I saw my wonderful oncologist today, (
Dr. Sunkara), who I just adore and was very happy to learn that I'm doing well and my blood-work continues to improve. I was there today for a Pre-Chemo appointment and will be having my Chemo tomorrow morning.
Since we will be going out to San Diego for Thanksgiving, I was delighted to find out the I am doing so well, that I can now "skip" a chemo appointment or simply have it a week or so later. I am also super excited because she also told me I can plan to go out there for a month or more, which is something I may do, IF we start to have another awful winter, new in New England. After last year, and also still dealing with Fibromyalgia and Disc Disease, I truly HATE winter and each year seems to get harder and harder! I have more pain, feel awful and can never seem to feel warm. We've heard some "long range" forecast that say we are in for another Winter, just like that....UGH!
So...now with a "Free" Round Trip ticket I have coming from Jet Blue Miles, I know I can plan to go out...and then simply stay for an few weeks or even a month. Dr. Sunkara told me, she could also arrange for me to have Chemo out there, IF I needed or wanted to stay longer. Yippee!
Now, I am HOPING to search for a Rental for a month, in the San Diego "Downtown" area. Ideally, if I can find a nice furnished 1-2 Bedroom, that's my goal. I have excellent references and do own my own home, so IF you know any real estate agents of ANY rentals in January or February, Please Share. Hoping I'll find a place with an extra bedroom or "sleeper" couch, so I can invite friends to come out and stay with me for a week or so. That way Hubby and even Alex and Acacia.
I'm so excited and will look up some "people" and places when we go out next month. I am thrilled that Alex and Acacia are coming with us and that I'll be having "Thanksgiving" with both my boys for the first time in a LONG time!
I'm feeling much better now and back to created and have gone back to designing for the
a2z Scrapbooking Store, which I Love. I went to a one-day card-making retreat -
ArtLoftRetreat down in RI, his past Sunday and I'm also off to the
Simon Say Stamp "CREATE 2015" big event for 4 days, starting October 22nd. One of my dear craft friends, from Virginia (Pat Crank) is coming too and we'll be sharing a room at the Hotel when all the classes and events are hosted. I also have some old friends that live up in Montville (near Cleveland) and they too are coming down to the Hotel that Weekend, so we can get together, have dinner and hang out a bit. I have not seen "Frank and Karen" in over 25 years..so this is a huge treat. We have even lost touch for several years and I was lucky to find Karen on Facebook about three years ago. We've been trying to plan some sort of get-together and has talked about driving to Upstate NY (the halfway point for us both) and meeting for a weekend..but 'driving is still way too exhausting for me. I'd much rather fly anywhere and be there fast. I can't wait to seem them and Pat, not to mention be part of this amazing event.
That's my update and as you can tell I'm still in
"Remission" and doing well. Still have to have the one type of "Chemo" and talk lots of meds, so I'm not 100% yet and don't exactly feel like my "ole" self, but I hope in time that will come back!!
Overall.....I feel like I've been Blessed with a Miracle to be doing this well in six month. I still have what is consider "Incurable" but treatable Cancer, which I why I'm doing the Chemo and CT Scans every 90 days. I have that coming up next and pray it is as good as the last time! WOOHOO! Thanks again for all the prayers, cards, phone calls, emails and your wonderful SUPPORT!!