Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pink and Polka Dots...

    Pink and Polka Dots seems to be the theme of my cards for today, which were inspired by the latest challenge over at the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge Blog, where the theme this week is "Going Dotty".
     It's been another fun day of coloring and creating in my craft room.   All three cards above were created with digi images and colored with Copic Markers.   

     And I have one more created and inspired by this week's Challenge over at "Cas(E) This Sketch".

     Thanks for stopping by and special thanks for the kind comments.  You are all so sweet and caring and I truly appreciate your kindness and support.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A touch of pink...

   "A Hint of Pink" is the name of the current challenge over at the "Simon Says Stamp" Wednesday Challenge blog and also was the inspiration in the three new cards that I created today.  
     Today, I broke out my "Copic Markers" and colored up these sweet images which are some oldies from my "Digi Image Stash".   The first one I have owned for several years and to be honest, I'm sorry to say I don't recall where I bought it or the artist's name.  If you happen to know, please share and I'll be happy to add those details.  

    Just about the time I first started cardmaking, digi images were the "newest" thing and I loved that I could instantly go online, buy an image and be able to print it and color it the same day.  It was also right about the time that Copic Markers were becoming very popular and that's also when I started building my collection, which took me many years.   They are a prized possession and something I've never been able to part with --- depsite all my de-stash sales, I'm not sure I can ever give them up.   Today, it was really fun to color again and it brought back memories of just how much I do love to color and how relaxing it can be.    I am not very happy that I never sold my Copic and do hope to continue to color and create.   I feel very much a beginner again, but do hope in time that I'll get back to where I was before!!
    This second card turned out to be my favorite and this digi image is one I know is from Bugaboo Stamps.   I literally own hundreds of Bugaboo images and they have always been some of my favorite.
      This is the card that I am entering into the SSS "Touch of Pink" Challenge.  It also has lots of "Purple" which I'm sure you know is my favorite color and I think that's why I think this is my favorite card for the days.   Again, very much as CAS card and one that I had fun creating.
    My final card is another one where I used my Copics along with another cute little digi by Bugaboo.  
   Another thing I have realized is that I need to set-up a new place to take "pictures" of my cards.  I took this using my cell phone and the lighting is not great, so I need to work on that.  Hopefully, if I can continue to get back into card-making, I can work on that and dig out my nice camera.   In the meantime, I'm in practice mode and just playing around and seeing what I can come up with.
    I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has stopped by and been so encouraging.  I really do HOPE I can continue to slowly improve my skills and may eventually get back to making cards like I did before the Cancer came into my life.    I really do miss it, but I remember now, just how much time and work it takes to create each card, then photograph them, edit, watermark and upload -- Not to mention then writing a blog post!  Kudos to all of you who are doing it daily and even more so to those who make create videos -- You ROCK!   Just doing this took me almost all day--and I am now exhausted.  
  And now it's time to take my Pups out for a little walk before dinner time is here!  Hope you all are having a great week and thank you all again for your support and encouragement.
     I really do feel like a "Newbie" in the card-making world -- but I'm also enjoying time in my craft room and fee happy and happy times are what life is all about!!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Guess what?

    It's been well over a year, probably closer to 18 months, since I have created anything in my craft room.  WOW!!   But, lately, I have started to realize how much I miss making cards, especially this week, after spending $10 on two cars that I didn't even like!  Yikes!!    I had so many cards on hand a one time, and loved sending them to my family and friends -- my supply is pretty much gone.  
     I've also really missing creating, but had lost all my Mojo and also was often too exhausted to be able to focus well on making cards.  But, I'm going to give it a  try and see how I can do with what i still have left in my stash. 
     I was very happy to create these two cards and I admit, the are both very simple and basic.  I also do not have any "current" or "new" stamps or supplies, so I am using favorites that I just was never able to give up.   Luckily, I still have quite a bit and it feels nice to put some of my "goodies" to use again. 
     I decided to start by looking for a Challenge as my inspiration and hopped on over to the a2z Scrapbooking Blog, where I found the challenge for May is "Sentiment Focus" which as just the inspiration I needed to make two Birthday Cards.   I knew that I wanted to use one of my favorite "Hero Arts Stamps", so this challenge was perfect for me.   

Hero Arts Rubber Stamp HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU F6068 Preview Image

     Hope to be back more and more and to slowly build up my skill again and also a nice supply for cards for my friends and family.

     Before I go, I also want to share a new picture of my little "Harper Leigh" who is such a LOVE in my life.    I hope to start babysitting for her from time to time, once Acacia returns to work.  This picture was taken last weekend, while she was "playing" in her new activity center.  She is such a sweetie and I love and savor every moment I have with her!   

   Hope to see you all more often and really hope I can continue to create and once again enjoy the hobby I so loved!!!  Wish me luck!!

 PS:  As for my Cancer Battle -- my latest CT Scan in March showed that I am currently NED (No Evidence of Disease) which was awesome news.   I will be re-scanned at the end of June and for now remain "Off Treatment".   It is very exciting to be NED once again, however, I have been here before and found it to be very short lived (my lung tumor was back only three months later, and was even more aggressive).  This time, I hope the Immunotherapy treatments will give me a much better and longer chance of staying NED for the long term.   As always I still HOPE we will find a cure for Stage IV Metastatic Cancer!  Until that day, I'm taking One Day at Time!! 

A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".