Tuesday, October 27, 2015

SimonSaysStamp Create ROCKED!!!!!

And, I loved every minute I spent with all the wonderful people out at the SimonSaysStamp Create 2015 event.   FUN!! FUN!!! FUN!! and you can bet I'll be signing up for the next one, which I did hear may be tentatively planned for May of 2016.

First and foremost, SSS did an fantastic job of setting up the event and making it run perfectly.  The in-house store was amazing and the SSS Staff on hand for the event, were over the top.  So kind, friendly and eager to help out in any way.   They all worked long hours and did an amazing job...Kudos to each and every member of the SSS Team!  I was especially excited to meet Jesta, who was so helpful with me in making my hotel arrangements and making sure that my friend, Pat (who traveled up from Virgina, to meet me) was also put in the same Group for Classes.  I loved all of the group and was also super excited to meet Lorraine, who I have known as part of the wonderful SSS Design Team.  I was thrilled that she traveled from her home in Malta to be there and loved all the Make and Takes she demoed for us!   Hugs to you Lorraine, it was a pleasure to meet you.   Heidi is also a delight and this was my second tim meeting her, but I also had the opportunity this time to meet her Hubby, Jason and her adorable daughter!  They are area a dear family and I feel like Heidi, is now a friend!!  

I also LOVED meeting Jennifer McGuire again, and really enjoyed spending time with her throughout the weekend.  She is as sweet as can be and has been a wonderful supporter to me, during my Cancer battle.  I adore her and truly think she is amazing in every way...another gal I am honored and very proud to consider as a dear friend.  Love you Jennifer and thank you for everything.

Kathy Racoosin is another friend, who I was happy to finally meet.  I love her wonderful talent, and am an avid fan of her, her blog and her amazing coloring skills.  It was so nice to spend time with her and to have her in the classroom as a helper and also to create make and takes with her.  Her coloring is even more spectacular in person.

Laura Bassen is so FUN!  It was a thrill to meet her this weekend and just laugh with her.  She's the funny girl of the group and just makes you smile and laugh.  Loved her class, the cards we created and having the chance to make an amazing "Pillow Box" in her signature "Plaid" design.   My thanks again to Laura for the adorable card she sent to me just a couple weeks ago.  She, like Jennifer and Kathy have been so caring during my cancer battle and it's people like these ladies and so many others in my life, that make this bearable and help me to feel better and fight on!!  

It was also my first time meeting Shari Carroll, who is another favorite designer.  They picked the cream of the crop for this event and I loved the amazing canvas we created in Shari's second class...see pics below.  I also love that Shari shared all kind of fun techniques with us and loved that she also taught a card class on day one.

The newest designer I met, was Kelly Marie Alvarez, of Lawn Fawn and she is another gem.   Very sweet and also very generous, as she gave us lots of wonderful goodies from her company.  I already was a fan of Lawn Fawn, but did not know Kelly Marie, all that well.  I'm now very happy to have met here and will now follow her and Lawn Fawn even more.  The cards were made in her class were adorable and are as cute as those I recently created at the LoftArt Retreat.  

And last, but by no means least, it was a blast to meet Kristina Werner, who like the others I adore and have followed for years. I think it's a tie between her and Jennifer as to which designer I've followed the longest...but I go back to the Two Peas days with both and back when Jennifer was still traveling and teaching for Hero Arts.  Kristina is amazing, but you all already now that and it I loved that she and Jennifer did a class together.  They are a perfect team and I can see why they are such dear friends and why the Online Card Classes are such a huge hit and so successful.  Oh and speaking of OCC, I have already signed up for the next class -- Holiday Style,  which starts on November 9th!!

Here are just a few of the projects we created this weekend!  I'll start with the wonderful Canvas that was designed by Shari.  This photo is actually a photo of her completed project.  Mine is not quite done, but I'll be sure to share it soon.

 And this is one of my favorite cards, which features a brand new set of stamps from Hero Arts, that they so kindly "gifted" to each of us at the event.  This set is due to be released on November 1st, and you will be able to buy yours over at the a2z Scrapbooking Store.  It's all about Kindness and I think it's going to be a HUGE hit!!  You'll see in in this picture over on my Instagram page!You can even use my DT promo code LISAH15 to save 15% off any order of $25 and up (excluding shipping)!   ENJOY!!

This sweet little tag was made at a Demo that Jennifer McGuire did for us, using 
the wonderful Minc machine and I already own and love!!

And these are a few little technique goodies I created with Shari and Lorraine!

Followed by this wonderful "Birthday" Shaker card that we created in Shari's Card class.  This is another favorite and I love how we used the "Fuse Heat Tool" to make our sequin pockets, a great tip and a super easy way to make Shaker cards.  Having the Fuse will make them a breeze now!  YAY!!

