Sunday, May 31, 2015

A quick little post...

  Happy Sunday!
   Today, I have a quick little post where I'm here to share a card that I created this morning for two fun fun challenges!  
     The first is the newest challenge over at Cas(E) This Sketch!
CTS Sketch
And the second is the new Color Theme Challenge over at My Favorite Things!!

My Card

   I decided to combine both Challenges and created this fun little card to enter!  I used a variety of stamps and colors and was easily able to make this cutie in about 30 minutes.  I LOVE it when a card goes together that fast.    My stamps are from Lawn Fawn and Hero Arts.  The inks are all Hero Arts Shadow Inks, LOVE THEM, which you can find HERE at the a2z Srapbooking Store!

   That's it for today!   We leave shortly to bring Skye to Dog Sitter, my dear friend Arleen, who will be taking care of her while we are off to SAN DIEGO!  I can't believe that we leave in less than 48 hours now!   I am so excited and can hardly wait to see Brain and Meghan!   YIPPEE!   Cali HERE we come!  

    Have a SUPER SUNDAY!   I know we will!!
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Friday, May 29, 2015

A sensational Friday!!

  Today, was wonderful -- Friday is often my "Pampering" Day -- I often go to have my hair styled and then sometimes have a Mani or Pedi.  Today, I had a nice relaxing Blow-out, (Thanks Madison) and had my nails done by, Heather -- all at my favorite Hair Salon,  - Nicole Renee's --right here in my little hometown of Rockport, a very pretty coastal town where I lived all my life.

   You sometimes forget just how lucky you are and just the other night Hubby and I were out having an Ice Cream down the beach, when I remembered just how lovely this area is.  Here are a few pictures to show you!!  

Image result for rockport, ma images

     Of course, these are all SUMMER pictures, in the WINTER, the boats are all out of the water, the beaches are closed and frozen solid and all the fun little shops on "Bearskin Neck" are closed and boarded up!  It's NOT nearly as fun and one reason that I really do NOT enjoy the winter or the cold.


   Moving on.........I have two new cards to share with you and the first one was inspired by the latest challenge over at "Addicted to CAS",  always a favorite!   

Code Word
My Card

     "I Wuf You", is one of the adorable sentiments from this new Hero Arts Stamp Sets you can find over at the a2z Scrapbooking Store!   I am LOVING all these wonderful new fun animal sets that Hero just realized!  This set is called  - Animal Messages -- CL870 and it's perfect for me!

!Hero Arts Animal Messages CL870 Clear Stamp Cat Dog Sheep Rabbit Mice Deer Panda

    The doggie die is also new and I picked it up at "Top Dog Dies" a new store I found through Kymona, the DT Coordinator at a2z.    Thanks Kymona -- Great store!  If you head over to TOP Dog and do any shopping, please tell them that I referred you and be sure to do the same for your friends! 

     My second card is was created for fun and I used it to color with my new Zig Markers!  Love them and love all the great videos on them you can see on Jennifer McGuire's BLOG!  Hop on over NOW for you chance to win a set she is giving away.  

Bazzil Cardstock*
    * We can special order "Bazzil Cardstock" over at a2z, please ask for a Custom Order if you are interested!   Love it and it works so well with the Hero Arts Papers!  

      I am off now to relax a bit and send out a "PAY it FORWARD" goodie box to a gal I met in one of my Facebook Groups.  She mentioned not having any new stamps / supplies so several of us are now putting together "RAK" packages for her!   If you are interested in helping out, please go to Facebook, join this GROUP and look for our posts.   

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

A wonderful PAY it FORWARD!

Sharing a very special VIDEO and STORY!

I am so touched by the kindness of the wonderful family that did this for our very own,
Princess Lauryn!

...And when you are done watching, please take a minute to create or buy a card and send it off to Lauryn!   Tell her you saw her story and LOVE her NEW car!

