Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Of Blood & Human Sashimi
(P did not understand my philosophy of life when she cautioned me don't look.) Having fasted for more than 16 hours for this blood-sucking moment (yes! I counted 16, inclusive of waiting time), all I wanted was to feed myself.
In the afternoon, S came walking to me. She seemed delighted to see me. S is my ex-customer. "Hello Miss , I know where you live, hehe!" Her grin stretched from left ear to right ear.
(Now, to be stalked would mean I possess certain qualities afterall, and yet, I am NOT comforted by this kind of quality, heck.)
Few days ago, I have noticed this silver BMW moving suspiciously slow, only to make a U-turn just as I was about to reach home. Now, foolish as foolish as can be, I ignored the BMW. I don't care whether the fellow inside the car waved at me. I just want to be safe once inside my house. You never know what she was holding in her hands. Ada! My imagination has gone wild. Who would want to hurt me? I have no enemies whatsoever.
Now again, S's words are ringing in my head "Hello Miss, I know where you live, hehe!" Having said that, S skipped away, happily ever after.
As for me, I am at a point of wanting to eat Human Sashimi.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Whatever is GOOD...
We cannot survive without oxygen. Do you know that when our skin is exposed to UV rays, pollution and stress, yup, stress, oxygen can become unstable. As a result of that? Premature skin ageing. This is because the skin oxidizes, as good as rusting. Our skin surface becomes dull and uneven. Wrinkles start to appear...err...what did I just say...? Whatever is GOOD...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Yours Truly
Of mixed reactions, of dreams come true, of realty, of proving that "Hey, I can do it."
Ten months is a long wait. Indeed. The excitement may not be as intense, but at the end of the day, it is, well, worth the wait. No regrets.
Things are cherished especially if hard work has been put in.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
At this moment, I am feeling nervous, for whatever reason, I will know when tomorrow ends.
S.tress do not ask
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Great minds...err...think alike
Now, if all the great people in this world think alike, then again, no one would be thinking. Waaah... ...I am just glad that I am not that great. Phew!
Knowing what you want is the same as knowing what you do not want. Similar, eh?...No! of course not, no nuts about it. Think again.
[Scene] At the cinema booth... ...she points to the touch screen: Nudging him who is standing next to her: "I do not want the aisle seat...I do not want the front three rows seat...I do not want the center seat"...for all you know, by the time she figures out what she does not want, she still has no idea what she wants. (total time taken: 2min 59sec)
To put it simply, He points to the touch screen and says: "I want C7, C8, please."(total time taken: (6 seconds)
Sometimes, all we need is to figure out what we want in life, and not what we do not want. Simple.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
To mock a Pisces
Let me tell you this: "I am what I am today because I am". Simple.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
An inconvenient truth
For a moment, "God was coming out of his ears and mouth" sounded sane to me... ...What the...!! At that moment, the headlines was bloody interesting enough and it has caught my attention. Why would God be coming out from a dead man's ears and mouth? I tried to read the headlines once again. That said, I am not trying to crack a joke here. Indeed, "blood" was the bloody word which I have bloodily mistakened for something else. Aye, "pig season" is here again, aye, "pig season", volume at its highest. Receiving more businesses than usual, ohhh, more earth to dig... ...sleepless, once again.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Whatever is BAD... ...
I needed a smile, Chey, not as if smiles can be purchased. When I think out of the box, this is what happens... ..."Whatever is BAD can become GOOD for you."