Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm finally able to talk about something I've been trying to keep in for what felt like an eternity.
I'm getting another one of these:
!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Katie is pregnant again. I'm so excited. I might burst with excitement. JUNE!!

Also, I was looking at pictures of Brynne of facebook and found this brilliant photo:
I honestly don't even have words. I'm so obsessed with it! Creepy...?

Also (don't kill me!):

How amazing are these. Let's talk about it.

That is all.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This post will be a bit erratic. I'm in the mood for expressing myself via my blog right now but I don't have anything important to write about.
Here are some pics of my darling sweeties at our family party a bit ago: 
Emily and I just watched Britney Spears: For the Record, and I loved every second of it. I bought songs from her new album immediately after watching. She's so misunderstood. You couldn't pay me enough money to switch lives with her. The most important thing I pulled out of the show: "I live my life like a karate kid." Britney how did you become so wise.
I am a firm believer in retail therapy. The cold weather was making me feel a little blue so I found some things that will help me brave the bitter winter ahead. Recent purchases include: Boots, perfume, tights, a mug with a puppy on it ($1), and a Christmas countdowner that I filled with dove chocolates. I'm feeling better already. All on sale btw. 
I saw the movie Australia over the weekend and loved it. Even though I'll never watch it again. I see a lot of movies that I love but never want to watch again. It was really long. It had the best kiss in it. I could have just died. The softest most tender kiss. So romantic. Crazy long movie though. 
I'm curious to know how many creepers read my blog. If you are a creeper will you please comment so I know you're reading? I won't judge you, I promise. I'm just really curious. 
The end for now... Half day of work tomorrow!!! And Friday off!!!!! Best week ever. I'll leave you with this pretty song that I'm obsessed with right now:

Friday, November 28, 2008


I am very thankful for a lot of things. The list could go on for days though so I'll just name the things that are on my mind right now:

  • My new friend Mitch and the fact that he was gracious enough to invite me to Thanksgiving dinner with his family when none of my relatives wanted me.
  • My Christmas candle that smells like home.
  • That Nephi will drop anything (and I do mean anything...) to come kill spiders and cockroaches for me.
  • That I can hear the ocean at night if I leave my balcony door open.
  • Technology. I love being able to call/text/im/video chat with my fam when and wherever.
  • How reliable my sweet little Miata has been all these years. I don't even care that there is no back window.
  • My sister's healthy tummy.
  • The great friends that I have here and in Utah. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

At the risk of being judged/made fun of, I would like to share a song with you.

It's very very cheesy. But I love it so much. You better believe I sing it at the top of my lungs in my car. It feels good to honestly say that this is how I feel. I am in love with where I'm at in my life right now. Although, I do still find myself wishing utah was only a few hours away instead of 10... I also wish it wasn't so hard to get my family/friends to visit me. Really, it's no tlike I'm living a in a third world country or something... it's Southern California. Convincing you to visit for a weekend shouldn't feel like pulling teeth. I have a few good friends who are exceptions to this vexation. You know who you are. To everyone else: Please come visit me in beautiful Huntington Beach. I will show you SUCH a good time. I promise.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm so excited I can barely breathe

I have so much to look forward to right now. I'm so ridiculously happy and excited about life that it's hard for me to focus and get things done at work.
#1. Spencer! 5 days
#2. Lizzie's 25 on the 25th party! 42 days #3. Aaaaaahhhh Belize... 114 days #4. This one is realllly exciting but I don't know if I can say anything about it just yet... JUNE!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Seventeen Again

I'll give you a dollar if you can guess what is happening in 23 days that has my stomach all knotted up with anticipation. I'll give you 2 hints.

Hint #1: You should be excited too.

Hint #2:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

22 and L-ing it!!!!

I just realized that I never wrote about my fab trip home. It was a last minute trip and I drove all the way to Utah by myself for the first time ever. And it was so worth it.

There are no pictures of Robbie and it is not a mistake. Someday soon I am going to write about our trip to the farm and put all of our cute pictures up. You can hardly wait, can you!

