Yea! Rachel and Josh live in Washington now! Rachel is my cute niece and she and Josh have been married for two years now. They moved to Spokane for Josh to go to Gonzaga Law school. We got to spend all of Conference weekend with them. This was perfect timing because this would be the first conference without both Samantha and Garrett which I was feeling sad about. Although we really missed them both it eased the pain to have some more family around. It was a busy weekend. We were being rained on at the football game when they arrived. They wisely skipped it and went straight to the house. The next day I dragged Rachel to Dallin's soccer game in the pouring rain. She and I and Lydia and Eli all huddled under an umbrella (Josh was at home studying). Of course we did a lot of eating. Luckily Rachel was here to help harass Bridget's date for homecoming since Todd, Josh and Dallin were all at priesthood meeting. Then Rachel and I stayed up while the homecoming gang had dessert and played games at our house after the dance. They went home way before Rachel and I went to bed at 3:30 am. We just had a lot of catching up to do and it was finally quiet. They are so fun to have around, everyone really enjoyed their visit. The first time Todd ever met the family was at Rachel's baby blessing. We spent a lot of time hangin' out with her family when we lived in California. It is so crazy weird to be hangin' out with her as an adult now. It was funny when we got home from the football game Rachel saw the note we left for the babysitter. She couldn't understand why we left the Bishop's cell number with her. Yeah well we expect our Bishop to handle all our children's disciplinary issues. (It only took her a few seconds to remember who our Bishop is.)

Poor Josh spent the whole weekend listening to Elijah calling his name a million times. Josh! Josh! Josh! Hey Josh remember how you are a monster and I run? Can we do that again? He couldn't go to the bathroom without Eli standing outside the bathroom waiting for him. Here they are enjoying conference together.

Lydia wanted to do Rachel's hair all the time. And she might need to re watch conference so she can hear it without hearing Lydia singing or humming nonstop through the entire thing. She makes music where ever she goes. Here is Rachel and Eli being superman together. Eli thinks for sure he is a superhero. He loved having a partner in saving the world.

They even got to see the famous shop! It now has a roof.

And walls and (most exciting for Todd) electricity. Now he can be there half the night too.

Here is everyone outside just before the driving tour all over town. Bridget was at home sleeping off her long night.

We were having so much fun we made them stay way past their planned departure hour. I really hope they come back and I just hope they didn't feel the need to go home and stock up on the birth control.