  You can find lots more pics from the event on my Instagram page and I LOVE new followers!  Come on over and follow me HERE!!

   My special thanks again to all the SSS Team and too all these wonderful designers who made my weekend perfect!  You can bet that I'll be planning go back to CREATE again and if rumors are true, it sounds like it is tentatively being planned for May of 2016!   WOOHOO!  I'll be there...God Willing!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

And I am off.....

...and by the time you read this, I'll be in  flight heading to Columbus, Ohio to attend Simon Says Stamp CREATE 2015 !  Woohoo!

create2015_master 250

  I had wanted to attend this event when it was held back in the Spring of 2014, but it just did not work out and was sold out, pretty much instantly.  Luckily, as soon as I heard it was being hosted this year, I started making plans and I'm thrilled that it's finally here.  I'm also super excited to be meeting up with friends, one of which is my dear craft friend, Pat Crank, who will also be flying in from Virginia and will be my roommate and classmate for the entire weekend.  We both met about 7 or 8 years ago in a fun online craft community and have been friends ever since.  I can't begin to tell you how many truly wonderful friends I have met through the "craft" world and they are some of the kindest and most caring people ever.  I also met Pat, once before when we both attended a fun craft retreat down in Baltimore a few years ago.  I'm so happy that she wanted to go too and am very much looking forward to spending time with her again.

  On top of that I have two friends (Karen and Frank Majewski), who live up in the Cleveland area and they too will be coming down to the Hotel so we can hang out and have dinner on Saturday.  I have not seen either of them for over twenty five years, so this is also very special.  As a matter of fact, I actually lost touch with them for several years and then just about two years ago, "found" Karen on Facebook and we starting keeping in touch again.   It will be so fun to see them after all these years.  

  Plus, there will be a whole bunch of great "friends" from the craft community, that I've been dying to meet, included several the amazing designers who will be teaching this weekend.  I have had the pleasure of meeting and taking classes with Jennifer McGuire, when she came to my LSS "Absolutely Everything" to teach a few years ago.  I adore her and am one of her number one fans.  Now not only do I get to see her again, but I will also be meeting and takings classes with Shari Carroll, Kristina Werner, Laura Bassen and Kelly Marie!   How cool is that.   I'm also planning to meet up with Kathy Racoosin, who I think is a superstar when it comes to coloring.  Even though Kath, is not teaching at the event this year, she'll be there and we have plan to get together ...we've wanted to meet for a long time, and that makes this weekend so special to me.

  I feel totally blessed to know these wonderful ladies and they have all been so kind to supportive during my cancer battle.  They have sent me some stunning cards, all of which I'll cherish forever.  I'm very lucky to call them my 'friends' and truly feel they are some of the best people, I've ever met...thank you all for being so sweet to me...and for all the hugs, thoughts and prayers.  There is not doubt to me that the power of prayer, positive thinking and fantastic doctors, has helped me win my battle!   I'm one lucky lady and feel very fortunate!!

  If YOU are going to CREATE, or planning to come by the Conference Center to do some shopping at the onsite "Simon Says Stamp" store, please look me up!  You can reach me via email or on Facebook!  Feel free to message me !  I hope to meet lots of my wonderful online friends!!  

  Wishing everyone who is going SAFE and HAPPY travels!   I'll be posting some updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!   Stay Tuned!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Happy News...

   I saw my wonderful oncologist today, (Dr. Sunkara), who I just adore and was very happy to learn that I'm doing well and my blood-work continues to improve.  I was there today for a Pre-Chemo appointment and will be having my Chemo tomorrow morning.

   Since we will be going out to San Diego for Thanksgiving, I was delighted to find out the I am doing so well, that I can now "skip" a chemo appointment or simply have it a week or so later.  I am also super excited because she also told me I can plan to go out there for a month or more, which is something I may do, IF we start to have another awful winter, new in New England.  After last year, and also still dealing with Fibromyalgia and Disc Disease, I truly HATE winter and each year seems to get harder and harder!  I have more pain, feel awful and can never seem to feel warm.   We've heard some "long range" forecast that say we are in for another Winter, just like that....UGH!

  So...now with a "Free" Round Trip ticket I have coming from Jet Blue Miles, I know I can plan to go out...and then simply stay for an few weeks or even a month.  Dr. Sunkara told me, she could also arrange for me to have Chemo out there, IF I needed or wanted to stay longer.  Yippee!

  Now, I am HOPING to search for a Rental for a month, in the San Diego "Downtown" area.  Ideally, if I can find a nice furnished 1-2 Bedroom, that's my goal.  I have excellent references and do own my own home, so IF you know any real estate agents of ANY rentals in January or February, Please Share.  Hoping I'll find a place with an extra bedroom or "sleeper" couch, so I can invite friends to come out and stay with me for a week or so.  That way Hubby and even Alex and Acacia.

