Saturday, March 17, 2012

Luck of the Irish!

I found this little print out online and made them for St. Patrick's day. We don't do much for this day, but the leprechaun's do leave some chocolate gold coins for the kids. 

 Doin' a little Irish jig!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ethan turns 9

 Time keeps marching on, and my kids keep getting older.  Ethan has the last birthday of the bunch (pheww!).  Ethan is my goofy, silly, emotional, lovable guy. I love him and all that he brings to our family. 

This boy is obsessed with Lego, and wanted a Ninjago cake.

No sooner had the candles stopped smoking was Ethan pulling out his Legos to build. Happy Birthday Ethan!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Just keep jumping, just keep jumping! Last weekend, Nicole's family missed us so much they came down again. Saturday we went to Jump On It in Lindon. Filled with trampolines, foam pits, and inflatable slides, it's a great way to have some rowdy, rambunctious fun!

Jacksen not hesitant at all. I truly have boys!

I love that there is a little kids set of tramps and a big kids set, for the more adventurous and rowdy.

What could be greater than climbing a rock wall and falling into a foam pit?!

This is a great place to go, I highly recommend it!

Jacksen is 3!!

Little Jacksen turned 3 on February 13. (fyi, all my boys' birthdays are within 2 1/2 months. The last on is in a few weeks.) Since we were going to have a little party for him on the weekend, we didn't do too much on this day. Luckily he's still little enough not to care. We did make some cupcakes which seemed to make him happy. I love this little guy. He brings so much love and happiness to our family. He loves to watch Little Einsteins, play with his toys, and go anywhere I'm going. He loves to be my little shopping buddy.

The following Saturday we had a party with my sister and her family that came down for the weekend. We found some robot birthday stuff on clearance that he was excited about. First they designed their robots.

Robot Jacksen and Makinley.

A game of don't let the meteors hit the earth. I love the crooked mask!

Present time!
Thank you! Cousin Makinley, and Uncle Chad.

Cake time!!

Play time!!
No more pictures!!

Jacksen loves to wear his p.j.'s. As soon as it is remotely dark, he wants to change. Not necessarily go to bed though. Happy birthday to my big man Jacksen!

Just after his birthday, we finally got in gear and started potty training. Little underwear is so cute!! It was a tough few days, but he's been doing really well lately without hardly any accidents.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Up, up, and away!

The weekend of January 28, we went down to Mesquite, NV for a hot air balloon show. At night they filled up a few and had a midnight glow. It was really fun to be right there in the action.

Once the balloons were filled, we started to walk around. One guy let the boys in their baskets. They thought that was really cool.

To be under these massive balloons is just something that has to be experienced.

There was music going on and the balloons would light there fire in coordination.

The next morning we went out to a golf course to watch all the balloons. Once the balloon holding the American flag was up, the rest of the balloons filled up and took off. We counted 23 balloons. Carl thinks he wants one now.

We had a great weekend! I recommend everyone to see a hot-air balloon show!!