Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My preferred Hokkien Furniture Store, IKIA

Still on a light hearted note, Enjoy.
Click on the image below to enlarge it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thanks, but no thanks

Today I dragged my shell home. "Were you caught in the flood today?"...oh heck, you don't often get this opportunity in SG when flooding occurs after a few hours of downpour. I walked home. The water beneath the overhead bridge was ankle-deep. Sian, half.
A light-hearted moment, for myself. [Read on... ...]
1) For your information, please. (FYI)
We don't know what to do with this, so please keep it.

2) Noted and returned.
We don't know what to do with this, so please keep it little while.

3) Review and comment.
Do the dirty work so that I can forward it.

4) Action please.
Get yourself involved for me. Don't worry, I'll claim the credit.

5) For your necessary action.
It's your headache now.

6) Copy to.
Here's a share of the headache.

7) For your approval, please.
Put your neck on the chopping board for me please.

8) Action is being taken.
Your correspondence is lost and we are still trying to locate it.

9) Your letter is receiving our attention.
We are still trying to figure out what you want.

10) Please discuss.
I don't know what the "f***" this is, so please brief me.

11) For your immediate action.
Do it NOW! Or we'll all get into trouble.

12) Please reply soon.
Please be efficient. It makes me look inefficient.

13) We are investigating/processing your request with the relevant authorities.
They are causing the delay, not us.

14) Regards.
Thanks for reading all the bullshit.

"This email is CC-ed (cover ca-chng), and to avoid putting my head on the chopping board, I had it bcc-ed (better cover ca-chng)."

Friday, August 24, 2007

Embarassed...lah !

I am just glad that the staff did not call the police.

Oh my God, I actually walked out of a restaurant at IMM without making payment, Arrrrrgh!

I had placed order for my dinner, takeaway. During the ten minutes while I waited, I must have dozed off, only to wake up again by the sudden gush of cold air (con). ( @_@ )

(Ten minutes later)

The staff passed me a bag of food for takeaway. I was busy looking at the container, checking that its contents did not spill. And there I was, walking and checking at the same time. Within a few steps, I had walked out of the restaurant,

"E.X.C.U.S.E... M.E, Ma'am...!" the lady shrieked... "EXCUSE MEEEEEE..."

I hastily turned around and walked back into the restaurant.

...I caught her expression, speechless, shocked.
I saw her caught my expression, also speechless, shocked.

I laughed. She was still shocked. I quickly apologised and made payment.

This boo-boo happened to me, haiz... .. (*_*)

Monday, August 20, 2007

湾仔粥 WanZaiZhou

Oh, grrrrrreat! A bowl full of yummy ingredients, not too oily, and very satisfying when eaten on a rainy day.
The uncle dished out a bowl of porridge to me, served with optional soya sauce and pepper.

A very satisfying meal I had. The bowl of porridge consists of:

1. One soft bolied egg
2. Sliced fish
3. Lean pork
4. Century egg
5. Minced pork
6. Cuttlefish
7. Peanuts
8. Garnish

I "pushed" aside all the ingredients and finally found the porridge hidden beneath, haha =)
Yes, there were more ingredients than porridge. At only $2.50 per bowl, it has to be in Bedok (North, i think).
I am sorry folks, I just cannot remembert the place which I patronised sometime ago.. Stall name is Wan Chai Zhou (湾仔粥).
Does anyone know where it is?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cleavage is spelt with a C...(See)

A non-Chinese reader, Mdm S, of the The Straits Times wrote last Saturday “Salesgirls should not be on show”. Below is the summary of her mail.

Mdm S has made references to Miss Sumiko Tan’s column (Taking the plunge, Lifestyle, Aug 12, 2007), citing her unpleasant shopping experience at one of the shops in Paragon. The shop Mdm S visited sells lingerie. After browsing, her daughter, a 20 year old, picked a pair of pyjamas. At the cashier, Mdm S was shocked to see the cashier wearing a tight top with half her breasts exposed. A few men were at the counter ogling at the free show. To her, it was offensive and disgusting. And she hopes that the management will ensure that their staff are properly attired.

I am a club member of the lingerie shop, LS, (mind you, not Lao Sai brand, hor). LS sells trendy, comfortable and yet affordable lingerie, and gives buyers an alternative to leading big players T. The skimpy attire? That is their staff uniform. No spaghetti, no camisoles, but a V-cut tank top in stylish black. The staff that Mdm S encountered could be one of the better endowed ladies. In this shop, the nationality of the staff employed is roughly like this, 7 out of 10 are (Euro)Asians, 2 Malays and 1 Chinese.

