I have been snowed in~~~ As the photos can attest I have been living in an Igloo~Though never for a minute did I forget my Dawgs and Loves

Mama and I decided to build an Igloo ..well because you never know when the cats are going to take over the universe...we just wanted to play it safe...we did a good job...we even have ancient electric y in it...he he

Of course the evil one figured out our plan ....

And braved his way through the snow to ...well to basically take over our
Igloo kingdom~Doom
Jasmin baked cookies for us for Xmas...she said we can not have hot chocolate because it is bad for dogs and cats, but we got special cookies...my cookie has my name on it...Sputnik has fish cookies...and then there are some for the Papa Cameron and some for Mama...

Oh at the moment ~ I am past out infront of fireplace...
So much Love
Sir Solovethesnowand igloo thing