
Baptism Day

What a special day! We were so happy to have family and friends there to celebrate with us. We were thinking a lot about those of you who couldn't come and appreciated all of the fond wishes you sent Jake's way. The baptism program was so nice. Grandma Motley gave a talk on baptism and reminded the boys to "keep their pennies shiny." Grandpa Motley gave a talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost and talked about his blue bike and the importance of truly receiving a gift. While the boys and their fathers changed out of their clothes, our family and friends took a moment to write their testimony or some words of encouragement for the boys to keep to remember this day. Surprisingly, I did a good job keeping the tears in check! I only cried as I watched Patrick lower Jake under the water and after the program was over - when I had a chance to give Jake a big squeeze from his mom! It was a great day and sort of strange too. I felt like it kind of marked the beginning of my kids getting old. But most of all, I'm so proud that Jake was willing to follow in our Savior's footsteps and take this most important first step toward returning to Him. I feel grateful to be his mom.
Jake, Sean, and Roy before their baptism
Patrick and Jake
Jake with Grandpa and Grandma Motley
Jake and Aunt Erica Jake with Uncle Chris and Aunt Lindsay
The happy and proud Watson family!
Carter, Patrick, Dylan, Jake, and Nikki


Jake is 8!

That's right. The sweet little boy who was first to make me a mommy has turned 8! It seems like such a milestone - I can't believe I'm the mom of someone that old! We had a great week celebrating. Here is a picture of Jake and his friends at his Friday night birthday party. They had pizza, jumped on the tramp and watched "The Neverending Story." It was an awesome time.L to R: Connor; Brandon; Jake; Ethan and Jake McGee
This is Jake with his new Tony Hawk bike on his birthday morning. He was glad because he was feeling left out when Dylan got a new one for his birthday. We had a fun bike ride/walk Sunday evening where he got to test his skills. His birthday was busy with Little League and golf but we got to go out to mexican food for dinner. We are looking forward to this weekend when our family will be here to help him celebrate his baptism. I'm so proud of Jake - he's such a good kid. I feel lucky to be his mom and can't wait to see where life takes him.On the Thursday before his party, the 2nd grade at Anthem School put on a Bugz Musical. This is the Apollo Way crew after the show.
From top L to R: Chase; Jake; Connor; Meredith; Madeline; Dylan; Carter; Mallory

They made their own costumes and sang 4 or 5 songs. There were speaking parts and solos. This is Jake right before his speaking part. He was so aweome! Very clear, slow and loud - he was one of the few kids you could understand. He said his music teacher even let him coach some of the kids on their parts during class the day of the show. The picture's not great but it was hard to get close. This is the boys on the risers after the show looking super cute. Don't let this picture fool you - they stayed still for about 2 seconds, otherwise they were seeing who could jump the most steps at once.


Spring Training

Honestly, is there anything cuter on little boys than a Little League uniform? I love them. This year even have these cute little buttons at the top. I know, Mom's are weird. This is Jake and Dylan out front before the opening day activities.
No, Dylan never pulls his hat up farther. He thinks it's cool like this. Let's just hope he can see to hit the ball. On opening day, all the teams in all the divisions take pictures and then have a parade. This is at the Boulder Creek High School football field and the kids are walking around the track while the families sit in the stand.
This is Dylan's team. They were first in the parade. So cute! Can you even see him though? He's behind the boy holding the banner.
The T-ball kids were first and then there was Farm. Unfortunately, Jake's team didn't get to walk very far around the track. So they were pretty far down the line from Dylan's team. But I got up out of my seat to go snap this. Can you see Jake? He's again behind the kid holding the banner on the left. Games start this Saturday on Jake's birthday so we'll begin our crazy spring schedule with 2 boys in Little League. I think I've resigned to it now. I have 3 boys - what did I expect? To be at the ballet studio? Nope. It's official. We're the sports family.


Tar ter

Because that's what he calls himself. Sorry Grandma, we're working on the "ka" sound but for now it's pretty cute. Look at that hair! I love it. I hope it lasts. So far, Carter's hair has been blondest longest so I'm crossing my fingers. This little guy is a monkey! (But I guess all two year old's are...) In my family we joke that Heavenly Father makes two year old's so cute so that you won't throw them out the window in frustration when they won't get in their car seat. Or sit on the potty. No, chocolate doesn't work for this Watson. What's wrong with him?! But he is the most cuddly one of all my boys. Here is me and Carter enjoying a big squeeze. I've always lamented that none of my boys wants to hold my hand. Carter won't do that either - too busy running - but he loves to give me hugs and kisses which I enjoy immensely. It almost makes me not care that he won't sit on the potty.
I love this little boy and hope he will let me "hold ju" forever. Or at least until high school. That could get embarrassing.