Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chicken Tostada

I was in the car with my friend Jeff Brown the other day and he said something to the effect of, "I hate when people are going home for Christmas and they're more excited to eat In-N-Out than to see their family." And I totally see where he's coming from. I mean, In-N-Out is disgusting.

On another note, I'm going home in 1 week...


Saturday, December 5, 2009

the worst thing that has ever happened to my ears and eyes


you should hear nephi impersonate the big black guy... it's pretty spot on.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

the clock is tickin and we can't stop

it's been such a lovely weekend! on friday nephi and i saw fantastic mr. fox (best movie ever!!! seriously hilarious and so amazing. i'll see it probably 3 or 4 more times). then we ate a romantic meal at cheesecake factory which usually isn't my favorite place but it really hit the spot this time. probably because their hot chocolate is the most delicious around. SATURDAY we went running in the morning and i only had to stop to breathe once. aka i'm kind of in shape now. then we ran some errands then headed to newport for some soda pop... (play music)

a few months ago we found this cute little candy shop down by the ferry. it has every flavor of taffy you can imagine, and lots of tasty sodas in glass bottles. we got a couple sodas and a handful of taffy. SuGaR oVeRlOaD!!!!!!1

then we took the ferry over and drove down to laguna to walk through some art galleries cuz we're really cultured and stuff. this little alleyway just looked so magical to me. don't pay attention to my "embarrassed to be taking a picture right now" face and just enjoy the christmas decs.

we went home and watched a movie or two then headed to main street in hb to window shop. nephi suggested getting treats at johnny rockets and my heart skipped a beat. ;);) but really, i love it when someone other than me suggests getting treats.

we had great meetings in church today and it was just the cherry on top of a good weekend.

also: awww!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

look what i grew!

it looks a little silly in that huge pot (being the only survivor and all...), but i finally grew a flower and i'm so proud!

Friday, November 20, 2009

dear liza, a hole

for months and months things have been disappearing... i lost my tiffany's keychain (loaded with sentimental value), along with my car and house keys. then a week later i lost my spare car key. a few weeks after that i lost the keys to my new office. and sometime in between all of that i lost 2 rings and a roll of quarters. well today, i found the reason for all of these missing items:
A HOLE IN MY PURSE! i always put my keys and small things in that pocket so i can find them easily in my giant purse. well i discovered that hole this morning and was reunited with all of my prized possessions. now i have 500 spares to every key i own and on top of that i'm $10 richer!

it was a good day.

Monday, November 9, 2009


t swift was on snl last week and i fell in love with her all over again.
this new song is her best yet.

i probably loved it so much because i listened to it while cuddling on the couch with this guy:

who i'm feeling really grateful for right now.
just because. ♥

Monday, November 2, 2009


nephi made a facebook album with most of the pictures from cancun but here are some he left out/put in but are good enough to be posted again. mostly for katie cause i lovvvve her.


la playa cabana


this little guy had the most gentle touch... i smile just at the thought of those little rubbery hands on my face.

i dare you to keep a straight face while cuddling up to that thing.

my birthday! delicious fancy meal at a steakhouse. :D:D

so romantic, that nephi!

treats and ancient mayan ruins.

this water is the warmest and clearest in all the world.
(as far as i've seen anyway...)

how did i get so artsy.

i don't know what's better... my sweet tan line or my awesome hairy pit.

takin it easy.

cutest picture taken all week:

Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm off to work...
Then camping at Pismo Beach! Should be spooky.

(Cancun photos and videos when i get home!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i'll be spending my birthday week in style

all thanks to my #1 boyfriend!
it would be pretty hard to top this birthday present... but that shouldn't stop you from trying!

Monday, September 21, 2009

do as the tourists do

i recently realized that my favorite weekends are the ones that feel like relaxing vacations (obviously). this means: eating lots of treats, hanging out at the touristy hot spots, and getting sunburnt. southern california is the perfect place to live for this. so many options.

a few weekends ago we spent an afternoon on balboa island. we window shopped, ate, and took the ferry to the beach and swam. check out mr. "i don't have a sweet tooth"! balboa bar in one hand and chocolate covered cheesecake in the other.

this past weekend we put our annual passes to good use at disneyland. i get easily overwhelmed by the crowds there, so note to self: no more fridays. we went on a couple rides though, including the tower of terror! nephi's first time. then we ate ice cream on main street. duh.

crumbs in beverly hills makes a mean mint chocolate chip cupcake. plus it's right off rodeo drive so we strolled by all the beautiful stores on the way there and back.

griffith park observatory. maybe a teensy bit nerdy but i loved learning all about space and looking at jupiter through telescopes. so glad i have a cute boyfriend to do all these fun things with! <3 div="">

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

this past weekend my good friend chris (nephi's roommate/college buddy/frenemy) got married. weddings are great when there are a lot of festivities to attend and when you love the couple. which i do. so nephi's other college buddy, matt came to town for the party and brought his cute wife ashley. perk of having a super amazing and hilarious boyfriend: super amazing and hilarious friends! honestly, if you think nephi is funny... you need to meet matt. such a delight.

hey chris who ya talkin to?

dancing n stuff.

a gust of wind up my dress at exactly the wrong time. :[

cute flip flops neeph!

i don't remember what this fight was about.

they made up. obviously.

i forgot to capture just one thing on camera... nephi catching lucy's garter.

i miss fun single chris already. but i'm excited for fun married chris!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

hirt-tastic weekend

i spent the long weekend hiking with nephi and some of his siblings in buckskin gulch. the plan had to be changed a little because of weather but it was still a good time. great time in fact. i love hirts. unfortunately, i only got pictures of the two of us... but i promise they were there!

sweeeet slot canyons

magic tricks in the tent

and maybe a little cuddling.

best bed head ever!!!!!!

you don't hold hands with your love when you hike? weird...

when backpacking for the first time, be sure to learn how to adjust the weight properly so you don't kill your shoulders. learned the hard way by yours truly

we took an accidental 30 mile detour while driving home and stumbled upon this pretty view.

on labor day we ate dinner with nephi's brother jon and his family. this is sayler and owen- they are hilarious. they had me laughing the entire night and we might even be best friends now.

needless to say, it was really hard getting up for work this morning.
goodbye summer...

p.s. it's weird to think about where/who i was a year ago.
(i'm happier now, if you couldn't already tell)