Thursday, July 23, 2015

A little vacation...

   Not to worry, I am fine and well, but taking a little break from blogging and card-making while I allow my cancer body to heal and feel better.   I had Chemo this week, so it's always a good week to rest up and next week I am heading back to San Diego to see Brian and Meghan and have a totally relaxing little vacation.

    I am still on Facebook and posting some updates there about my treatment and of course, all my favorite crafty things in life.   I do miss being on the a2z Design Team, but have quickly realized it was a decision that was best for me and my health.

    I'm also LOVING the wonderful new goodies that Hero Arts is coming out with and am especially excited about the new Christmas Release, which you can read about on Hero's Blog.  a2z will have all these goodies in the store, late next week sometime and you can bet I'll bet shopping there for the best prices and super fast shipping.

     And on top of that I am very excited about the new "Background Check" that starts Monday over at the Online Card Classroom.    I'm all signed up and ready to go...hope to see you there!! 

     Lastly, I have some exciting news that I will be sharing on August 1st, so please stay tuned!  I think you'll enjoy what I have to tell you.

     Hugs and LOVE to you all for being such kind, caring and supportive!  I really adore all my craft friends very much and am thrilled to have you all in my life.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sunny Sensational Saturday!!

  After being soooo very sick, it feel absolutely wonderful to feel good again and today is one of those days where the sunshine and bright blue sky makes me feel even better!
  My goal is to continue to rest and relax and work on my organizing and major craft purge.  I also am determined to create more and more each day and have a new card to share now that was created and inspired by some of my favorite challenges.
  The first challenge I am entering is the CAS challenge being hosted over at a2z Scrapbooking, which will always be very near and dear to my heart.  I loved being part of the a2z Design team and still LOVE to follow the challenges and all the posts that the girls share everyday!  I'm also a huge fan of the a2z store and hope you'll be encouraged to shop there often.  You can even use the SUMMERFUN Promo code to save 25% off any order of $25 and up!   Be sure to check out the fun new goodies that just arrived, all in a theme perfect to start on your Christmas cards!!

  This card features one of the newest stamp sets called "Color Layering Graphic Flowers - CL862" which is currently sold out, but due back in stock ANY DAY!!   Many of the new sets are flying out the door, so shop early for the best selection and you can also ask for any set to be custom ordered!  

Color Layering Graphic Flowers - Clear Stamp

  I am also submitting this card to the current challenge over at Virginia's View, which you'll find here!   This one is called "100% Stamped" and is one I LOVE!   Be sure to check out all the fantastic inspiration on Virginia's Blog!

  I used a combination of Hero's new Ombre Inks, along with their shadow inks, which have always been a favorite.  All the inks used on this card are from Hero and can be found over at the a2z Store. Once the inks were dry, I coated them with a layer of sparkle using my "Clear" Wink of Stella Marker and finished off my card with some pretty "Bling" from Prima!  

  And that's it for now, as I head outside to enjoy a bit of sunshine and see how the pups are doig, while lounging in the sun.  They love it as much as I do!!

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

A rough couple of days.............

 Wow!  The battle has been a true challenge these past few days and I have been feeling just miserable.  Lots of intense nausea, light headiness and even some headaches...all on top of relentless fatigue not to mention and pain and stiffness of being in bed this much with Fibro too!  UGH!!

     Waking up this morning and feeling the worst ever, I knew it was time to seek more medical care and I started by calling the Oncology unit where I have my Chemo.   Chris, one of my nurses knew right away by my voices and symptoms that I needed to get in and I then slowly worked on getting dressed, getting Hubby home to drive me and taking care of feeding the Pups and such before I left.  I got there about 10, which as the plan and was started on IV Fluids, which Dr. Sunkura had ordered for me.  Unfortunately, she was at "Beverly" (one of the other Lahey Facilities)m, today and was not here in Gloucester, but she was only a phone call away and still took great care of me.  I also have Zofran (an anti nausea med) by IV and then she ordered a Head CT Scan to make sure the swelling was not worse.  I recently have been tapering off the "Steroids" and this can be a side effect of that.   Once the IV's we in place and I have the Zofran, I started to improve...and boy did that feel great.

