Jan 30, 2008

Ohhhh Snow!

In response to Addison's last comment I apologize for not having a very exciting or blog-worthy life. All we do around here is sit and watch it snow. I feel like a hermit most days because unless I absolutely have to, I don't leave the house. I don't like driving in stormy weather anymore (you only have to total one car in a snow storm to learn that lesson) so I just avoid it all together. The storm we had the other day was a doozie. We get drifts at the front of the house when it's really windy, which it usually is, but today when I was shoveling I noticed how deep it was. Our front porch is about 3 feet or more above the grass and the snow is now above the level of the porch and I'm worried the window wells are going to fill up and disappear! Greg got a truck with a plow on it and has become a little obsessed with clearing snow. At the first sign of a snowflake he is outside pushing it around. Wouldn't it make much more sense to wait till the storm is somewhat over? Oh well, it has been handy because our road isn't maintained by the city so we're pretty much on our own when it comes to snow. Plus he rarely gets this excited over stuff so we will humor him for now even though it's an old beater that gets like 3 miles to the gallon. I'll get a picture if he parks it long enough. Here are some of the crappy snow. The swings on our swing set are buried so is the teeter-totter and most of the slide. If it gets covered I'm outta here!
This little birdhouse sticks up at least 3 feet and it's almost gone. I have bulbs planted under all these drifts. It will be July before I see those puppies!

before shoveling and..................after. It's hard to see how deep the drifts are but all I know is I'm sick of it and it's just suppose to keep coming.
So this is what we're doing these days. Chandler has discovered that she can pack a stool around with her and stand on it to get into even more mischief than she did before. I did buy one that is a little more sturdy than the ones she kept falling off of and it's just the right size for her to carry wherever she goes. Plus when she gets tired she can just sit down and rest a while.

Jan 7, 2008

For those of you who missed the screams!

We hit another milestone last night. Gracie lost her first tooth. Or I guess I should say Gracie's dad pulled out her first tooth and she wasn't a very willing participant. She has had a loose tooth for quite a while now but refused to wiggle it or try to make it looser. So yesterday when I saw her permanent tooth poking up behind her baby tooth we decided it had to come out before her new one comes in too crooked. Neither Greg or I had braces when we were younger so we are praying that our kids won't either. So we talked her into letting Greg try to pull it out. So he tied some floss around it and yanked it right out. It went flying and it took a while before we actually found it. But you would have thought we chopped her arm off. She immediately started shrieking and then when she saw blood the volume and intensity actually doubled! I wanted to get a picture right away but she said no because she looked "hideous!" We shouldn't have read that Junie B. Jones till after her first tooth fell out. We did get a picture (obviously) and made a couple phone calls so she could cry to someone other than us. This all happened right before bedtime so it was a while before we could get everyone settled enough to go to bed. She was still pretty upset when she finally went asleep but she put it under her pillow even though she was afraid of the tooth fairy and when she woke up this morning and saw there was 2 dollars right next to her tooth she was very happy. She even took her tooth in a baggie to show her friends at school. I even caught her smiling in the mirror to see her big gap. I'm not sure what our lives would be like without the added drama that 3 little girls bring to our house but I'm glad we don't have to find out.

Jan 6, 2008

It's the country life for me!

Greg and I made a quick overnight trip to Logan this weekend for some training meetings for his town council position and can I just say "HOLY COW!" I cannot believe how much that place has changed! We lived there for quite a while and I loved it the whole time but my goodness it has grown. We were actually there about a year and a half ago and even since then the change is remarkable. I hate to say it but I have really settled into the laid-back country way of live a lot more that I thought I had. It was such a quick trip but while Greg was in his meetings I drove around to check stuff out and I kept catching myself going 20 mile per hour so I could take in all the new changes. I have always said that I would move back there in a second if I had the chance (even though I know Greg never would) but now I'm not so sure if I would. I have a lot of great memories from there and I love to visit every now and again but I don't see me living in the "big city" any time soon. I'll take "dog-patch", as my dad calls it, any day.