting Jaylee to bed and singing her songs. I had my hand on her belly and started rubbing it. I took my hand off and was just singing. She grabbed my hand and put it back on her belly...she isn't like her mom at all! I NEVER do that! ;) (Just kidding! I do that all the time when Jordan is scratching my back!)
- Favorite food: bananas
- Favorite place to play: in her closet. She will pull us in her closet to play with her. I think it is funny. She also likes to play in boxes.
- She likes grandpa's truck and say "broom" whenever she sees it or a truck that looks like grandpas.
- She loves the kitties at grandma Avner's house. She follows Milo around and stares for hours at the FPK (the front porch kitty - its a stray that Marla feeds and it stays on the front porch.)
- We give Jordan's aunt rides to family stuff sometimes and she has a puppy that comes with her alot. When the puppy isn't there Jaylee says "oof-oof?"
- When we say prayers she holds her hands together and when we say "amen" she swings her arms out and smiles really big. Sometimes when we say prayers at meals we have to say lots of prayers... Jaylee will keep folding her arms so we say more.
- She still sleeps either with her hands behind her head or with her bum in the air. She has now added sprawling out with her head in the wrong direction to her sleeping positions.
- It does not fail, though, that when Jaylee wakes up from a nap or in the morning that she has awesome bed head!
- Yesterday she tripped while she was walking. Jordan picked her up and came to talk to me. Jaylee stuck her finger out and made me kiss it. Then she stuck her hand out and made me kiss that. Then she leaned her head toward me and made me kiss her head. I felt so needed at that moment!
- In church when Jaylee sees Jordan up on the stand she will get the biggest smile and either wave and yell "yah-ya" or jump off my lap and try to run up to the stand.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Fun Things That Jaylee Does
I want to remember all the fun things that Jaylee does, so I'm making a list:
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