   Took a few hours, but I am so happy I went and wound NEVER wait that long again.  The longest part was getting the "Pre-Authorization" from my insurance, but once that came through, I had an appt in CT for 1:30 and that went well. I admit I am a bit apprehensive about this as it's the first CT of my head/brain since I had my Radio-static Radiation and that was planned to be in another few weeks., I am kind of nervous, but HOPING the results will be good.  I will have them in the morning, so keep me and them in our thoughts!

    Now its' about 7:18 PM and I've had some Chicken Soup and still feel good...which is a good sing and I can eat and keep food in and NOT feel worse.  I've also taken more fluids and now have a new RX for Zofran which for me works and sadly the Compazine, was NOT helping ONE from now on I opt for Zofran and HOPE it will always work this well.

    Getting ready to go to bed early and excited that I did NOT have to cancel any plans for tomorrow..because I have cancelled quite a few in the past three days and really want to feel well and be back on track.  One week from now I hope to be at Fenway Park for the Billy Joel Concert with five of my Best BFF's.    We are taking a limo into Boston leaving from here at 3 PM----So excited and will make sure I'm feeling good, so I do NOT miss this event, which has been planned for days now!!

  Hugs to you ALL and thanks so much for your continue support and caring comments
...they really mean so much to me!

THANKS a Million!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th!!!

 Just a short little post to wish everyone a very Happy 4th of July and to wish a Very Happy Birthday to the Good Ole' USA!   
God Bless America!
   When I logged on to Facebook this morning I saw this cute little card sitting on my Timeline and decried to share it.  It's an "Oldie but Goodie" and one I created FOUR years ago, using this cute little dig image from Bugaboo Stamps!
   Being that I'm still feeling lousy (Chemo Nausea), I am trying VERY hard to keep busy to keep my mind off of feeling so yuk.  We had plans to go to a cookout, but the last thing I want to do, is eat or go anywhere.  But, I am making some cards and working on more purging and organizing in my craft room and that seems to be helping me.
   I have two new cards to share, both were created for challenges.  The first is for the CAS Challange over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog!   It's FUN to actually be "playing" in the challenge and I hope you'll join me.

  This card is also being submitted to the latest challenge over at (Cas(E) This Sketch, and was inspired by this sketch!

  My second card is for the current SSS Flick Challenge and you can find more details on BOTH of these cards over in my Flickr Photostream!   GO HERE!!  

   That's it for now!  Hope you all have a wonderful 4th and a nice weekend too!   Thanks for all the Hugs and Well Wishes!   They do help and mean a lot to me!!

   Afternoon Update:  I have one more card and this one was inspired by Kimberly's Card over at the MuseChristmasVisions Challenge!   

Additionally, this card is also being shared in the June CAS Challenge
over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog!  Featuring Hero's CL113 Merriest Wishes Stamp Set!!  This card would be fabulous using the new "Red Ombre Hero Ink"...!  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

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Friday, July 3, 2015

Guess What!! Super NEWS!!

The TUMOR has shrunk!!!  Yes, it is true and we were ALL thrilled to hear this news.  I had Chemo # 3 on Tuesday and was delighted to find out that we had this good news first.

  I am also excited because its' so soon and was not truly expected.  Now I hope that it will c continue to shrink more and maybe I will not have to have up to 20 more treatments?

 I'm also excited to have booked my next flight to Cali and will be off to visit Bran and Meg on July 29th for a very relaxing visit...ALL rest time and meg and I plan to go to the beach or hanging at one of the Hotel pools!  We'll use hats and an umbrella for me and the weather should be perfect

  Special  thanks for tall the KIND wishes, prayers and thoughts...!   I believe they all helped !!!

A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".