I hadn't been home in 6 months which is a long time for me and it was really nice to go home and feel welcome and loved. I had lunch with an old friend nearly everyday, went to Sunday dinner, met and had a grand time with Lizzie's roommates, shopped at Amy's store, saw Ty for the first time since he's been home, had a reunion with my high school bffs, watched the Utes win an great game with my fave cousins, went 80s dancing with Emma and her bf, got a new windshield (thanks Dad!!!!), and attended the most amazing party of the year. Perfect in every way. And it wasn't even sad leaving because I'm going back next weekend.


This is my part 1 of my three part series entitled:
"Celebrating 22 years of rapture and fulfillment in everyone's lives as a direct result of Amanda's presence in the world. 
(Happy Birthday to ME)"

Emily, Roselyn and I started the day with birthday outfit shopping. Emma usually accompanies me for this tradition but E and R were excellent replacements. Then we ate sushi in Laguna with a bunch of beautiful people. And danced the night away. A perfect birthday-- and it wasn't even my birthday! Chris isn't much of a dancer (but is getting there!) so he was our photographer for the night. I think we got some real winners. Here are my faves:

Coincidence that I'm in all of my faves? Nope.

I hope I can get some photos of the rest of the celebrations. Although, the third installment I have planned involves HSM3 at midnight... so I don't know how many pictures I'll be able to take of that. But stay tuned just in case.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Snap Crackle Pop

Today as I was eating my lunch of granola bars and rice krispies treats, I realized that everyday this week, 2 out of my 3 meals have consisted of granola bars and rice krispies treats. AND NOTHING ELSE. But sometimes I had hot chocolate to wash it down. (I got some Stephen's Gourmet when I was in Utah.) If you know me well then you'll know that eating granola bars for dinner is nothing new for me. But that's like.. a lot of rice krispies treats. It makes me kind of sick to think about. But I don't plan on stopping anytime soon... I have a serious problem here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Save The Date!

My birthday is my favorite thing in the entire world. So I was thinking about it the other day and realized that when I turn 24 it will be
Can you believe how monumental that is? That's the best thing I can imagine. Way better that 8/8/08. Or any of those other dumb ones. I think it might even be better than turning 20 on the 20th. Which was pretty cool, trust me. I don't know how I didn't realize it until just this week. I'm going to have the biggest birthday party ever. And you're all invited. It's a Wednesday. There's going to be 10,202,010 of everything. 10,202,010 cakes, 10,202,010 presents, 10,202,010 musical chairs, etc, etc, etc... It'll be really rad, I promise. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

I have the day off

I have all these great pictures on my phone that need to be seen by the world. There are a lot so try not to get overwhelmed. 1 year and 9 months in one post.
For some reason when you click on a picture a random one comes up. You never know what you're going to get! Have fun with this... maybe I'll fix it but not right now. 

Lyndsi and AJ's spring break in 07. Hot ladies.

My greatest creation to date. It's like looking in a mirror.

Oh hey. We were in a movie. I don't remember which one.

This was at Thousand Steps I think

Imitating the Taylor face at Disneyland.

My first BB friend.

Sometimes my phone just takes pictures by itself. I love this one. My OC school campus.

I spent 40 hours a week here in summer 07. Hi Dad

My sweety boy before he had teeth!

My phone took this one by itself too. I love it for some reason. Probably because it's Michael's car.

Who's this guy?? He's married now. Awkward... But not really.

Corey and Stevo loving Disneyland without me. I think they both look so cute!

DT LAAAA view from my school.

I like kittens sometimes.

Little Tokyo at the Murakami exhibit. Remember Gossip Girl? "So I told him forget it I don't care if it's Murikami, it clashes with my sofa."

Chinatown one week later. Same Asian friend taking the pic for me.

When California almost burnt completely down. Yuckkk

Hitting balls in Vegas.

While Dad was golfing I took a little break. :) Golfing is hard.

He put his bike lock key in that pocket on his shirt and it fell out while we were dancing around. We had to have someone come cut our bikes free.

Our first slumber party!

Sharing a sucker

That's like 12 feet high. He's wearing a wig under his helmet.

Good to know...

Where I spent my last spring break ever

And this is what I came home to! First day in HB.

No but seriously... why is he smiling?

AJ making me take a picture of her to send to one of her boyfriends.

Hong Kong

Hi I'd like to purchase some sin please.

Laur! Such a fun week.

My sisters having so much fun without me.

The End... for now.