   I'm so excited and will look up some "people" and places when we go out next month. I am thrilled that Alex and Acacia are coming with us and that I'll be having "Thanksgiving" with both my boys for the first time in a LONG time!

   I'm feeling much better now and back to created and have gone back to designing for the a2z Scrapbooking Store, which I Love.  I went to a one-day card-making retreat - ArtLoftRetreat down in RI, his past Sunday and I'm also off to the Simon Say Stamp "CREATE 2015" big event for 4 days, starting October 22nd.  One of my dear craft friends, from Virginia (Pat Crank) is coming too and we'll be sharing a room at the Hotel when all the classes and events are hosted.  I also have some old friends that live up in Montville (near Cleveland) and they too are coming down to the Hotel that Weekend, so we can get together, have dinner and hang out a bit.  I have not seen "Frank and Karen" in over 25 years..so this is a huge treat.  We have even lost touch for several years and I was lucky to find Karen on Facebook about three years ago.  We've been trying to plan some sort of get-together and has talked about driving to Upstate NY (the halfway point for us both) and meeting for a weekend..but 'driving is still way too exhausting for me.  I'd much rather fly anywhere and be there fast.   I can't wait to seem them and Pat, not to mention be part of this amazing event.

   That's my update and as you can tell I'm still in "Remission" and doing well.  Still have to have the one type of "Chemo" and talk lots of meds, so I'm not 100% yet and don't exactly feel like my "ole" self, but I hope in time that will come back!!

    Overall.....I feel like I've been Blessed with a Miracle to be doing this well in six month.  I still have what is consider "Incurable" but treatable Cancer, which I why I'm doing the Chemo and CT Scans every 90 days.  I have that coming up next and pray it is as good as the last time!  WOOHOO! Thanks again for all the prayers, cards, phone calls, emails and your wonderful SUPPORT!!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dream Big...

   Good Morning,

      I can hardly believe that we are already into Mid-October, where does the time go.  I don't know about you, but I do like early Fall and today I'm excited to be here to share a little Sneak Peak of a card I created for this month's FALL themed Challenge we are hosting over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog.

      Please be sure to hop on over the BLOG for all the details on my card, as well as link to upload your projects and for my DT Promo Code which will save you money on any and ALL orders you place at the store.  We have lots of new goodies and also have added quite a few things to our Sale/Retired section, which you'll fine HERE!!  Happy Shopping!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

You are invited....

Inviting you to a very Special Card Drive!  It's called the "Caring Hearts Crad drive" and it's one I love and have taken part in for the past several years.  ALL the details can be found on Vera's Blog -- HERE!  There is also a link that remain on my sidebar through November 28th!   
A special shout-out and Thank-You to the a2z Scrapbooking Store, (I am proud a member of the a2z Design Team), who generously donated a prize to Vera Yates for this annual event.  I am thrilled and so happy that you are one of the supporters of such a wonderful cause.
I also want to remind you or ask you to please remember little Lauryn Newsome (see my side-bar) and kindly continue to send cards to her and her family all year long.  You can keep up to date on Lauyrn and her battle on her Facebook Page -- HERE!

Please mail to Lauryn at:

Miss Lauryn Newsome
PO BOX 172
Thornburg,  VA 22565

Her address is also always on my Sidebar...she loves "Princess themes, Spiderman" and sweet "Girlie Girl" cards and goodies!  
I like to send goodies (stickers etc.,) that she can share with her siblings!  

Lauyrn also has SPECIAL "Go Fund Me" established to help with some of her Medical Costs!   You can find that and donate HERE!! 

NOTE:  On a personal note, I truly understand how much it costs to fight a Cancer Battle.  I'm so grateful that I have met my Deductible for 2015 and that all my care is now covered at 100% for the rest of this year!  Phew!  I also want THANK everyone who kindly donated to my fundraisers earlier this year.    I a now off to PAY it FORWARD and donate to Lauryn!

Mark your Calender....

On Sunday, October 18th at 2 PM EDT, and head on over to the Hero Arts Group on Flickr, where I will be hosting our 120th -- 90 Minute Scramble!   For more details, please go here!

The scramble (like always), is OPEN to ALL and I'm delighted to have a Sponsor for my Scramble!  
 a2z Scrabooking Store has generously donated a $25 Gift Certificate which will be given to one lucky winner--chosen by Random Drawing at the end of the Scramble!  

I will also be giving away a Hero Arts Goodie Bag

And Hero Arts, as always,will be donating a digital prize to another winner!
Hero Arts

We will have three prizes to Giveaway, this time, I'm excited!

I'm working on my theme now and think it's one you will all enjoy!  ALL the details will be posted promptly at 2 PM EDT!   Hope you'll join us for this super fun and creative event.

A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".