As for me, I'm doing okay -- still fighting the dreadful Cancer Battle and taking each day as the come. I am scheduled for my latest round of CT Scans this week which is always a bit stressful. In early September, due to side effects from my Opdivo, (Immunotherpay Infusions), I developed Pneumonia, which required me to stop treatment, once again. This is the third time I have had issues with side effects that are known to cause Pneumonia / Pneumonitis. Thankfully, mine has been low grade, (asymptomatic) and has not required hospitalization or any steroid treatment. But, it's is a bit nerve wrecking to have Cancer and not be able to treat it. As you may remember I've already been through Chemo and Radiation and even though I was cancer free last summer for a short time, the Chemo stopped working, which often happens with Stage IV Cancer. Currently, this is the ONLY available treatment and despite the side effects, it has worked well in reducing the size of my lung tumor and has kept the cancer from spreading. I'm also grateful that the specialized form of radiation I had for my brain tumor, worked perfectly and there has been no recurrence of that! If the scans are clean and the pneumonia is gone, then I will be able to re-start my treatment again. If not, (well I don't want to go there now), but it will not be good and may mean that I will need to consider a clinical trial) and to be honest, having had such issues with FDA approved treatments, a trial is very scary! So for now, I plan to remain very positive!! I am still determined to fight this battle and continue to hope every day for a new treatment option or cure.
Sadly, my Oncologist, who I adore, will be leaving this area and when I see her Wednesday it will be our last appointment. I literally cried when she told me last month and I know I'm going to miss her terribly! It's hard enough to be in this battle, but even worse if you do not feel 100% confident with your team. Thankfully because of the close relationship we have established she plans to give me her private email and told me that I can feel free to keep in touch and contact her with any questions or concerns that may come up. She will now be affiliated with Dana Farber Cancer Institute, which is a fantastic opportunity for her and know this is really a wonderful thing for her, so in that way I am happy, but still wish she wasn't' leaving. She will now be more focused on research, particularly Thoracic Oncology which is perfect for me. Dana Farber (Boston) is where I went for my second opinions, when I was originally diagnosed. She will be in their South Shore division, which is even further away. I do plan to keep in touch and won't hesitate to travel to see her, as needed for second opinions. However, it's simply much to far to travel for my bi-weekly appointments, labs, tests and infusions. I love that I ahve been able to have my care at my local hospital, (I once worked there, so I knew it well and feel so comfy there). I also really love their Oncology unit and the nursing staff. To have to commute 4-5 hours (round trip) is simply not an option. Sigh....
I still miss creating very much, and really had hoped by now I would have more energy, and start again, but that is not happening. I still have lots of goodies to sell and will continue to fill boxes and add them to my blog. If you are looking for any particular items, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks as always for stopping by and for your caring thoughts!! Big Hugs to you ALL!!