Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Save The Date!

My birthday is my favorite thing in the entire world. So I was thinking about it the other day and realized that when I turn 24 it will be
Can you believe how monumental that is? That's the best thing I can imagine. Way better that 8/8/08. Or any of those other dumb ones. I think it might even be better than turning 20 on the 20th. Which was pretty cool, trust me. I don't know how I didn't realize it until just this week. I'm going to have the biggest birthday party ever. And you're all invited. It's a Wednesday. There's going to be 10,202,010 of everything. 10,202,010 cakes, 10,202,010 presents, 10,202,010 musical chairs, etc, etc, etc... It'll be really rad, I promise. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

I have the day off

I have all these great pictures on my phone that need to be seen by the world. There are a lot so try not to get overwhelmed. 1 year and 9 months in one post.
For some reason when you click on a picture a random one comes up. You never know what you're going to get! Have fun with this... maybe I'll fix it but not right now. 

Lyndsi and AJ's spring break in 07. Hot ladies.

My greatest creation to date. It's like looking in a mirror.

Oh hey. We were in a movie. I don't remember which one.

This was at Thousand Steps I think

Imitating the Taylor face at Disneyland.

My first BB friend.

Sometimes my phone just takes pictures by itself. I love this one. My OC school campus.

I spent 40 hours a week here in summer 07. Hi Dad

My sweety boy before he had teeth!

My phone took this one by itself too. I love it for some reason. Probably because it's Michael's car.

Who's this guy?? He's married now. Awkward... But not really.

Corey and Stevo loving Disneyland without me. I think they both look so cute!

DT LAAAA view from my school.

I like kittens sometimes.

Little Tokyo at the Murakami exhibit. Remember Gossip Girl? "So I told him forget it I don't care if it's Murikami, it clashes with my sofa."

Chinatown one week later. Same Asian friend taking the pic for me.

When California almost burnt completely down. Yuckkk

Hitting balls in Vegas.

While Dad was golfing I took a little break. :) Golfing is hard.

He put his bike lock key in that pocket on his shirt and it fell out while we were dancing around. We had to have someone come cut our bikes free.

Our first slumber party!

Sharing a sucker

That's like 12 feet high. He's wearing a wig under his helmet.

Good to know...

Where I spent my last spring break ever

And this is what I came home to! First day in HB.

No but seriously... why is he smiling?

AJ making me take a picture of her to send to one of her boyfriends.

Hong Kong

Hi I'd like to purchase some sin please.

Laur! Such a fun week.

My sisters having so much fun without me.

The End... for now.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Today marks the end of my 6 month paycheckless streak. It was long and hard and much top roman/50 cent burritos was/were consumed. But I made it out alive and I'm feeling good. I'm feeling real good. I'm supposed to be somewhere at 8 but I just feel like this needs to be documented asap. My girl Lykke Li wrote this great song for me just for this occasion. I just found this sweet live version that I'm loving.

I'm working a sweat but it's all good
I'm breaking my back but it's all good
Cause I know I'll get it back
Yeah I know your hands will clap
And I'm working
Yeah I'm working
To make butter for my piece of bun

Monday, September 8, 2008

You can't roller skate in a buffalo heard

Look what Lizzie did!

See if you can spot the following:
a mexi stache
baby Taylor Rice
Dad looking the whitest he's ever looked in his life
3D looking sunglasses on a little girl
2 Mickey Mouse...s

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

still obsessed

I know I say this a lot... but this time it's true. This is the best thing I've ever seen. Ever.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last week was really weird. Too hard to explain in complete sentences.
It consisted of the following:
sand in places you've only dreamed about
sunburnt nose
an egg sandwich
the air force
very deep conversations
even deeper conversations
a broken effing spoke
waterproof mascara
old friends that I didn't realize had become old friends
finally being the tickler instead of the tickled
a big fat lie right to my face
"you're quite puzzling"
going from 0 jobs to 3 jobs

This led up to a fabulous Labor Day. While all you suckers were away in San Fran, Mexico, or Utah, I was lucky enough to enjoy a relaxing weekend staycation in the beautiful Huntington Beach, California. Sleeping in, eating out, riding bikes, art projects, brunch at Duke's, tacos, and the beach. It was a perfect ending to the most memorable of summers.

This is the only picture I took. I think it's enough though.
Now it's time to go to work! Finally!!!!