Mar 30, 2009


Now that we have our March Birthdays over with I guess it's time to announce another upcoming birthday. Due on November 17th baby #4 will join our family.

Pregnancy Counter at

The girls are all very excited. I'm not sure if Chandler gets it. I told her I had a baby in my tummy and so now she does too. it's a little close to Hayden's birthday. She says if it's a boy and it's born on her birthday she's going to "kick it's butt". And Gracie just kept saying "are you sure? Did you take a test?" We're all very excited and will be thrilled if it's a boy or girl as long as it's healthy. Although I would be lying if I said every one's not pulling for a boy. Cross your fingers!

Mar 28, 2009

It's great to be eight!

I can't believe my Gracie is 8! I swear it wasn't that long ago that I posted about her being 7! Where does the time go? I thought I would put some pictures up from this last year. She is growing so big! She's only 8 but when we bought flips flops a couple weeks ago we had to buy ladie's smalls! Of course she does have a little sasquatch blood in her (heh hmm Jamie and Caitlin).

Gracie loves singing, dancing, and "making art". This week she says when she grows up she wants to be an architect because she can mix her love of drawing and designing things and be involved in what her dad does, construction. Gracie can be so sweet and tenderhearted but there are days when we definitely see a preview of the teenager in her. She loves her sisters and family more than anything (except maybe her stuffed animals). She's a pretty good helper most of the time and we are so blessed to have her in our family. She can't wait to be baptized and "become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" which will be coming up at the first of May.

Gracie Jo we love you and hope your birthday is the best!

Mar 25, 2009


Today is Greg's 35th birthday! Finally he is catching up with me! Instead of another touching tribute to my husband, this year I'm just gonna rub it in his face! Neener Neener you're 35! Love ya!

Mar 17, 2009

Photo of the week

You know if this dog could talk he would be singing-

"Let the sunshine, Let the sunshine in....."

I'm tempted to sprawl out in the sun like this too sometimes.

Mar 9, 2009

Two birds with one stone!

A couple of weeks ago the neighbor girls came over to show us that Tess (she's 5) learned to ride without training wheels. My girls love riding their scooters but haven't really been into riding bikes. It's probably a good thing because last summer one of Gracie's tires popped and we never have fixed it. So since the neighbors are now two-wheeling and Gracie is about to turn 8, I figured it was long overdue that she learn to ride a bike without training wheels and while we're at it Hayden could learn too! We loaded up the girls and the bikes and took them to a road that Gregs company put in last summer. There is suppose to be a subdivision around the road but like most other projects these days it ran out of money so therefore there is a road to nowhere that is perfect for learning to ride without training wheels. Gracie got on her bike and Greg gave her a little push and she took right off before I could get the camera going. Hayden needed a little more help but I'm still surprised at how fast she picked it up. I was so proud of both the girls. I'm just afraid that now we're in for trouble with their new found independence. We live on a dead-end road but with a daycare and a dance studio on the end of the street we get quite a bit of traffic. Oh well it's just one more thing for mom to worry about. Now if it would just quit snowing so they can practice their new talents.
Here is some video for the grandmas to see. It was so cold and you can hear the wind blowing in the background. Once they got the hang of it I had to get in the car and sit with Chandler and drink pepsi because my ears were killing me. Spring cannot come soon enough!

It's really a crappy video but I still haven't figured out the video on my digital camera.

I'm a really crappy camera man also. Try not to listen to me whooping and bossing in the background.

Mar 4, 2009

Okay! Okay!

I can't stand the guilt anymore! I haven't posted in a month but what can I say? We are sooooo boring! Looking back at my pictures there were a couple things that I could have posted but just didn't so maybe that's what I'll do now.
Valentines Day. The older I get, well basically the longer I'm married I realize what a lame holiday it is. If I were married to a more romantic guy maybe I wouldn't feel this way but I do have to say he has actually tried to put some effort into it. When he was teaching he always brought the girls home a valentine. At school they were always doing fundraisers and selling balloons or flowers and so it was pretty convenient for him. Since he quit teaching though he has actually had to go out of his way to get them something. Thank goodness there is a flower shop in Kamas that has a little of everything. As I've gone back through my pictures for the last few years i haven't taken one picture during the entire month of February! So I don't even have anything to document the fact that he has actually put some effort into Valentines. This year I made a point of actually taking a few pictures during February and especially of the girls and their Valentines! Thanks to the Fudge Fairy we even got chocolate covered strawberries!

Also last month Gracie's class put on a program for president's day. Greg and I both went and it was fun to see her with her class reciting her part for the program. She practiced a lot even though it was only one line about George Washington but she learned a lot about him and was eager to share little tid-bits about him everyday when she came home from school. They made 3 cornered hats and ruffles for their shirts. It's kind of hard to see the hat in this picture but notice the goofball that snuck into the picture in the background.

The whole group sang a song and I tried getting a close-up video of her singing but because she's tall she's on the back row and I couldn't get a good one. This shot cracks me up though. On her tippy toes cheezin it for the camera. That's my girl!
And just because I haven't posted in ages I'll make this a long one and include what the other 2 girls have been up to lately. For some reason they have been playing under the end table in the living room and invited all their friends. Can you see Barbie, Ken, Skipper and the whole gang? I am timing it today to see how long they will play under the table before they get bored and ask me to turn on the Disney channel. Who could get bored with all those friends though! Don't ask me why all the barbies are naked. That's the first thing my kids do when they get a doll is strip them down and they rarely get them dressed again. I think they must get that from their dad because I didn't like barbies as a kid. Still don't.