Friday, October 31, 2008

Nuts about it

I like nuts.

The more nutty the flavour, the more awesome the taste.

I cannot consume too many nuts too frequently, or I would get sick of it.

As Shakespeare puts it :

"[...] for the suffix of the sweetest things, the deepest loathing to the stomach brings."

In case you are a nut, just like me...err... I mean to say you like nuts, like I do, congratulations. You are one of the few unique ones.

The answers you get these days





Monday, October 27, 2008


I remembered this dream vividly.

I cannot say this dream of mine is pleasant.

That said, I shall keep comments close to my chest.

Settings: At a round table where some others and I have gathered for dinner.

On my right is a vacant seat, which I specifically instructed the waitress that the seat is reserved for a lady who was late, hence, do not attempt to remove any cutlery from that seat.

Having heard what I said, the waitress glared at me.
I am not sure if she has heard me correctly, so I repeated my instructions.

This time round, the waitress flared up and shouted at me.

To which I responded, with fire in my eyes, I asked her:

“Why are you shouting at me?”

The waitress ignored me and continued to shout at me, showing her displeasure.

I raised my voice and asked her again:

“What's your problem?”
“Why are you shouting at me?

The waitress retorted by telling me off: “Kao Beh !!!” (dialect)

I was very angry and wanted to summon the captain. Before I could react, the waitress ran away in the direction of the kitchen, leaving me speechless.

I gestured for the captain but he seemed to be unavailable.

I sat there fuming, wondering what kind of (dis)service I was getting.

Later, I asked for a glass of iced water.
When the waitress served the glass of water, she slammed it down on the table. So hard was her action that water spilled onto the table.

I look up at the waitress in surprise.
She looked down at me.
I instantly recognized her as the waitress who was rude to me just now.
She said something to me which sounded like “so what?”

By then, I was fuming.
As the waitress turned away, I grabbed the glass of iced water.
I aimed at her face. Holding the glass firmly in my hand, I flung the iced water at her face.

I heard her scream. . .
I saw her face dripping wet with iced water.
I saw her ran away in the direction of the kitchen again.

By now, I woke up.

I do not know the meaning of this dream of mine.
It is undeniably strange.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

One of its kind

This is unique (Read: one of its kind in this world.)
Will some kind soul please translate the lyrics for me?

I have no idea what the lady is singing.

Whatever it is, I definitely appreciate the original Japanese version of this anime soundtrack.

Please refer to the blog I posted on Sunday 19 October 2008 for the original version.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nothing but the tooth

I may have lost a toe(nail), but gained a new tooth instead.
A tooth.
At my age.
What else can it be other than a wisdom tooth?
Using my tongue, I can "feel something there", under my upper right gum.
Am I suppose to get excited?
Does it mean that I will chew food faster next time?
(With Age comes Wisdom)
Still on the topic of teeth,
I can get myself some braces, for the sake of straightening my teeth.
That will mean I need to extract at least FOUR teeth, yes, become partial bo-gei as a result. This will give "space" to hang the braces, as well as allow the straightening process to take place smoothly.
Extract four of my teeth in return of straghtening two crooked teeth?
Do I really want to do such a thing?
People who know and who have seen me would know that my teeth are not straight. That is me. Since they know that my teeth are like that, no need to go the extra mile to straighten them, I think.
Teeth or no teeth, it is still me.
Besides, parting with apprx S$4000 to get these teeth straightened is a big sum of money too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

I realized I still keep the original VCDs, 9 discs in total, which comes in dual sound format. This set was bought more than 10 years ago at Poh Khim. An investment, I think, as I found out subsequent animated versions of ROTK were badly produced. The heroes look downright ugly, not to mentioned badly drawn facial shapes. So bad are the drawings that I almost mistook the heroes for clowns.
Pathetic is spelt with a capital P.

Like the theme song. 風姿花傳, sung by none other than the famous 谷村新司.
A great song indeed.

三国志 風姿花傳 ( 谷村新司)

Monday, October 13, 2008


It has been a while... ...

1)“Who are you?”
“I am who I am.”

2)“Why are you here today?”
“Today is but a full stop of yesterday and a comma for tomorrow.”

3)“Where do you see yourself 5 years down the road?”
“ I see myself sitting at where you are sitting now.”

4)“What is it that attracts you to our company?”
“The very fact that there are dumb ass around like you asking dumb questions. Next, please.”

5)“How do you think you can contribute to the company?”
“Whatever it is, I will definitely do it better than you, you loser.”

6)“When can you start work?”
“I can start work the moment you put your name above that line, get it?”

Sunday, October 12, 2008


>>“Miss, do you know where is this shop located?”


That is her reply. I am supposed to crack her code.

Me, lost in a new neighbourhood, Marine Parade, to be exact, asking for directions and that is the kind of reply I get.
Irked, I probed further.


>>Directory: those types fixed onto glass panels are simply useless. So what if it tells me that X shop is at 01-23?

I would be walking and counting the shop numbers, taking extra care not to miss out a shop number, only to realize that I have eventually missed out the shop.


I have walked into a dead end!

>>Parkway Parade, with its new extension building, is a maze. The basement is
I got lost at the basement. There are twists and turns and hidden escalators at every turn.
I am fed up because I am spending more time searching for the shop when I ought to be at the shop. After staring at the useless directory, I gave up searching. I took the escalator up from the basement to the customer service counter.

“Miss, can you tell me where is Fancl shop?” I asked.


