Friday, May 22, 2009

Get In Line Girls

That is right! We are expecting a BOY!! We could not be more excited. I am very proud of myself since I thought it was a boy, and the doctor told me at 12 weeks it was a girl. The doctors said that all of his measurements are in the normal range. He was 6.5 inches long from his head to his bottom and weighed 12 ounces.

I love this Get In Line Girls onesise. We had dinner with Lindsay and Teague last night and they surprised us with this adorable onesise, a pair of socks and a green and blue warm-up outfit.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Julie New discovered the Soccer Champ line at Gymboree too. She sent us a fun package last week. We got an adorable soccer onesise, along with the cutest little shades and cap. This is so much fun! I can't wait to take pictures of Baby Aune in the goodies.