Little Jacksen turned 3 on February 13. (fyi, all my boys' birthdays are within 2 1/2 months. The last on is in a few weeks.) Since we were going to have a little party for him on the weekend, we didn't do too much on this day. Luckily he's still little enough not to care. We did make some cupcakes which seemed to make him happy. I love this little guy. He brings so much love and happiness to our family. He loves to watch Little Einsteins, play with his toys, and go anywhere I'm going. He loves to be my little shopping buddy.

The following Saturday we had a party with my sister and her family that came down for the weekend. We found some robot birthday stuff on clearance that he was excited about. First they designed their robots.

Robot Jacksen and Makinley.

A game of don't let the meteors hit the earth. I love the crooked mask!

Present time!

Thank you! Cousin Makinley, and Uncle Chad.

Cake time!!

Play time!!

No more pictures!!

Jacksen loves to wear his p.j.'s. As soon as it is remotely dark, he wants to change. Not necessarily go to bed though. Happy birthday to my big man Jacksen!

Just after his birthday, we finally got in gear and started potty training. Little underwear is so cute!! It was a tough few days, but he's been doing really well lately without hardly any accidents.