Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve 2012

Twas the Day before Christmas
and the Aune's have been travelin'!
Stop one was in Corsicana for the annual Powers Christmas...

Stop Two was over to Rowlett, to my (Jasons') Dad's house.
Then up to Paris, France  Texas to my Grandmothers house.
Now, we are tucked in at home in McK awaiting the Jolly Saint Nick!
We will load up and head back to the Can for our final tree opening and a hunting trip. Truly shaping up to be a great Christmas.
Hope you and yours have a Blessed Christmas.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jolly St. Nick...check!!!

So, Keegan is not the bigest fan of sitting in the Big Red Man's lap....simply put. This may be the year we put that all behind us and start truly loving EVERYTHING about Christmas.
2009 ...when the fear began....
2010 (yet to be found...garaunteed crying)...
2011...Santa came to Mrs. Shelley's...still a bit of apprehension.

Not only did Keegan sit on his lap, so did Layten....and NO tears from either!
Keegan even told him he wanted a bicycle and a helmet.
 My haven't we made huge strides...thanks also to Ranger (our Elf on the Shelf). 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Holidays are always a great excuse to slow the family down and take a few pictures. After several failed attempts to take pictures at pumpkin patches accross Collin County (Jason forgot camera at 1 & another was packed with people when we went) We finally stopped by Tucker Hill and their awesome community pumpkin patch. We got there right as they were closing up so no lines and YES... we had the camera this time!
The Aune Family 2012!
We have two wonderful kids who love to be outside, so Fall is always a fun time for us!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Water Show In Allen

We had dinner at the Purple Cow in Allen and watched the Water Show. If you have not seen the water show, you need to go. The water goes with the music. They have a show a 6PM and 9PM. Keegan and Jason loved watching it.
I love these two boys. It makes my heart so happy to see them together.

Picnic in the Park

Jason, Keegan and I enjoyed a fun day in the park. We grabbed lunch on the way and found the perfect spot. I can tell we will have many more picnic days in the future.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Puppy Pictures Update

It is hard to believe that Keegan is 8 months old. He is officially a crawler, and he is enjoying every second of his freedom. We absolutely love watching him learn new things. He has three teeth and the fourth one is coming in right now. He can say da-da. Our favorite thing is his smile. He has the sweetest smile. We are so lucky to have a happy, easy going baby.
We love you, Keegan!!

Keegan at 8 months. He is a big boy, weighing in at 22.5 pounds.
Keegan at 7 months.

Keegan at 6 months.

Keegan at 5 months.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Keegan got to go to his first FC Dallas game this weekend, and they won. He is just like his daddy; he loves sporting events. He watched the game and watched every kid that sat around us. He is such a good boy. He smiles and laughs all of the time. The people around us at the game enjoyed interacting with him.
Keegan and me at the game.

Keegan and Jason loving the soccer game!