Hi Friends,
I know it's been ages since I have updated my blog, so when I came across it today, I thought I'd post a long overdue post to let you know how things are going.
As for me and my Cancer battle, I am very happy to have just celebrated my 4th Cancerversary, something that I honestly never dreamed would be possible when I was diagnosed back on March 27, 2015. To think that I then had a brain tumor, lung tumors and a pulmonary embolism and a very grim prognosis, I am deeply thankful and grateful to be alive and living life. I've come a long way and beat the odds for sure. I have never asked for a full prognosis, but I know now that I've done much better than most and I'm so lucky that my treatments have worked and are still keeping me stable. Sadly, I've lost some dear friends from my Support Groups and that's been bittersweet.
It's not always easy and my life will forever be changed but I'm still "Stable" and that pretty much feels like a miracle to someone who is battling Stage IV Metastatic Cancer. I am thankful for each and every day and cherish every one. This some something that many of us take for granted until the day comes that illness or a tragedy strikes us or one of our family members. It's a reminder that we ALL need to cherish every morning that we wake up -- for some tomorrow will never come and that's sadly a fact of life.
I continue to HOPE each and every day for a cure and know how badly it's needed. I still have two tiny nodes/tumors and areas of 'ground glass' in my right lung, which is why my status is "Stable" versus "NED" (No Evidence of Disease). Some day I do hope that my scans will show that I'm NED but for now, I'll take "Stable" and hope that I do not see any "progression" for a long, long time -- hopefully forever, if we find a cure. My next CT Scan coming up later this month and it's always a stressful time, which we in the Cancer world refer to as "Scanxiety".
The downside of the treatments are the long term (likely permanent side effects). I am struggling with relentless fatigue and horrible bilateral leg pain, whcih is most likely a form of Neuropathy often caused from the treatments I've had. Of course, I still also have Fibromyalgia and that has complicated some of my pain issues. My right hip is in bad shape and should be replaced, but having so much pain in my left hip (had the replaced just before my cancer diagnosis), I'm not eager to go through the surgery again. Ironically that surgery was only 4 weeks, before I learned I had Stage IV cancer and in some ways I feel like having it was a "jinx" -- How did the miss seeing the cancer during my pre-op testing and also on the chest xrays I had during and before the surgery? I've given up on trying to go back and figure it all out and I know the outcome can never change, but I really do not want to have to be tied up for 6-8 weeks again. Maybe after the new baby arrives, I'll consider it later, but for now, I'd much rather enjoy my time with Harper!!
As for HAPPY news! My precious grand-baby (Harper) is now two and is so much fun. My little LOVE who brings great joy and happiness into my life. She can now talk and I just LOVE it when she calls me "Nanni" or says Hi, Bye Nanni, or Love you, Nanni...she melts my heart. Here are couple recent pictures.
March 2019
First Birthday!
She wore a "Unicorn Princess Dress"
Harper and Nanni !!
Playing with SnapChat
I am also thrilled to announce that we are now expecting our second Grand-baby and Harper will be a Big Sister to another sweet Baby Girl, due to arrive on the 4th of July!
Big Sister Announcement!!
I babysit for Harper 3 afternoons a week and totally LOVE it and the time I'm spending with her. She's such a good girl and that's why it's easy for me, not to mention it pushes me to get up and get out those three days, which is so important. Some days it can be exhausting, but she's so worth it and I absolutely love the bond we share. Now I can't wait to meet her little sister, so that I can also watch her grow and spend time bonding with her. Harper has been a HUGE inspiration in my cancer battle and I know her baby sister will be an added LOVE to add to my life. Grand-babies are truly gifts and other than being a MOM to my two boys, being a Nanni adds even more LOVE and Happiness...it's awesome.
I just returned from a wonderful 10 day trip out to San Diego to see my oldest son and also attend the wedding of one of his childhood friends, who also lives in San Diego. I had a great time, as always, but it was harder to get around with the Neuropathy, but I took my cane and did well. I did really miss being able to dance at the wedding, but still enjoyed that warm wonderful weather and we spend a lot of time out and about eating and having fun!!
This is a picture of me taken the day of the wedding. I felt really good that day and had a lot of fun. It was really a fun-filled trip and I savor every one, because you just never know when and if I may be told, I'm not able to travel or fly. Hopefully that will not come for a very long time.
Here are a few pictures I took in San Diego, I stayed in a wonderful Airbnb up in Little Italy, which is one of my favorite areas. The building in the background of the first picture is where I stayed. It's new since my last trip and is really nice. There is a fun "Plaza" Piazza della Famiglia right outside and they host daily events.
Love seeing Flowers blooming!!
The succulents here are always blooming!!
Ironside Restaurant/Little Italy
Piazza della Famiglia
Little Italy/San Diego
Seaport Village
Looking over towards the Coronado Bridge
Well that's about it for me! Hubby is well and my precious little pups are also doing great. They are always be my side, especially when I'm not feeling great or resting.
Skye and Zeva
Wishing you all well and hoping everyone is Happy, Healthy and Living life!!