Please send your cards to:  

Princess Lauryn Newsome
P. O. Box 172
Thornburg, VA 22565

More on Lauryn and her story is over on my SIDE BAR!


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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Flowers, Gardens and Pups!

Lots of my all time favorite things!  Happy to be here to share a bunch of new pictures with you today!  I'll start with pictures of my wonderful new gardens and flowers!  ENJOY!!

     I am also super Happy to have two new "Doggie themed" cards to share, both of which were inspired by the latest Challenge over at "Addicted to CAS" -- I hope you'll also come on over and play!  I was thrilled with this week's theme and had a blast making this two cards!!   

My Cards

    As you might be able to guess...I used some of my new Heidi Swap images, along with her fabulous FOILS !  Love love love this wonderful product line!   Check it out....I'll bet you will LOVE it too! 

  If you want to purchase the machine or supplies -- PLEASE let me know -- I found fantastic deals!   We we can also special ORDER these goodies for through at the -

Please feel free to PM me for pricing and more info!

I also am HONORED to now be the 
Assistant DT Coordinator!

For the a2z Scrapbooking store!  Excited to be creating with Kymona in my new role!

Thanks for the opportunity!  I LOVE IT and was thrilled to accept this new role!  

      Thanks for visiting!  I'm heading back to the Mask-erade Class next!  Today's class, as always, is fantastic and I hope I may have time to create and upload a new "Masked" card a bit later!  Having a wonderful day of creating--just what I needed after a not so great day yesterday! 

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day One - Mask-erade Class1

Oh BOY!   I am already in LOVE with this class and it's only DAY 1!   The very first card and Video that Kristina shares was fantastic!   I also LOVE the fun "Inking" techniques that Laura Bassen shared and I was inspired by her Inking and Masking to make this card!

Mask-erade Class
Day 1

  Not only did I have fun inking and masking up my background with a Combo of Distress Inks and Hero Shadow Inks...but I also combined that along a new Hero Stamp Set and was quickly able to create this very Fun and Vibrant card!    I used one of the newest Hero/Basic Grey Sets, this one called J'Adore Hello Love CL828!  You'll find it in stock now over at the a2z Store!  

Hero Arts BasicGrey J'Adore Hello Love Cl828

    And now I am heading back over to the Classroom to share this card in the Gallery and also check out the next video which was created by Debbie!   Fun FUN FUN!    Hope you are in class and loving it as much as I am!!

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Little Lauryn's Card Drive!

   Just wanted to thank everyone who has asked about Little Lauryn and her Card Drive.  I also have now updated my sidebar with a link that will also take you over to Lauryn's Facebook Page.  For some reason, it went missing and some gals did not know we had that page for her too!

    Lauryn is a sweet little girl battling "Childhood Leukemia"...currently she is in Remission and doing excellent, but she does get sick from time to time and will be under medical care (like me) for quite some time.  She has an AMAZING team of doctors and if you do visit her page, you can see that she's a well-loved patient, who has touched the heart of so many.

Early treatment days--
Always smiling!!!

    I would LOVE for her to have a new card in her PO Box daily and hope you'll consider sending her one when you can.   She LOVES Princesses and Spiderman is one of her favorite characters! Her private mailing address is:

Miss Lauryn Newsome
P.O. Box 172
Thornburg, VA 22565


Lauryn and Family!  
May 2015

    With Operation Write Home ending very soon -- many cardmakers were looking for sites and places to send cards ---  Lauryn is a personal favorite for me and her family and I are personal friends.   I met her Grammy - Linda Payne two years ago at a Craft Retreat I attended in Baltimore and it's my pleasure to do what I can to put a smile on this sweet girl's face!!  Your cards will make it even brighter!!!

     Thank you to everyone who sends her a card and keeps \
her and all of her family in your thoughts and prayers!   

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Lots of Creative fun!!

   Happy Memorial Day Weekend!     I am excited to be sharing some of the my latest cards, most of which were all inspired by some of my favorite challenges!

