Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I ran my first half marathon!

  • The old lady who gave me a thumbs up from her living room window at mile 6.
  • Getting a little extra Brynnspiration running passed Brynn's condo.
  • There were a bunch of kids standing on a corner cheering and giving high fives to people running by. A guy riding a handcycle rode right by them and they all held out their hands to him. They were visibly disappointed that he ignored them and their confusion made me laugh SO HARD. Thinking about it got me through the next couple of miles.
  • Dad, Katie, and Audrey cheering me on at the finish line. (Sam was in the car with the baby)
  • I started with the goal of just finishing. I was going to let myself take a little walking break at mile 5 and then again at mile 10. I got to mile 5 and felt really good so then I went to mile 8 and still felt good. When I got to mile 10 I was starting to hurt but I had already gone 10 miles without walking so obviously I had to keep going! I ran the whole thing without walking. :)

  • Pouring rain the whole time! Literally!
  • I took a scalding 30 minute shower when I got home and still couldn't warm up. It took hours for my bones to thaw. 
  • The SoCal Ragnar was this weekend as well and I was invited to be on two different teams but had to say no because of this race. It was sunny and beautiful there all weekend and seeing all the pictures was torture! 

When I was really struggling towards the end I couldn't stop thinking about the people who lost their legs in the Boston bombings. This was just a measly little half marathon but I feel so blessed that I'm able to go out and do things like this and my heart goes out to people who had that stolen from them in such a cruel way.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


...that this was 5 years ago.

It's finals time so obviously I just read through every single post I've ever written.

Someone come write my paper for me!

Sunday, April 14, 2013



Never take Britt or I to a Jazz game if you have 10th row seats. What a waste! This snap was for Aubs who was also there only wayyy higher up.

I have no good explanation for this photo but I'd like to apologize on Josh's behalf for flipping you off.

You know I love California visitors especially if they have the world's cutest dimples! We've had so many visitors lately and I never want it to end.

 Everything this one does is cute even if it's using my necklace as a teething toy.

Robbie turned 7 and I can't even stand it! He's so grown up and fun to be around!

We're both really happy babies aren't required to attend the Priesthood session.

A not so friendly game of bocce ball.

 Get outta here with all these babes right now!

I'm so happy Melanie could have a Utah shower.

Mikey's missionary left so I finally get some QT.

Late night jam sesh to Creed/Nickelback? I honestly don't know the difference.

I watch this video 3-5 times a day, everyday. When I started laughing at him and he raised his eyebrows at me... my happiest moment in life so far.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


 I dyed an egg for Audrey but am horrible at mixing colors so it turned out brown and awful. I showed her and she said, "That's ok, I want it like that. It looks like chocolate milk." 
She is my favorite person!

I made a bunny cake for Sam's bday which fell on Easter

Showing off my cake Easter outfit

Buncha cuties. The egg hunt was thrown together last minute so every adult and kid only got one egg each. Pretty funny. Very good sports!

Thursday, April 4, 2013