Even I look at cleavages too. Who doesn't? That is normal. Looking at cleavages certainly does not make me less normal. Afterall. cleavage is spelt with a C...( See )

Who are we to judge that fellow human beings should be “properly attired”?
This is a test of the level of tolerance towards cleavage bearing in our society, isn't it?
C’mon, we are all adults. We have a choice. We are given a choice.
We have eyes... ...
(to see)
We have brains... ...
(to, ahem, perhaps, internalise the “See no touch” rule.)

After re-looking at Mdm S’letter of sullenness, I still cannot figure out what the fuss is all about.
Perhaps you can enlighten me somehow.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Stupidity as Stubborn as can be

I try to think of every possible reason for his (mis) behaviour. (He could have been careless, or …or…it was not done on purpose.)

Being a Female, thoughts and reasons are sometimes overpowered by emotions, and I tend to believe whatever reasons that were dished out by him.

I could not deny the fact that this incident occurred more than 10 times, and the most recent one occurred and robbed me of my precious beauty sleep...and I had awaken the next morning to a state of zombie-ness.

My handphone rang in the wee hours today. The screen flashed a familiar number. I did not hear it the first time, of course. Now, this is the interesting part. This handphone of mine captured it as a “missed” call. Next, technology programmed it in such a way that subsequently, more incoming calls will try to alert me that I have missed a call. Another incoming call will try to alert me that I have XX numbers of voicemails in my inbox waiting for my retrieval…and another incoming call will alert me to…the list goes on.

The other party’s excuse was that the call was made to me unintentionally. Now you hear that. More than ten times and what crap was he giving me. The call was made to me simply because “he had punched a key accidentally whereby the phone calls back to the last person captured on his phone’s database and that he was unaware that his handphone has called me ”…ada…ada…ada..

A self-calling handphone, how nice, I shot back. Nevertheless, I try to think of a solution to this incident. Mind you, I am the one thinking of solution while he adamantly claimed that it was “unintentional”. Try to lock your keypad, I said. It was no use. He is either oblivious to this solution of mine, if not, he is plain stubborn, and wants to do things his way. And mind you, I am tired of hearing his excuses, which I can sense, implanted with hostility.

I have never met stupid man. I do not, by the way, believe that a normal human being is stupid. It is often the case lack of experience that causes him to make boo-boos. Then again, I have met idiots, yes, idiots, the ones that are plain stubborn and hostile. He lives among us.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Fuwapica Furniture

"Interactive tables and chairs that when fitted with sensors, will change color according to the object placed on it.”

I read with interests, anticipating some new products from Japanese researchers from the Studio Mongoose design company in Japan. I was disappointed, utterly.

It is not hard to imagine you placing your bums on one of these chairs, and hey, before you can say “Oh my God”, you get a shade of colour to show that you are happy. Now, perhaps, I am too stuck up with life that I have lost the ability to sense my own feelings, and that I need to rely on an external object to tell me that I feel happy.

BBC news reported that these group of Japanese researchers use sensors to scan and work out the colour of the items placed on it. Such interactive furniture have been developed to match and change colour. This includes the mood and weight of the person using it.

If only such chairs are able to sense potential terrorists, wouldnt that be wonderful? Say, needles that are hidden strategically within the chairs eject, and numb the posteriors, temporary freezing the victim, at the same time, sending blood flowing into the other direction. The cops would have been alerted and the next instance, headlines would scream “Interactive chairs play their parts in putting terrorists behind bars”….

…Enough of the dramatic plot here…. to use the chairs to detect abnormalities in the foetus when pregnant mothers sit on the chairs would be, for a start, more realistic.

Then again, Smart neurons and dumb products do not make this world a better place to live in. For the betterment of mankind, these furniture are Not.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Dream VS Reality

I found my dream watch, well, literally.
It appeared in my dreams. The watch i saw, i really like it, its dials are in Roman Characters of X...XI...XII...XIII.... At this age, I don't need a watch that stiil reads 12...1...2...3...4...
It has a perfect, slightly rounded edge, almost rectangular, to be exact. The price tag reads a hefty 3-figure... ....oh heck! Brandname is Boss, or something like that...I did not buy it, of course.
I never pay more than $100 for a watch. It is TIME, back to reality.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Quest for Knowledge

Who, in this society, represents the grotesque?
Is it the personality, or is it the people who holds power and has knowledge?
Mary Shelley wrote in Frankenstein...
"My (The creature) sufferings were augmented also by the oppressive sense of injustice and ingratitude of their infliction. My daily vows rose for revenge, a deep and deadly revenge, such as would alone compensate for the outrages and anguish I had endured."
"You accuse me of murder and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature [...] I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity, but now I am alone. You, my creator, abhor me."