    My first card today is one that was created for today's OWH Blog Hop, which sadly will be the last of the HOPS and big events for the OWH Group.  IF you have not heard, OWH will is winding down and card collections end very soon.  You can read more about this and how to play in the HOP -- HERE!   The theme for the hop is Red, White and Blue and I created this little HERO Card using one of my digital images from Baby Bud Designs!  An oldie but goodie, back from the days I was part of the Baby Bud Team!

  My next two cards were created for the "Seize the Birthday" challenge which is one that is pretty new to me, but a great idea!    One is for a "Puppy" and one is for a "Person".....I could not decide which to enter, so I am entering BOTH!  

      And moving onto the next Challenge, this card is one that I created with some Watercolors, which was extra fun.  It was inspired by the latest "Cas(E) This Sketch" challenge!  

My last card is one that I created for my God-Daughter's son, (Cam), who just Graduated from the Air Force and then Firemen's School.   He is happily home for a visit on leave and we will be celebrating with him and the family tomorrow!   We are all so very proud of him !   He is also the Grandson of my BFF, Julie and I'm sure you my know her name!  

    Before I go, I want to remind you to stop on over at the a2z Scrapbooking Blog, where Kelly shared some fabulous new cards created for OWH, using some of the newest HERO goodies.  You can find all the latest stuff in the a2z Store!   

Happy Shopping and I hope you ALL have a fantastic day!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Wednesday! Hump DAY!!

    I am happy to be up bright and early and looking forward to a nice relaxing and creative day!   I have two new cards to share this morning and both were created for some new Challenges
     The first card was created for this week's MUSE Challenge and I loved that they chose a "Dog" theme!   I also adore the card the Marion created as this week's MUSE, she is very talented.

Marion's Card
My Card

I won an "Honorable Mention"  Badge for my MUSE Card
Thanks everyone!  I am truly HONORED!


  My next card was created as part of this month's Card Chain, which is monthly card swap hosted to by Deb Nolan.  You can find it HERE and everyone all over the world is invited to take part.  I love it and am happy to back after missing a couple of months.   Deb provides all the inspiration and will also provide you with the address, when it time to mail your cards!    LOVE this SWAP and Hope YOU will now too!
My Card -- Based on this month's Sketch Idea!


    As you can see I didn't copy the exact sketch, but instead used it as inspiration and that is what it's all about!    Come on over and join us, I love every card I have every received and LOVE that they are from all over our wonderful world!!


   And I am back with a third card inspired and created for this week's CASology Challenge, which you'll find HERE!   The cue for this week is "WEDDING"!!

  This is my card which is all about LOVE and the perfect card for any happy couple!   Hope you like it, it was a fun one to create!

  I have one more card to share and this one was created and inspired by the newest "Anything Goes" Challenge HERE!    I used a variety of Echo Park Papers for this one....they are one of my faves!!

Happy Crafting!!
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A Little About Me

My photo
Northeastern, Massachusetts, United States
Purple is my favorite color and ironically - Purple is the Awareness Ribbon color for Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness I lived with for over 18 years. In, March of 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer which had spread to my brain. I am fighting hard to win this battle and determined to beat it. I have a amazing Oncology Team, along with the LOVE and SUPPORT of all my family and friends! I am a Mom to two grown sons, Alex is now 25 and married to Acacia, my wonderful new "Daughter" and the parents to my precious Grand-Daughter Harper, and Brian amazingly is 30 and now lives in San Diego. My boys are the greatest loves of my life. Hubby, me and our two "Pups", Skye and Zeva, two adorable Chiweenies we rescued in 2012, all live very happily in a tiny coastal town in Massachusetts. We lost our dear "Scoutie", a Purebred Dachshund, in April of 2015. I still miss him and will forever cherish his memory. I am an avid card-maker and totally love every minute I can spend in my craft room. It's become my passion, a wonderful way to relax and is my form or "therapy".