“Damn it!
Of course I know it is at the basement.
I just took the escalator up from the basement.
Can you please be more specified in your directions?” I glared at her.

Her response could be the side effect of Melamine, I think.

The telephone rang, the customer service officer picked up the phone.
That indicated the end of our conversation.
I finally located Fancl shop, located at the fringe of the basement.
Walked a few more steps and I would have stepped out of the building.

If I weren't desperate, I would not have seeked the help of the customer service officers at Parkway Parade.

>>I am impressed with the customer service at Bimbo City... ....I mean... ...Vivocity.
Those ladies are efficient and give clear directions.

The grids pasted on the pillar next to each shop directory literally save people who are lost, like me.
The indications of “You are here” gives me a better sense of direction to which I am heading for.

Can't people learn a thing or two from the Bimbo-rians?

(Grids: the bimbo way to go)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tired as Tired can be

What is this all about?

I am supposed to work the afternoon shift this week.

What shift?

The above simply means that I can enjoy more sleep and wake up at a later timing instead of the usual crazy pre dawn hours.

I automatically wake up at 5.30am.

I could not “go back” to sleep again after I woke up.

As I prepare for work, I am still feeling fresh.

By evening time,
I am more of a walking zombie, feeling very tired.

If you happen to see me, please wave to me, as I am actually half awake.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What is your name?

I do not fancy purchasing items that I simply do not know how to pronounce.

For info, I bought my latest bag, yup, the latest one, from the local pasar malam one faithful night.
Just point to the bag.
No dialogue required.
Cash and Carry.

Lolz... ...

Then again,

I do not mind receiving items which I simply cannot pronounce either.

That will spur me to learn to pronounce their names correctly.

Anteprima (On-tay-pre-ma)
Anya Hindmarch (Un-ya Hine-march)
Agnes B. (Arg-nias Bay)
Azzedine Alaia (Aza-deen A-lye-a)
Balenciaga (Ber-larn-sia-ga)
Bally (Ba-li)
Balmain (Bahl-mahn)
Baume & Mercier (Bomi Merci-yay)
Braun Buffel (Brown Byu-furl)
Bvlgari (Bull-ge-ri)
Byblos (Be-blos)
Cacharel (Kare-sha-hell)
Cerruti (Cher-ru-tee)
Chantal Thomass (Shan-tal To-mah)
Charles Jourdan (Sharls Shor-Darn)
Charrier (Sha-ree-ay)
Che Che New York (Chee Chee New York)
Chloe (Klo-ay)
Christian Labourtin (Christian Loo-boo-tahn)
Christian Lacroix (Christian Le-kwah)
Claude Montana (Kload Moan-tana)
Commes Des Garcons (Kom Day Gah-sohn)
Coccinelle (Kor-chee-nel-li)
Courreges (Coor-ash)
Cynthia Rowley (Cynthia Rao-li)
Dolce & Gabbana (Dole-chay & Ger-bana)
Donna Karan (Donna Karen)
Dries Van Noten (Drees Varn Note-earn)
Emmanuel Ungaro (Ee-man-noo-el Oon-ga-ro)
Etro (Air-tro)
Fa:ge (Farge)
Furla (Foor-la)
Georg Jensen (Jog Yen-sen)
Gianfranco Ferre (Gianfranco Fair-ray)
Gianni Versace (Gee-ya-nee Ver-sa-chee)
Givenchy (Zhee-von-she)
Gucci ( GOO-chi)

Guy Laroche (Ghee Lah-rosh)
Helmut Lang (Hel-moot Lung)
Hermes (Air-mez)
Herve Leger (Er-vee Lee-zhee)
Issey Miyake (Is-say Mi-ya-kay)
Jaeger-LeCoultre (Yay-ger ler Koot)
Jean Paul Gaultier (Zhon Paul Gol-tee-air)
Lanvin (Larn-von)
Loewe (Lo-ay-vay)
Longchamp (Long-shum)
Louis Feraud (Loo-ee Fay-ho)
Louis Vuitton (Loo-ee Vui-tong)
Marithe et Francois Girbaud (Mar-hi-tay ay France-sua Jee-bow)
Martine Sitbon (Marh-tin Si-bong)
Narcisco Rodriquez (Nah-see-so Rodri-gehz)
Pierre Cardin (Pier Karh-Donh)
Plein Sud (Plan Sood)
Romeo Gigli (Romeo Gee-li)
Salvatore Ferragamo (Sel-ver-tor-ray Fairer-gum-moh)
Thierry Mugler (Teary Moo-glay)
YSL Rive Gauche (YSL Reev Gosh)
Yves Saint Laurent (Eve Saint Lor-rong)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I suppose they look alike


All parts and particles are genuine.

No (facial) parts were altered and should not be thereafter under any circumstances whatsoever... ...

And I am not referring to the "Korean" faces.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I like its design.
I decided to name it
Metal by day
Starlight by night
I can hardly snap this photo in peace.
Normally, there is only one security.
Now, there are two of them.
The third one in positioned at the entrance of Borders.
The security guards, I heard, are famous for chasing camera-holding people away.
This photo I took using the inverse way (shooting upwards). No...I am not the culprit behind shooting up the mini skirts of ladies, but somehow this gave me a brilliant idea to capture this unique building I saw.
Did you notice the millions of tiny light bulbs fixed to this structure in the photo?
Tilt your head upwards.
Do this at night.
You will see stars....I don't mean you will faint.
"Stars" that are simply breath-taking.
All I can say is ... ...