Frankenstein, in his quest for knowledge, created a creation that has human-like form. To him, it is "abortive creation". The creature, hideous and ugly, was rejected by society, and more so detested by its own creator. Abandoned, it seeked revenge by murdering the loved ones dearest to its creator, and vowed to end its life in the end. Are we to judge the creature that it is entirely at fault?
That said, in today's world, when children make mistakes in school, are we to say that teachers are entirely at fault? What about the supposedly guidance and education at home? The absolute necessity of education starts from young, and at home, and I am not referring to the education such as learning to read and write.
幼不学 , 老何为

yang bu jiao, fu zhi guo
jiao bu yan, shi zhi duo
zi bu xue, fei suo yi
you bu xue, lao he wei

You heard his NDay speech...this is a land of opportunities.

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Happy Birthday, Garden City!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


(Even when he is asleep, Aayden does a Gong Xi Gong Xi.)

I must remember this, tomorrow is Aayden's birthday. Born on 080806, well, actually, that is the date he first came to my house.

Love my ham ham, love its shit, well, err, love to keep his cage clean and make it comfortable to live in. He literally eats, shits and sleeps. The cycle repeats. Recently, Aayden has decided to visit the "gym" and would climb up and down the cage.

My first pet, a dwarf hamster. I choose it as I wanted an all white hammie. It looked at me with "hold me, buy me" eyes. Oh yes, Pets' Lover Centre (PLC) at Lot 1 will always be memorable to me.
... ...

Not too bad, when he first came to me, he could do a bit of tricks. He would hold up both paws and do a Gong Xi Gong Xi... ...I could not believe my eyes. My mum told me one day when I came back from work, and hey, she saw Aayden Gong Xi Gong Xi too. hahaha. He must have liked Chinese New Year alot.

Happy Birthday, Aayden.

And yes, i will always remember the nasty bite on my finger...
It gives a whole new meaning to 'fingerfood'.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Fringe that dropped onto the floor

The person in the mirror stared back at me. Ada! What am I to do with this fringe? ... Is that person really me?...Afterall, I had this side parting for more than 2 decades. -__-

I stepped into the familiar hairdressing salon at West Mall after work.

"What do you want to do with the front, eh?" She asked me.


"I want a short fringe, please". I said to her.

"How short?"


"At the eyebrow level...and not too primary school kid-like, please."

(Read: straight across the face, well-cut above the eyebrow. The "pull open curtain type".)

( Fast forward )

...I reached out my hand to touch that fringe...Oooooooo... so (Pong)...Never once since primary school... Why did I ever persuade myself to cut my fringe?... It is not as if super... so why cant I...

( My mind can not seem to think properly at this point in time. )


Vanity...thy name is synonymous with Female.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Fountain at Suntec City, Singapore

And I am not referring to the fountain of wealth.

Water flows upwards from the floor and reaches the ceiling...both locals and tourists glue their eyes onto the fountain... ...

...I walked past a few newly renovated shops. Where was that giant 'spectacles shop' ? Ada! it has made way for a few smaller shops each having its own niche. I always think that that giant shop is a waste of rental space.

A few steps away was this fountain. I watched as I stood or was it I stood as I watched. Water flows upwards and disappeared into the ceiling. Within a few seconds, water flows downwards from the ceiling, but merely touches the floor and returns to the ceiling. Arrr...the wonderful law of physics.

The fountain is a piece of beautiful artwork. It certainly catches my attention.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Running towards a goal

Running towards a goal....or is it?

I stopped walking and lifted my head. This person was running... ... and the speed slowed down a few seconds later. He was coming towards me.

A jogger training for his Marathon, perhaps, nothing to pay much attention to. Then again, is it?

Is he running towards a goal, it can not be.

Why not...?

It seems more likely that he is running away from something. His past, perhaps. Too much failure in his past, now that he is afraid, and he seems to gain speed, runnning away from something that he dreads.

In life, to look at a situation and make conclusions merely by looking from only one viewpoint... ...

..., who is not guilty of that?